Well yes, a lot of things can be improved...question is, why bother
Right now FZR lights are quite good compared to original ones. If we deside
to improve lights...we have to improve whole car also. And that's biiiig work
Hehe, this car looks familiar to me. I was planning to make a post about your renders here, but you beat me at it
You point at the imperfections of the mirrors & taillights and of course MorroW could make better looking mirrors & taillights . But that would be just the top of the ice berg. The interior should be redone, in fact to make a car look excellent at these resolutions the whole model should be redone or highly refined. All shapes should be a lot smoother. That's a lot of work and in the end you'd probably end up with a great looking model for which the game skins no longer exactly fit. Then every skin would have to be adapted just for the renders. I think that's going a bit far.
Ok, but then why the cool rims and not better taillights? Even from at a distance the rims are clearly visible and the default LFS rims don't look spectacular at all. MorroW Designs' rims completely change the look of the car whereas better taillights and mirrors are more subtle cosmetic changes.
Also, let's not forget that most people asking MorroW Designs for renders are only interested in renders at screen resolutions, or will resize the images for use on their websites and such. At those resolutions the imperfections don't come out so clearly. Looking at the high resolution renders, the model' imperfections are clearly visible, but I will print them to A4 format. That's a lot smaller than 1:1 on your computer monitor so the imperfections will be less visible.
I'm not saying MorroW shouldn't improve the models (I told him that myself too :P), but it's like he said: what's the point of it? It would detach the cars from the game Live For Speed.
I asked MorroW only to do 1600x1200 renders, but he proposed to render at these high resolutions because I wanted to print the final renders on A4. The final renders took 17 hours, but he spent a lot of time with me finding the best camera angles and fixing small (but visible) errors in the scene. I really appreciate the work MorroW put into it. He could just as well have said 'bugger off' or rendered at my requested 1600x1200 with his old default scenes and camera viewpoints (which contained a few errors and would probably have been too dark for my skin). Instead he spent a lot more time on it than I wanted him to, but in the end I think the results are excellent and I'm very grateful to MorroW and his team.
Yes, everything is possible in 3D world...but why? Just for fun? Haha...after I put up those 3 Crankshaft.be renders, I got 4 render requests...add there few bigger projects and well...we don't have to worry about not having work to do
So, remaking car is nice idea...but we don't simply have time for than in near future.
Well, I don't know much about 3d rendering. My best work was a slightly edited dS Autos scene - which wasn't much
So I stand corrected.
It was neither for, nor against. You have valid points, I won't deny that. But so does MorroW. Besides, I am happy with his renders and I think that's the most important thing. I'm quite sure MorroW will improve his work and models over time, but for my needs it's excellent at this point. At A4 printed size the imperfections of the model are neglectible at normal viewing distance. It's supposed to be decoration, not some hyper realistic prototype rendering
ok lol well im just trying to really point out, with headlights (which although could use a little touching up) and nice wheels, the brakelights look extremely out of place
Yesterday i did one of the best renders in my life, and i did wallpaper for DFH (Drivers From Hell) but is not so great quality because i have demo of brazil ((