The online racing simulator
How can i make a high res Skin
(9 posts, started )
How can i make a high res Skin
Hi all

Ok well i been making skins but people say it looks low res i know if i make in 2048 and then in lfs it looks gd but when i ask others they say it looks bad so this is my question should i make on a 2048 and reduce to a 1024 or just onto 1024 for lfs world

Becuz my team skin wht some other guy made looked so higt res

Hope Someone can explain it more how i can get the skin to look better to others

Thanx Austin
Quote from Austin31287 :Hi all

Ok well i been making skins but people say it looks low res i know if i make in 2048 and then in lfs it looks gd but when i ask others they say it looks bad so this is my question should i make on a 2048 and reduce to a 1024 or just onto 1024 for lfs world

Becuz my team skin wht some other guy made looked so higt res

Hope Someone can explain it more how i can get the skin to look better to others

Thanx Austin

Well, 1. you can buy high res skins on LFSW, 2. if they are simple enough they look high res to everyone
#3 - J@tko
Download the CMX viewer from In there are all the default skins at 2040*2040 res - then edit your skins from there and they will be at higher res. I also think master skinners have some stuff too.
I made a skin at 2048 and put in CMX viewer and it looked gd and then reduce it to 1024 and in CMX viewer is looks all fat
Quote from Austin31287 :I made a skin at 2048 and put in CMX viewer and it looked gd and then reduce it to 1024 and in CMX viewer is looks all fat

Of course it will look all fat, because with 1024 you're squashing the same amount of stuff into half the space .

There is no need to resize them from 2048 -> 1024, unless you intend to upload them to LFS World, which you don't need to do anyway unless you want other people to see your skin. Even if you do upload it to LFSW, keep a 2048 copy for personal use, because it will look better.

Quote from J@tko :Download the CMX viewer from In there are all the default skins at 2040*2040 res - then edit your skins from there and they will be at higher res. I also think master skinners have some stuff too.


How can a skin magically become higher res by editing a 2040 default skin (I thought the defaults were 1024 anyway(?)) ? The higher resolution you have, the more pixels there are, and so, the picture will look sharper because you're not trying to cram the mona lisa into four coloured squares For example, open up a 5x5 pixel page on Paint, and try to paint something detailed. You will find that you can't because the image you are painting onto is of a low resolution, and therefore has a very low number of pixels, and each pixel can only hold a single colour.

I think you're confusing sharpness and high res.
Quote from J@tko :Download the CMX viewer from In there are all the default skins at 2040*2040 res - then edit your skins from there and they will be at higher res. I also think master skinners have some stuff too.

Lies. Look again, they're all 1024x1024.

If you want swanky looking skins then you need to use decent software (Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, Gimp, to name a few).

Then grab the prokits from here and you'll be on your way to making better skins. They're 2048x2048 and have named layers and the ever so handy wireframes so you can line things up a treat and also see what stretches where.

The rest is down to your skills.
i use photoshop but after i made they away come out looking lowres
Quote from Austin31287 :i use photoshop but after i made they away come out looking lowres

When you saved the skin, did you change the quality settings? To get the most out of it, save it at the highest setting (obviously).

Any chance of seeing one of the skins to see how low res they are?
dont have now i delent but when i make again il show you

How can i make a high res Skin
(9 posts, started )