The online racing simulator
New Bales, Xgames and Monster Energy.

Decided to make some new bale textures..... No idea why

Anyway here we go, iv made Xgames and Monster energy bales, so erm yeah,
Extract to your lfs/data/DDS folder.

Uploaded some previews aswell + they are in the RAR anyways

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Xgames Black.jpg
Monster Energy.jpg
Monster + Xgames.jpg
Xgames + Monster.jpg
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Bales.rar - 1.3 MB - 345 views
you should make them sort of a little transparent like a bump map
How and why do you mean transparent?

Btw im a motocross racer so i see a fair lot of trackside bales (and hit a fair few :razz but heres a picture of what they are supposed to be

alltho on my version iv left some hay at the sides, because if you dont and make a full bale cover on lfs it looks like a block of black plastic lol.
Add some 'ripples' to them so they look more like a plastic sheet over the top and not just a black square. A touch of bevel on the edges wouldn't go a miss either. Of course, you could go the whole nine yards and add stitching, metal rings for the rope etc.

Nice try I guess though.
Ok heres just a quick re-do of the whole thing, this is a 10 min edit of the 10 min origonal edit of the bale so a whole 20 mins of work now lol

recon this one looks better?

oh and allso its a bit bigger, from 512x512 to 1024x1024
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doesnt really make it more real and nicer try playing with the blending modes
I'm not being negative because I like your ideas, it's just that I have it on good authority that straw bales aren't allowed in motor racing, but they are allowed in motorcycle racing. Just a thought.