Old FXR Skin
(31 posts, started )
Quote from BastianB :help anyone?

ok sure. it looks cool. i like how it looks as if it came out of a junk yard! great for derbies, thats for sure. BTW, how can I skin like this? Where can I get the tools? IDK what they are called.
Just a quick update: i'm total busy at the moment with university study.
But as i really like the idea and the learning of how to do some "effects" i will finish the new skins as soon as i can. Just a little patience... and skin will be done
FXO Convert
Hi dudes,

You can make an 'old' skin using the FXO one (FXO_Dirty)

By renaming it to FXR_Dirty! and the same applies for the UFR XFR XRR & XRT!!


Old FXR Skin
(31 posts, started )