o great i thought everybody was dumb for not noticing this and its me whos actually dumb:snail:
Quote from rediske :Does that date mean anything special...

Nah, just automatic axis numbering on the graph.
alright, but could have been a nice weekend...

new LFS patch on friday, f1 qualifying on saturday...

edit: wrong month! it's a monday, blew my own theory!
Growing faster and faster that is cool ! I hope the ratio demo/registered is the same...
Your graph may get thrown off by the fact that when S3 final is released the devs will likely advertise bringing loads of people to lfs
Quote from rediske :alright, but could have been a nice weekend..

There'd better not be an LFS patch at the end of November. GTA4 is released on the PC then.
Quote from STROBE :There'd better not be an LFS patch at the end of November. GTA4 is released on the PC then.

yay ! im part of that 200 000 LFSers
Quote from Bob Smith :
Not only has lfs.net now reached one quarter of a million registrations (2 days ago infact), but the rate at which new registrations are appearing is consistently higher than ever before, including day-of-release spikes (S1A and S2Z excluded).

Congrats and thanks all the LFS team and LFS society. At the same time responsibilities are growing also.


PS: I am expert at interpretation and estimation the figure charts. I can help about "what next". If you interested, contact me via private message.
While we see the FTSE 100 share index tumble...

We see a much more important graph on the rise...
hm that curve looks remarkably like the co2/temperature curves over those years... i think scawen causes global warming
Quote from Uximura :If i could squeeze this thread i would get fresh juice of bullshit.

I got a question, If you could squeeze this thread and get fresh juice of bulsh.... what would you do with it? Actually, I don't want to know!

So, 1/4 of a million registered users? Well I forgot my password and registered again about 49,967 times... that could answer for some of it! Oh, and I sent Chuck Norris an email about LFS, which is why he now smiles so much.

Go on, squeeze some BS juice out of that! Don't argue with statistics!
Attached images
Quote from Shotglass :i think scawen causes global warming

well , all we know is that scawen , eric and victor made an insane game!
Quote from Shotglass :i think scawen causes global warming

Quote from LFS World :Total fuel burnt (in S2): 198,055,643 Ltr

I think you may be on to something
Quote from dougie-lampkin :I think you may be on to something

Or you could say that Scavier has saved the planet from approximately 400,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions, which is about 1% of Norway's total annual emissions.

(Using the simplification that 1 liter fuel ~ 1 kg fuel --> 2 kg CO2)
Actually 1kg fuel = 3kg CO2, it's a 3:1 ratio, which makes it even more.
lol haha
<"pink"> does that make me a coder
Smoke weed for lfs!
For comparisons sake, iRacing is up to 6100 members now. With the game being a lot more recently launched though, I'd imagine they are mostly active players though, while the same could not be said for most of the LFS playerbase.
just a quick question... where are these graphs hosted?
mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn awesome number!

really congrats to the developers and thanks for this amazing game
Really nice work Bob
Quote from anbiddulph :just a quick question... where are these graphs hosted?

Hosted? They're attached to my post in this forum?

If you mean where they come from, I make them myself by polling forum user IDs and noting down join dates, and plotting it in Excel. The graphs are currently made from 170 points. Unfortunately not every member has registered on these forums, in fact I've discovered only about 10% are, hence I've had to manually type 1,642 member IDs into the address bar to collect this data.