The online racing simulator
Another Server Hack (no acc name and logs in as admin)
Had this a long while ago, and it is happening again.

Someone logs in, with any nick that they want ,and no username. They are automatically logged in as admin, and reported as so via the insim protocol.

Send Track :
Send Track :
[LTC] MadScot^L left the pits (FXR)
Alive :
Connecting guest still alive
Connect :
Sent OK to new guest
Sent scrutineering packet
Told guests about new guest
A new guest is connecting
Sent guest list to new guest
Sent new user packet
officer•rooofL^L connected (^L)
/msg | officer•rooofL is logged in as admin

#2 - pipa
Rofl and Greenday have been hacking cruise servers lately.
This guy came in as "rooofl" to start with.
I was there when TC Montana had been hacked, he kicked whoever went on the wrong side (maybe it also applied to hitting him as well in the act), even if it was an overtake.
I am going to remember the "no name and shame" rule and just say.... one of those "lame piles of" was in a recent replay using a Tweak to cheat. I don't understand how you can log in with no username?
It's done in a different way this time, 'cause I was still logged in as admin after reconnecting.

I've had a word back from the dev's that it's being sorted
I think racers are happy our cruise servers are going down, I think 720 is putting servers down for precautionary reasons, But They hit TC, when its Savy and Nipper at TC, they don't ban people etc, there nice to us, gave me 1000000 euros. Only precautionary thing to do is to take off insim atleast, so if servers have a hardware failure due to hacking, insim will be there. These guys attacked TC exactly this month last year. Servers were dead for a week due to hardware failure, possibly caused by hacking.
Does anyone have an MPR of this player connecting?

I don't need an MPR of him driving around, the part I want to see is what packets are sent when he connects.

I think after some consideration I have an idea how this is done, and it is of course preventable. I'd just like to check that with an MPR so I have confidence that if I release a dedicated host fixing this, it would actually be a fix.
#9 - pipa
Found one. The replay was recorded yesterday at 21:31:07 (GMT+1).
"Greenday" starts to connect at about 33:30 to 33.35.
I can't provide that kind of replay, however, there is another thread about servers being hacked. I have to wonder if the same methods are being used? I know its [LC] but all the same, it would be great to get to the bottom of the issue.
(Psysim) DELETED by Victor : double post
Scawen, i also saw a guy who drived with -200 kg handicap and -50% intake restriction! It was on mine demo server. Please, fix that too (he ofcourse got bannaned).

BTW, no name is connecting to server via specially maked proxy what changes packets sent to server, right?
Quote from Krammeh :Had this a long while ago, and it is happening again.

Someone logs in, with any nick that they want ,and no username. They are automatically logged in as admin, and reported as so via the insim protocol.

Send Track :
Send Track :
[LTC] MadScot^L left the pits (FXR)
Alive :
Connecting guest still alive
Connect :
Sent OK to new guest
Sent scrutineering packet
Told guests about new guest
A new guest is connecting
Sent guest list to new guest
Sent new user packet
officer•rooofL^L connected (^L)
/msg | officer•rooofL is logged in as admin

He drives round in disabled cars
Caused Spamming when the insim tried to ban him for bankruptcy
Kicked players who "hit him" but then again he hit them
Banned 1 or 2 of the server admins

He's a pest same for greenboy
Rooofl isnt as bad as greenboy tbh though. Greenboy spams with RCM and all that.
Quote from RacerAsh3 :Rooofl isnt as bad as greenboy tbh though. Greenboy spams with RCM and all that.

That reminds me of a TG episode where Clarkson says 'Cyphilis - the best of the STIs '.

'Roofl - the best behaved of the LFS-uber hackers'

They need to be banned permanently from breathing tbh - complete selfish twits.
greenboy and rooofl gave out a lot of insim money.
Quote from pinoykid13 :greenboy and rooofl gave out a lot of insim money.

Omg, they are like Robin Hood. Let's give them free licences instead of banning them from LFS.
Quote from zeugnimod :Omg, they are like Robin Hood. Let's give them free licences instead of banning them from LFS.

Scawen, I did find something possibly related to this hacking. I am not willing to post it on the forum, however, you have private messages turned off.
zeugnimod, cheers...
Quote from RacerAsh3 :Rooofl isnt as bad as greenboy tbh though. Greenboy spams with RCM and all that.

Rooofl is a speedhacker too, Greenboys a better driver than rooofl
Its like greenboy is a AI driver but when it comes to putting a cruise layout down he/it takes it perfectly. I was talking with him in game.

"why are you doing this?"
"Why do you cruise?"

Maybe it is someone who playa lfs and dont like cruisers?
Abit sad but hey!
Quote from zeugnimod :Omg, they are like Robin Hood. Let's give them free licences instead of banning them from LFS.

Quote from Krammeh :Had this a long while ago, and it is happening again.

Someone logs in, with any nick that they want ,and no username. They are automatically logged in as admin, and reported as so via the insim protocol.

Send Track :
Send Track :
[LTC] MadScot^L left the pits (FXR)
Alive :
Connecting guest still alive
Connect :
Sent OK to new guest
Sent scrutineering packet
Told guests about new guest
A new guest is connecting
Sent guest list to new guest
Sent new user packet
officer•rooofL^L connected (^L)
/msg | officer•rooofL is logged in as admin

could it be the guy in this replay... cus then we know his username
Attached files
cheater_2.mpr - 227.8 KB - 554 views