The online racing simulator
12 Hours of Kyoto GP: Pre-Race Discussion
As always KY GP has the controversy of the chicane and two other corners related to cutting. Especially the chicane part is where it is possible to cut with little to no negative side effects (suspension damage).

Last year's first qualification became void to those issues, and resulted in the right attached image. For this season we elaborated on that outcome and created a layout for the track to ensure that cutting is restricted to a minimum.

As you can see in the left image, T1 and the two chicanes have poles. Poles don't cause damage or any other hazard to the teams' car, nor will interfere with the overview of a corner and will therefore not be an obstacle in the event someone has to go wide in order to prevent an accident (or any other reason). Based on the contact of the cars with the poles the admins can determine whether someone is cutting or not. In addition the poles can be used by the drivers to visually see what their allowed space is on the track.

To clarify how these poles are used in our decision making as admins:
1) If a team hits one of the poles during qualification, that lap will be void and removed from their fastest lap.
2) During a race the poles will be used to determine whether a team is guilty of 'aggressive cutting'.

Layout is attached and is also loaded on the Masters of Endurance server.

Finally, an PM with all the relevant data (server password etc) will be send to each team this weekend.
Attached images
Attached files
KY3_MoE0809.lyt - 164 B - 285 views
I think that 1st pole is setted too close in chicane.
Attached images
Quote from N I K I :I think that 1st pole is setted too close in chicane.

That would depend on if you count the green behind the colored part of the curb still as curb or already as run-off area.
Quote from three_jump :That would depend on if you count the green behind the colored part of the curb still as curb or already as run-off area.

According to the image posted by MoE - that area appears to be considered as part of the curb.
Quote from joshdifabio :According to the image posted by MoE - that area appears to be considered as part of the curb.

I stand corrected

Apparently the restricted zone seems to mean: restricted for the "inner corner side" tires of the car.

But in general a cool idea to use this layout help
Yes, I was certainly hoping that there would be some kind of layout for this chicane.

Hopefully in the not-to-distant future the chicane will have a touch of realism added to it and will be slowed down a lot.
Shouldn't the restricted zone on the right apex match the one on the left? I.e. green curbing should be "restricted zone" on the right?
(scipy) DELETED by scipy : dont even care.
The primary use of these poles is for qualifying. As stated, moving a pole in qualifying will invalidate the lap in question. Going through a space created by someone else moving a pole will have the same result.

In the race, the poles are there for the admins to more easily assess who is repeatedly cutting in an aggressive manner. Just touching a pole once or twice in the race won't get you a penalty or even a warning. You'll have to be doing it pretty regularly for us to take action.

No worries.

p.s., if it wasn't clear, the attached image of last year's restrictions is for reference only. This year we are using the poles system.
DWB, i dont doubt any of the rules, i just said:
Quote from N I K I :I think that 1st pole is setted too close in chicane.

+ attachments
My reply was more to Scipy's deleted post than to your objection.

The poles are placed where we want them.
If the admins decide (in this year even before the first qualify) that they want to use a layout which seems to be a tad stricter than last year you'll have to accept it, if you like it or not.

The big pro is, that this year it's definatly clear for all how much cutting is going to be allowed and noone can argue against that.

anyway, I wish good luck to all drivers
ok, no problem sir.

In fact after bit of test, layout is ok
Glad to hear it!
Just to be absolutely clear, because I've had a few people ask, the kind of "aggressive cutting" we're talking in the race doesn't mean occasionally knocking down a pole or two... it means knocking down two or more on a repeated basis. Basically, just be smart, keep two wheels on the pavement, and you won't have any problems.

As stated, in qualifying you should not touch the poles at all.
The layout has been edited slightly to make the chicane exit a very small bit wider, allowing you all the possible room while keeping your left tires clean.

The new layout was used in yesterday's qual, is uploaded in the OP, and is loaded on the MoE server.
Quote from JasonL220 :will there be a stream for all the races?

Quote from DeadWolfBones :We're working on that. Expect an announcement soon.

Are there any news about broadcasting?
Would be cool to hear about it something soon.
We do have a method available to broadcast all the races (same as used in the final IGTC round). We're now just finalizing the details for commentators and such.