The online racing simulator
Just some makro photos.
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Just a quicky I made:
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(Lynce) DELETED by Lynce

I think we're in autumn for most racers. That's why I've changed slightly vegetation.
Esa se ve muy bien Lynce, lo unico que tiene es que se ve algo cuadrada la sombra al final de la sombra, a la izquierda... Fuera de eso la foto es un 10
Muchas gracias amigo mio, pero todavía les falta mucho realismo. No se qué hacer para que quede totalmente realista... Tengo que centrarme más en la iluminación del coche.


Thank you very much my friend, but they still lack much realism. I do not know what to do to be absolutely realistic ... I have to concentrate more on the lighting of the car.
es muy dificil lograr realismo completo de algo no real... además que tu estilo es mucho mas grafico que fotorealista, >>> lo que no es malo <<<
Lo que te podria decir sobre el sombreado e iluminacion... trata de que el auto se sombree a si mismo, lo que le daria un gran efecto, te lo aseguro!

Engrish xD
It's pretty difficult to get realistic results fron something unreal... also your style is quite artistic, >>>wich is not bad! <<<
I'd recommend you adding selfshading through photoshop, it will give a great effect, I assure that!
Someone edited the light on the back of the bf1 or some other i tried it Mine dousn't look as good. so i edited the surroundings and yah.
I only have MS Paint and Photoimpression 4.
There simple programs that i use

Here is the end result!
Quote from !RAM! :Someone edited the light on the back of the bf1 or some other i tried it Mine dousn't look as good. so i edited the surroundings and yah.
I only have MS Paint and Photoimpression 4.
There simple programs that i use

Here is the end result!

Looks you are running at 16 bit color mode, try switching to 32 bit, i t will increase quallity.
Quote from hadesko :Just some makro photos.

Second pic is nice, but one big minus is for the mod, thats rubbish
Quote from Spangler_CZE :Second pic is nice, but one big minus is for the mod, thats rubbish

i know, but i like it, its something new u know...
and i have it too cuz of some drifting movies...
rapt : tiiiiight ...
kickass tazka, i really liked
Really perfect done. Nice work Tazka
Thanks guys, glad you like it!

Quote from Lynce :The best edited picture I've seen in my life.

Cant be! But thanks for the compliment!
Omg Tazka. I have nothing to's definitely one of the best or even the best edits from LFS I've seen so far. It's just perfect.
Quote from Racer556 :


i really want to know how this was created!
is it a combination of a 3d render, lfs, and photoshop.....
or is just a screenshot and lots of photoshop?

please share your secret :bowdown:
itsphilthy: No secrets here! Just basic editing...
But as you ask, I'll tell you step by step what I did:
1.- Saturation adjust, as well as RGB
2.- Blured the Background
3.- Darkned the shadow
4.- Added the reflection (Just some blurred lines on a semitransparent layer)
5.- some Subtle Glow, using the double layer trick.
6.- Added the smoke
7.- Added Vignettes
8.- Added the Home made logo

That's it
On to Tazka, I have mixed feelings, love you for your pics, hate you for your friggin talent awesome job!

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )