(107 posts, started )
Hi I haven't played this game in a month now, so I'm getting back into it. I love it as always but I had a very bad experience against 3 players. As soon as I mentioned I was from the USA the started hating against me, saying F the US, F me, and then on the first race crashed me right away.

I'm not sure if the LFS community is as great as everyone says now, and I just might go on to play more Rfactor because of these 3 people, Metal Headshot, Campos_MIC (Marcio Campos, and gsbr ([VTA]GR-R)

Thanks guys for killing my experience. I'm not whining but this is baby shit. They booted me for no reason after, so this just adds to my frustration a bit, especially since in trying to get back into the game I loved not too long ago. illepall
You do know there is a zero shit-throwing tolerance at this forum what comes to name dropping? You are angry for something that happened online (we only know your side of the story), but posting names without even a replay isn't helping your cause.
And if you judge a whole bunch of people by three individuals, well... I dunno... good luck finding happiness in life!
Why give a toss about what some people you've never met think of you? If they want to be arseholes, let them. If you were in the right, fine. Let the bullies have their corner of the sandpit. But don't post their names and give them a cheap thrill...it's not like they'll be banned or have their licenses revoked.

It's happened to me too, but I know w4nkers like that are the minority in LFS. So go join another server and pretend you're from Canada
Or better yet, take some really neutral and unthreatning country like Iceland or Switzerland. Everybody hates you when you got the bombs, but when your main attraction is whale meat or cheese, you can guarantee no one's going to mess with you.
I dunno, some people get pretty upset about whale meat ...
But dropping whale meat and cheese from airplanes at unsuspecting people is better than explosives, right?
Could still be deadly
War is hell...
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#9 - filur
"Welsh Liar"
Quote from spankmeyer :But dropping whale meat and cheese from airplanes at unsuspecting people is better than explosives, right?

Well, it's maybe not as deadly, but it would be bloody annoying and still illegal under International Law and the Geneva Conventions

Hey, nice anagram filur
rabbi just go to a different server a small population of the lfs community is very immature.
I'm name dropping because I felt like maybe they would get the picture and play like real people It just got me so mad that this happend in one of my first races after a while, and I don't believe anyone should get away with it. Sorry if I offended anyone by dropping names in the first place, but it just really pissed me off to hell.

Anyways thanks for listening,
Quote from Gabkicks :rabbi just go to a different server a small population of the lfs community is very immature.

Well it is true, I don't mention my location, maybe my origin cause most people are cool with Australia. but noo not usa, even though we help pick up other countries off their feet, then they flame us Oh well lets not get into that, but just go to a new server, if they ask where your from just bs them say my computer desk, in my house...
Quote from spankmeyer :But dropping whale meat and cheese from airplanes at unsuspecting people is better than explosives, right?

Quote from http://www.boingboing.net/2006/03/31/antiwar_procuteness_.html : I came across the BoingBoing 'drop shadows not bombs' post today, and it made me think of this shirt i printed a few months ago. It's nice to think of what would happen if we chose to drop kittens, not bombs. People would be too happy, too joyful to send their crazy young men at us with airplanes and exploding shoes.

Quote from Infiniti :Well it is true, I don't mention my location, maybe my origin cause most people are cool with Australia. but noo not usa, even though we help pick up other countries off their feet, then they flame us Oh well lets not get into that, but just go to a new server, if they ask where your from just bs them say my computer desk, in my house...

Getting sick of whole world telling you to stop playing worldpolice?

No probs with US-peeps here, exept they start whining about how they are treated in the world

About topic: As usual in such a situation: Relax, choose another server, and enjoy LF there. That's the way it worked the last years and works today
Everyone should keep politics and LFS completely seperate. It's a racing game, not a friggin political forum. I have very strong views on America's (and Australia's) foreign policy but I'll never talk about 'em here.
i agree with you, farcar.

but when i read comments like that one from infiniti i can hardly resist to do the opposite.

but as vykos said:

As usual in such a situation: Relax, choose another post, and enjoy reading that. That's the way it worked the last years and works today.
Quote from theblackrabbi :Hi I haven't played this game in a month now, so I'm getting back into it. I love it as always but I had a very bad experience against 3 players. As soon as I mentioned I was from the USA the started hating against me, saying F the US, F me, and then on the first race crashed me right away.

I'm not sure if the LFS community is as great as everyone says now, and I just might go on to play more Rfactor because of these 3 people, Metal Headshot, Campos_MIC (Marcio Campos, and gsbr ([VTA]GR-R)

Thanks guys for killing my experience. I'm not whining but this is baby shit. They booted me for no reason after, so this just adds to my frustration a bit, especially since in trying to get back into the game I loved not too long ago. illepall

Mate. It's a shame that you got a personally bad experiance. I hope to think that most people around here are mature enough to understand that one American citizen does not a country make . . . .

Hopefully you can find a more understanding server who will not flame you for your nationality.

But. (I'm sorry about this but I do have a but.)

I think you need to understand that America is not the worlds most favourite country atm. (Neither Great Britain. Our respective governments have conspired to ruin my travel plans this year.) America has smade it's presence felt all over the world and alot of it is deemed unwelcome, unnessary and if you believe the conspiricy theorists (which, when it comes to America, alot of people do), world Domination.

Most people around the globe will look at your flag and take into account the situation whethers it's just declaring your nationality or being flown from the top of a tank and make a carefully and considered reaction to that situation. On this site and within LFS it just tells me that your American and I factor in my own responses to that. But for many the flag is a symbol of hate, decadence and greed. Which by proxy, includes you.

I don't know how you voted and I certainly don't intend to turn this into a political arguement. But if you Voted Bush, you have to expect peoples reactions to be at best abrupt, at worst a kicking. If you didn't vote Bush then you need to work harder to make sure evil bastards like him don't get into power ever again!!!

This isn't a personal attack. I have worked with many great, great american and consider alot of them my friends. One thing that strikes them when they come here or travel abit is the sheer amount of animosity people hold against the United States. They are shocked and aborred by how people treat them and how everyone seems to hold them to account for what their governmenet is diong . . . Above all, they are most shocked with America's foreign policy, which only the rest of the world gets to hear about. Or feel it when the bombs drop.

At this moment in time Black Rabbi and this present world climate. I think you have to expect some verbal and a kicking every once in a while. It's a shame, but it's what's happening.
I feel ashamed of my prime minister, and deeply sorry about the 100+ foreign wars my country has been involved in since the end of World War 2. Mostly I am ashamed of my countries actions over Iraq, and I would like to see my Prime Minister at the very least sent to trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Tony Blair is an evil man, and I would gladly join a revolution to throw him out if I could find one.

My country does take the odd battering because of it's actions - you'll never find a neutral referee when England play Argentina at football, even though that dispute was very much the fault of the Argentines ! It's a reputation my country has fought hard for, by invading and back door dealing.

America is now doing the same, only with a bigger budget. I'm sorry, but your experience is only to be expected.

The solution?

Find a small isolated island with no national flag and a broadband pipe.
Irrespective of any of this sentiment, and I'm sorry to dwell on the point, I think it would be best if politics was left out.
To me, this forum is a goup of individuals from different nations who have a passion for out chosen racing sim.

Nobody should 'expect' to be flamed here on the basis of what country they come from.
Your right, this isn't a political forum, but Black Rabbi entered his thoughts onto the forum and people are responding as well they can with freedom of speech and censorship.

@Becky. Mate. I am so with you. But remember, only God can judge him (must have been talking to Bush again) so why should he listen to his electorate.

To be honest I think the whole system is screwed up. Brown cuts pensions whilst passes a Bill to raise MP's own Pension schemes to add to the many they have with multi nationals the've 'earned' through consultancy's and the like . . .

Come the revolution . . . .
Quote from Funnybear :But remember, only God can judge him

So British PMs enjoy life-long judicial immunity? Gosh...
We're working on it . . .

He said that ultimate judgement belongs to god (Or something). Kinda like he was saying na na na naaa naaaa and poking his toungue out ar all the other humans who share the planet with him.

He is pushing (kinda) for enviromental reform though. But I guess only god will judge him on that too after he's ****ed with all creation.
There are quite a few people on this planet that could use nice firm bitchslap from God him/her/itself. Buuuuuuuut... I think we've had enough of OT political and religious talk on this thread, so maybe we should just drop it before it gets ugly.
In respnse to everything said. I have my own views on america - some are bad, that doesnt mean im gonna flame any american though cause i have more problems with the uk and im english lol. I also think there are alot of corrupt countries and countries doing things wrong. Im no sayin i could change them or make things better. Its just i have my own opinions and no one cna change them, but i wont flame anyone whos from a country i hav a bad opinion of, or anyone that has a different opinion.
LFS is a racing sim shared by all, we are all here to race against people from all over the world. For the enjoyment of it.
Kinda reminds me of the thread bout female racers, was said in there about doesnt matter what sex you are, all here for same reason. Its the same with countries, doesnt matter where you from.
My view - i couldnt care less wat sex people are, where they are from, where they live now, what the views are on the world, who they know etc etc - all i care bout is that they are there to race and can i beat them lol.

There will always be ****s who will do things like kick you cause ur american. When it comes down to it they are just racist really. Just find another server to race on where this wont happen (if you like gtr racing check out the [MG] Racing server lol)

Last of all, im sorry that after you come back you have such a bad experience, not everyone is like that.

(107 posts, started )