Do I need a program like Adobe Premiere or is there simpliar way to take out the dialogue. Need a answer quickly. Sorry if a thread like this exists.
Well when Im watching a MPR and press - key nothing happens. And one more question, after I capture all the replays I wanted, should I compress every clip one by one or put them all together and then compress it at once?
edit this line "MPR Message Block 0" to "MPR Message Block 1" in cfg.txt "minus" key doesnt work at replays
in same directory, where you have LFS.exe, there is also file "cfg.txt", open it with some editor (notepad) and change the lines i wrote you
In cfg.txt, MPR Message Block has three options 0 = all messages shown 1 = driver chat blocked, system messages shown 2 = all messages blocked - good for movies, less good for watching replays. Wish some of the cfg.txt options had in-game controls :/
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :Well when Im watching a MPR and press - key nothing happens. And one more question, after I capture all the replays I wanted, should I compress every clip one by one or put them all together and then compress it at once? i ussually compress the vid after i export from preimere.