Your more on the ball than I am, sure your not a secret parent?

I can see now, it was just an excuse, the smoking continues, I know for a fact my Rollie ends do not have an orange filter and I don't flick them out of a bedroom window onto the garden. Yes, they hide it. I don't support them smoking, and I know which one smokes thank god, but better smoking than getting up to some of the things I see other kids doing.
My parent's expressed no views over drugs, for some reason, I dabbled a couple of times but the appeal was never that great, I guess I got the curiosity out of the way. It could be because they didn't sit about telling me "don't do this and don't do that". I fear kids making mistakes I have made and others around me have made, I think its what parents do.
I don't think they blame me for anything, or I would hope not, if they do I am sure they will reason with it at some point in there lives. All I can do is be the best parent I know how to be, even if it involves popping my head up every five seconds to see if its them walking past the window and arriving home safely. People say kids make your hair go gray, its not the kids, its the rest of the world and it can stop you sleeping at nights. Do I worry too much?