Nononono all are wrong , he is right, NFS and GRID are the perfect Physisc in the history , how ppl can be so blind! ,Also chuck norris is god , The war is a liar , We have space ship Like the Enterprise so why can go more faster that light, also the HIV has ben cured , and the CANCER TOO!!!!, The airplays dont need more wing´s to fly ( they use a electro magnetic field to fly ) , Also everyone in the world is rich , with ubber mega pc , and we live in peace with all , in a draming world , We have drugs without secondary effect and legals , the smoke dont kill ,We have 5 planets with humnas living there, And we are friend of Klingons and romulian´s and many other specias.... yessssssss!
Oh w8 i wass talking ironicaly
@ontopic: NFS - GRID - Physisc = Drive a brick in the ice

LFS - Physisc = 80% as real life