The online racing simulator
Quote from Psysim :Well, lets reaffirm the term, A "hacker" tends not to do any harm and they wish to be undetected. These are "script kiddies". The difference is they get a kick out of what they do.

Or fukcen' noobs without a life.
hackers are a part of life... whatever game they're lurking
Well, that is what script kiddies tend to be. Often they can't do anything else and they get bored. Its a little like children with behavior problems, its often caused by a lack of stimulation rather than a thirst for productivity. Basically you can compare them to pond skum as they give hacking a very bad name. If they did no harm like proper hackers, would they bother anyone?

There is another active thread about this same issue.
Quote from major_syphillis :hackers are a part of life... whatever game they're lurking

You have a lot to learn about the term "hacker"
I don't know what the devs can do about this, but TC is their next target, they are banning peoples, but TC is trying to get them to play by the rules and all that, they gave me 1,000,000 insim pounds lol. I haven't seen any bans, I see there nice people, but have no lifes, and bothering TC, but TC is getting them to be nice... LC was prolly being arses about the hackers and hackers were prolly like, ok your dead, CYA! I think it was the same time last year that TC went down for hardware failure, and I think there to blame, they attack at one time every year.
LC had a right to be mad, at the end of the day its there servers and game experience that the script kiddies are messing with, you should have to be nice to them just so the server doesn't get fubar'd because they don't have the right to do that.

and the difference between hackers and script kiddies are:

hackers: apply knowledge and experience to actively break into systems and "hack" through firewalls and defenses.

script kiddies: bunch of 12 year olds from 4chan who thing there pro hackers because they can press a .exe for a script.

i have a certain respect for hackers (the ones with honor) like the ones that go after places that rip people off etc, but script kiddies should grow up and get a life - message to the script kiddies if you see this "get out of the basement and get a real life"
I can understand the frustration. even though I take some time to slate LC, this is only because of my bad experience with the host and its officers. I do think its out of order to destroy anyone's hard work. You mention them not having a right to mess with someone's host. The point is on LFS there are no rights, you have the privilege to use LFS not a right, too many people seem to be abusing these privileges. What makes me really laugh is how some of these people consider there exploits to be a skill or form of art. Non of us are 100% innocent of taking advantage at some point in our lives, I myself am a wardriver, however, I feel that what I do does not cause any harm, I simply wish to use the internet when I am away from home. Its inconsiderate exploits that cause a problem, there is no gain from what they do except some self centered satisfaction that must fill a void in a sad and pathetic lifestyle. Maybe they don't get enough attention for loved ones or something similar? Maybe they are green eyed at the fact they can't for some reason have there own host?
And anyway, you cant go online with a cracked version.
I am working on getting my S1, my paypal is about £5 short of it at the moment but it will come with time. It takes a mug to use a crack, it takes an imbecile to admit to it on the forum.
lc servers are totally down and they are making a new insim ive heard. then there will be refunds so write down how many money u have cars u have and km u have
To be hounest people, theres nothing which can be done now. Saying "Devs sort this out now" isnt going to get anywhere. I know for a fact the devs are working on this problem, and they are putting alot of bloody good effort into getting these people.

For the mean time, just sit tight

EDIT: @ Noypoi, the situation last year had nothing to do with any hackers. It was just general hardware failure.
Nice speed by one cheater too. I think its the same guy. He had admin pw too.
oh well guys. If u still want to cruise u can come over to WS
Quote from RacerAsh3 :To be hounest people, theres nothing which can be done now. Saying "Devs sort this out now" isnt going to get anywhere. I know for a fact the devs are working on this problem, and they are putting alot of bloody good effort into getting these people.

For the mean time, just sit tight

EDIT: @ Noypoi, the situation last year had nothing to do with any hackers. It was just general hardware failure.

My name is spelled wrong, I am sure you know I'm kenny, By how many times you had to type my name for admins reasons, and Scawen I believe is taking care of it, hes asked for a mpr, and pipa handed him one, hes checking for packets.
the hacker is on LTC 2 atm
could the hacker rooofl be the one in this mpr cus then we know his user
Attached files
cheater_2.mpr - 227.8 KB - 370 views
lool he didn'T get it already.
roofL and greenboy DONT USES USERNAMES!

nah, go drive on in LC or prove your knowledge sometimes
A fix from developers that should stop hackers with no username

On thread:

YEAH!!!! finally their servers are gone !!!!! YAY
Quote from G!NhO :YEAH!!!! finally their servers are gone !!!!! YAY

Yeah, I have "extracted the urine" too but really, its not funny for them..... Lets take away something you enjoy?
i didnt enjoy much "the noobs" but now i like [TC] lots better.
Quote from G!NhO :YEAH!!!! finally their servers are gone !!!!! YAY

Took a while for you to post.:chairfall
Quote from G!NhO :YEAH!!!! finally their servers are gone !!!!! YAY

Not funny I drove over 2500kms on that server.
Quote from russianfire768768 :Not funny I drove over 2500kms on that server.

Is that all? I made it to the end of the pit lane before I got banned... god knows what I did wrong!
Quote from NoYPiDRiFTER :I don't know what the devs can do about this, but TC is their next target, they are banning peoples, but TC is trying to get them to play by the rules and all that, they gave me 1,000,000 insim pounds lol. I haven't seen any bans, I see there nice people, but have no lifes, and bothering TC, but TC is getting them to be nice... LC was prolly being arses about the hackers and hackers were prolly like, ok your dead, CYA! I think it was the same time last year that TC went down for hardware failure, and I think there to blame, they attack at one time every year.

They didnt do much damage, Just made a little work for our insim developer to remove all the 1million euros greenboy gave to users and the car licenses purchased with those euros by the recipitents

@russianfire 2,500km? is that all? Ive done 32,000KM on TC

@psysim I've yet to be banned by Liberty Cruise, but been subject to abuse from cruisers on their server