Full Track Maker!!
(44 posts, started )
#26 - JJ72
that's very nice from you. :/
Quote from Goresh :I know alot of ppl who won't even consider buying LFS S2 just for the very fact it can't be modded. Even myself these days, I find the current tracks quite boring, not saying this in a bad way, I've just driven them to death. As a result LFS has sat untouched in months. IMHO its modding that makes or breaks a game, and I really hope the devs don't listen to the small group of closed minded, anti modding fools.

Driven the tracks to death, you got all the WRs for all the track/car combos ? I highly doubt it. I'm constantly learning while I play LFS, I never feel that I've gone as fast as possible.

The reason I don't like modding so much with online games as it hurts the online experience big time. rFactor is the perfect example, mismatches caused by slightly different files and versions. Community can't resist playing newly released low quality mods and then the older ones begin to go unused.

For modding to be successful there needs to be a lot of thought put into how to implement it to be as user friendly as possible. The beauty of LFS is I can be racing online within seconds, no need to go troll through RSC looking for the new version of a track/mod that everyone is playing.

I can't understand how you can say modding can make or break a game. When I've looked at race cast (rFactors stats) the most players online has been roughly 60 while at that same time there is at least 400 on LFS. So if modding makes or breaks a game then rF designed for modding seems to be struggling in the online department.

Quote :Driven the tracks to death, you got all the WRs for all the track/car combos ? I highly doubt it

He said he's bored of them, not that he's Annakin Skywalker.
#29 - Vain
I think there is also concern about crackers when talking about custom content for LFS.
Imagin the situation:
Someone cracks LFS, plays the game in singleplayer and gets bored with the slow AI. What to do now? Either delete the game and never again play this great game or buy it and have fun online. Good as is.
Now put custom tracks into the scene.
Instead of just either leaving LFS or buying the license mister Cracker just downloads 20 new tracks and plays LFS in singleplayer for another half year without considering the license.

So what I'd suggest is a online-validation of custom content. Custom content is downloaded via liveforspeed.net using your account-details, verified within LFS using the master-server and your license and only then loaded.
That means it is impossible to use custom content without a license. But is is also impossible to use custom maps without a internet-connection.

Ya modding sucks, you all need to wake up and smell the coffee. It amazes me how RF is the big comparison. Why not justify your point using another title, say, GPL, or F1C?? Easier to point out a game that sucked from the very beginning instead of looking at anything else. While your stating LFS should not be modded, why not also crusade to have all templates removed from the web, god knows I've gotten some good skins while racing online, but 90% of them are crude, and not up to the LFS standards.
I am in favour of modding as I myself would like to make a few tracks. I even emailed Scawen to ask if he'd let me and to talk about tech details but I got no reply . I envisioned a scenario where i'd make something and it would get included as if an official map, but I think I didn't stress enough it would just be a contribution and not something i'd want money for !

Quality is a huge issue in modding, and yes it's destroyed some games. Likewise it's spawned some games too ... Day of Defeat by Das Jurgen and his crew for instance.

When it comes to quality the bottom line is you're always going to see both ends of the scale the moment you open it up and charging for the tools to abuse the game really isn't the answer, it's just an excellent way of fleecing your users, frankly.

My hope is that all mods would be limited to single player upon release and only useable in multiplayer with dev/mod approval.
Quote from Goresh :Ya modding sucks, you all need to wake up and smell the coffee. It amazes me how RF is the big comparison. Why not justify your point using another title, say, GPL, or F1C?? Easier to point out a game that sucked from the very beginning instead of looking at anything else. While your stating LFS should not be modded, why not also crusade to have all templates removed from the web, god knows I've gotten some good skins while racing online, but 90% of them are crude, and not up to the LFS standards.

No experience with GPL but F1c now that game is just as bad as rFactor. I've never out of a week of trying managed to have a race in a public server. Always finding mismatches and having no idea what authors version I'm looking for.

I never said LFS shouldn't be modded, read my post. I said it needs to be done properly and not a stupid system like most games leaving the user high and dry trying to find mismatches. Just like anything in life it should be user friendly.

The problem I see with the content being available via the devs is licenses. I don't think the devs could realte themselves to the content but they could put a system in place with a disclaimer that they aren't responsible for what the users post

Generally is the best for track making.
What do you think about this:
anyone who want create some real track would have to have permission/licence from track owners and real track data. With this, he'll get tools from developers. After devs approval (and digital signature) track can be downloaded and used in MP.
Fantasy track could make only devs.

Sorry for my english.
Quote from Pablo.CZ :What do you think about this:
anyone who want create some real track would have to have permission/licence from track owners and real track data. With this, he'll get tools from developers. After devs approval (and digital signature) track can be downloaded and used in MP.
Fantasy track could make only devs.

Sorry for my english.

The problem is I doubt anyone in this community could afford a license to create a track. The big companys like EA and Codemasters are the competition in the bidding for the license

Quote from keiran :The problem is I doubt anyone in this community could afford a license to create a track. The big companys like EA and Codemasters are the competition in the bidding for the license


Yes and no. Many tracks owners can give licence (if the sim is perfect as LFS is) for free as promotion of their track. I think czech comunity is probably able to have licence for Most http://www.autodrom-most.cz/eng/index.php
Quote from Pablo.CZ :Yes and no. Many tracks owners can give licence (if the sim is perfect as LFS is) for free as promotion of their track. I think czech comunity is probably able to have licence for Most http://www.autodrom-most.cz/eng/index.php

I still think along the lines of, "nothings free in this world." Great if you can get permission for some tracks but you are not going to get permission for any of the tracks on the F1 calendar and most likely any of the tracks used by the MSA BTCC.

The only tracks that will do it as a promotion are the small tracks that aren't well known, well thats what I think

no track editor. too crazy.
you guys are making this into such a huge deal. getting into huge companys and buying a liscense to make tracks? come on this is getting stupid. all i wanted to do was make a track for me and my friends or anyone else who wants to drive on it.

it seems this idea will never work out since everyone wants to make tracks. the only way i can imagine it working is if each account was only allowed 1 track. if you wanted to make another track you'd have to clear the track you have now and make a new one... but even then.. even if everyone was only allowed 1 track that could still be hundreds or thousands of new tracks. =/
Definately not because that way the few skilled artesans would have their wings clipped and we'd still get a lot of low quality tracks.

I think home-brew tracks should be single player only unless authorised by the LFS team into the full game. It would be nice to have an exception for LAN gaming and also a 3 or 4 player connection for 1 license when LAN gaming.
Quote from Becky Rose :Definately not because that way the few skilled artesans would have their wings clipped and we'd still get a lot of low quality tracks.

I think home-brew tracks should be single player only unless authorised by the LFS team into the full game. It would be nice to have an exception for LAN gaming and also a 3 or 4 player connection for 1 license when LAN gaming.

All suggestions concerning the devs authorizing something etc. fails to note that this means an "authorized" addon track falls under the devs actually selling it, which doesn't really work legally.

Quote from sileighty :it seems this idea will never work out since everyone wants to make tracks.

Really doubt that, think of making a track as something a hundred times more complicated and time-consuming then making a skin, and there's lots of racers who can't even be bothered making own skins.
well i know making layouts for the autocross area and modifying tracks isnt exactly as hard as making my own track from scratch but ive made about 15 good ones in the past week. i find it fun making tracks and would only look forward to using a full track maker to make my own track from scratch. maybe the time consuming process would turn others away from doing it. maybe not as many tracks would be made as we are thinking. or maybe people would half ass their tracks and just make a whole bunch of bad ones. but if people made bad ones then no one would play on them anyways... i dunno i hope something works out so we can have the track maker...
Quote from MorroW :No, please no!

If such a tool will be release...same what happended with rF repeats.
Lot's of low quality tracks with few people racing...lot's of servers with "homemade" tracks etc.

Not a good idea if you want full grid race...drivers just will be splited all around different servers.
Well, they are aleady...but this will make things wors.

If ever developers want to release such a tool...maybe only for few people who can make proper track.

At least in my humble opinion

they should charge money for the devkit like nK Pro is going to do. that way only the serious track makers will shell out the money for the program... (or download the cracked program)
Quote from sileighty :i'm not sure how unreasonable this idea is because i'm sure it would be a hard thing to make but how about a full track maker? you can select a plot size, elevation changes, road, dirt, etc. you would be able to place anything to make a fully customized track. about a week ago i really got into making autocross tracks and this is something ive been dreaming about. the autocross and carpark are just not big enough to make fun tracks. the object limit also tends to get in the way. i'm not even sure if it would be possible since the servers lag with only 512 objects... if there was an entire track with scenery and everything i don't know if it would even be playable. not sure how impossible this would be but it would be GREAT!

You just made a "wrong post"

Full Track Maker!!
(44 posts, started )