The online racing simulator
Your first render.
(17 posts, started )
Your first render.
Hi, theres not such thread as "your first render". So, i thought that it would be very nice to showoff and compare the renders.

My first is that. Well, maybe its like a wallpaper though.

Ive got 1 picture more to show, but i dont know about the permission with that. Ive got [Lc]POLICE skin on it, and if anybody knows about rights on it, then let me know.
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I don't have any "first renders" - some of the oldest I have are from 1995. I started playing with 3D in 92/93. That's a very long time ago

Abnormal Activity:
Attached stills are from the first somewhat serious project I was involved in back in 95 - check out the attached txt file as well to get a good lol and to be amazed by the hardware used at that time (which actually was pretty hardcore - when the animation was shown and the credits rolled, about 3000 ppl were like "omg" @ the hardware)

No anti aliasing was used because we were in a huge rush to meet the deadline.

Genetic Species:
This one is from my first professional/commercial project - a rendered game intro I did in 1997: Genetic Species intro (quality isn't the best and there's some frame skipping going on ).

Also attached some renders from this one.
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AA_VEF-AA-info.ReadMe.txt - 8.4 KB - 279 views
I think ive mistaken little bit. I thought that all kind of editing/tuning the picture is rendering. But if thats what u did is 3D rendering then the picture i attached is default rendering? I did this, and i really like it
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Hazaky,did you just make a screenshot in cmx viewer and copy onyo a background image?
Kinda, but it was pretty hard to paste that stuff on this. But i think that it looks cool.
Quote from hazaky :I think ive mistaken little bit. I thought that all kind of editing/tuning the picture is rendering. But if thats what u did is 3D rendering then the picture i attached is default rendering?

"Rendering" is most commonly used when talking about 3D graphics and video effects - even though technically, many more things could be considered renderings. But it's very very unusual to forinstance say that a photo edit is a render.

I've seen people using Photoshop (when drawing), Illustrator and similar refer to the artwork as renderings. I don't really know why - my guess is that they are calling it renderings because of the complexity of the artwork (photo realism).

In my book, "rendering" is when you do 3D or video effects only - color grading/tweaking/compositing/manipulation/etc. a picture is color grading/tweaking/compositing/manipulation/etc or whatever other word fits, except "rendering". If you do a car pic in 3D app, and then use Photoshop to slap in a photo background, then that would be a composited render. Same result could be archived in a 3D app also, and would still be a composited render.

I usually keep it simple and refer to my pictures as renderings, if the primary element of interest in the picture was made in an 3D app - if not, then I would probably call it photo manipulation - I'm not sure, really - I don't do much non 3D/vid effects work really
Ok, thanks for lightning me with this info
define: rendering
1. A depiction or interpretation, as in painting or music.
2. A drawing in perspective of a proposed structure.
3. A translation: a rendering of Cicero's treatises into English.
4. A coat of plaster or cement applied to a masonry surface.

define: render
tr.v. ren·dered, ren·der·ing, ren·ders
1. To submit or present, as for consideration, approval, or payment: render a bill.
2. To give or make available; provide: render assistance.
3. To give what is due or owed: render thanks; rendered homage.
4. To give in return or retribution: He had to render an apology for his rudeness.
5. To surrender or relinquish; yield.
a. To represent in verbal form; depict: "Joyce has attempted . . . to render . . . what our participation in life is like" Edmund Wilson.
b. To represent in a drawing or painting, especially in perspective.
7. Computer Science To convert (graphics) from a file into visual form, as on a video display.
8. Music
a. To perform an interpretation of (a musical piece, for example).
b. To arrange: rendered the composition for string quartet.
9. To express in another language or form; translate.
10. To deliver or pronounce formally: The jury has rendered its verdict.
11. To cause to become; make: The news rendered her speechless.
12. To reduce, convert, or melt down (fat) by heating.
13. To coat (brick, for example) with plaster or cement.
My first renders were (actually still should be) on my Amiga from about 20 years ago.

Here's a few from about 15 years ago, done on my old Pentium 133, using Imagine 3.0. The vehicles were a result of a mate and me designing cars we'd like to see in Carmageddon.
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i lost my first render. also, is lightwave free?
Some of my first renders - 8 years ago....
really am much more older then too :wtf2:
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PSS gescmofft.JPG
Kristall Berg.JPG

It was a 3dsmax tutorial I tested some years ago, I customized the glass material a little bit.
Can't remember why I tried 3dsmax at this time, but I've quickly abandoned it due to the difficulty and software complexity.

I hard to learn Blender too but this time I managed to feel comfortable with it.
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#13 - T.J.
Quote from Bogey Jammer :
It was a 3dsmax tutorial I tested some years ago, I customized the glass material a little bit.
Can't remember why I tried 3dsmax at this time, but I've quickly abandoned it due to the difficulty and software complexity.

I hard to learn Blender too but this time I managed to feel comfortable with it.

Describes the way I feel too. I can learn 3ds max if I want to, but I think that blender works really good anyways.
Quote from Bogey Jammer :
It was a 3dsmax tutorial I tested some years ago, I customized the glass material a little bit.
Can't remember why I tried 3dsmax at this time, but I've quickly abandoned it due to the difficulty and software complexity.

I hard to learn Blender too but this time I managed to feel comfortable with it.

I found that if only turning down the opacity level for glass has not good result.
Using 'fall off' for opacity gives a better/more realistic feel of glass especially with curve/bottle shape glass, where the edges should look more opac and the centre more transparent.
I have a bad habit of starting all kinds of projects, getting distracted and forgetting about them. While I love modeling, I'm not really interested in texturing or rendering and that's maybe part of the problem.

Here's couple car related from really old to latest:
1. My first car project from '04, must have watched too much FnF.
2. Jeep project from '07, used this to learn NURBS and precise modeling techniques. (Those tires put system on it's knees)
3. Saleen S7. Current project that I'm working on, but been really lazy since the fun part is already over and haven't got too motivated to create interior yet.
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#16 - T.J.
Quote from Crommi :I have a bad habit of starting all kinds of projects, getting distracted and forgetting about them. While I love modeling, I'm not really interested in texturing or rendering and that's maybe part of the problem.

Here's couple car related from really old to latest:
1. My first car project from '04, must have watched too much FnF.
2. Jeep project from '07, used this to learn NURBS and precise modeling techniques. (Those tires put system on it's knees)
3. Saleen S7. Current project that I'm working on, but been really lazy since the fun part is already over and haven't got too motivated to create interior yet.

Those were just awesome :O
#17 - Dmt
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Your first render.
(17 posts, started )