The online racing simulator
Free Running
(44 posts, closed, started )
Quote from ajp71 :So you've already taken tens of thousands from tax payers, the council should sue you for wasting hospital time and tax payers money. It was a bit of a bump but nothing much really, you've recovered from it so get over it. I think a lot of people have a much more mature attitude to life and death and what it means than you. You're lucky in clearly not having lost some of your innocence yet. I've carried a badly injured mate into the back of an Air Ambulance, he finds the whole incident amusing now and was straight back onto the rugby pitch as soon as he could and didn't feel like suing for being high tackled or for a mistake the paramedic made (both valid cases that he could win unlike yours), instead he was eternally grateful like you should be.

That is what just pisses us off, as a cash struck student I really don't want to be paying your hospital bill let alone your pocket money fund whenever I actually manage to earn some money (or spend it).

Wasting hospital time? I was always being monitored because of my injuries, I was always asking if I could go home but I wasn't allowed to. You dont know how grateful I am to those surgeons who operated on my that day, I didn't leave without saying thanks to everyone who helped me out along the way. A bit of a bruise, yeah right, when since did a fractured skull, fractured pelvis, smashed up signouses, ripped membrane, swallon brain, bleeding on the brain, CSF leakage and a eye socket dropped 4mm become just a bruise.
Quote from sam93 :Wasting hospital time?

By being there for such a retarded reason in the first place.
Quote :I get that much from permantant face deformation, my eyes no longer sit level from my eye socket drop 4mm. My injuries is why I could get so much, we have looked on the net on compo companies websites and looked at which accidents I have and how much they pay out for it, just one of them being £25k.

Half my face is lower than the other half because it had to be stitched back on. *shrug* It was £3500.

Quote :when I start working I would rather pay for someones injuries then people from other countries coming in and living off of benefits that we pay for or people who dont work.

That's right, Britain - with its proud history of immigration - gives houses, cars and lifestyle at the merest sight of a foreign tourist. Ask ANYONE who has come to this country they have had to work and work hard. Sure once here it turns out a few of them are bad seeds and dont contribute to our society, much like a freeloading racist doesnt contribute to our society either.

Quote :Sports Day, I bet your proud of that aint you, one of the most boring events ever.

Not really. I was in every sports team, including some of the schools 1st teams which I started playing for around the 4th year if I wanted to show off i'd have mentioned that, or maybe the sporting championships I won after leaving school. I am not proud of being good at sports in and out of school when I was younger - I was merely highlighting how I got on and remained physically active despite being in crippling pain from a mistake the council made. I was in agony for 6 years, and intermittent pain for a further 3. I didn't even search the web to see what I could get out of it, I just figured OK I got this pain now I need to learn and adapt. It was character building.
Quote from sam93 :
Can't you just let it drop and get on with it, when I start working I would rather pay for someones injuries then people from other countries coming in and living off of benefits that we pay for or people who dont work.

It is the legal immigrants who probably patched you up and gave you your 'I'm a brave little boy' sticker, and are paying for your hospital treatment and pocket money fund.
Quote :I am going to earn my money, I want my own programming company properly up and running by the time I am 30.

Ah now this I can help you with, seeing as I am a developer. You don't need money - you need talent, and you can get that without a cash injection. I meen, Visual C++ is a free download. 3D engines are free (irrlicht, ogre). Phyics engines are free (ode). You can even get free 3d modellers these days (wings), you've already got a computer.

The tools are all there if you've the talent to make them into something that'll sell. All you need to do is work hard and apply yourself instead of throwing yourself off a roof looking for the next big payout.
Quote from sam93 :I dont know, never looked at parkour, I think it is suppose to be similar isnt it?


Parkour is free running before all the emo/skatter kids decided to tack it on as a cool new fad.

BTW if you have suffered such bad injuries as stated, then maybe you should think twice about taking this up. The chances are that the body will never fully regain strength and a fall could land you in more trouble than before.
You seem to be one of those people who "never learn".

Also you constantly go on at people to stop saying about your accident when all you have talked about on the whole last page apart from like two posts is your accident. Just stop talking about it and people won't have anything to say about it.

80k is a joke, though. You should give it to a charity who help people who don't have anything to go home to or no loving family to buy them things.

Free running is stupid, it is dangerous for you and dangerous for other people if you jump off something and land on someone you could kill them. Just do something normal and don't think you need to do something cool to impress people.
Quote from Becky Rose :Half my face is lower than the other half because it had to be stitched back on. *shrug* It was £3500.

That's right, Britain - with its proud history of immigration - gives houses, cars and lifestyle at the merest sight of a foreign tourist. Ask ANYONE who has come to this country they have had to work and work hard. Sure once here it turns out a few of them are bad seeds and dont contribute to our society, much like a freeloading racist doesnt contribute to our society either.

Not really. I was in every sports team, including some of the schools 1st teams which I started playing for around the 4th year if I wanted to show off i'd have mentioned that, or maybe the sporting championships I won after leaving school. I am not proud of being good at sports in and out of school when I was younger - I was merely highlighting how I got on and remained physically active despite being in crippling pain from a mistake the council made. I was in agony for 6 years, and intermittent pain for a further 3. I didn't even search the web to see what I could get out of it, I just figured OK I got this pain now I need to learn and adapt. It was character building.

You could you defended yourself against the person with the knife, hit him hard enough and then run, my Dad has had a knife pulled out on him twice and hit knocked both of them out, just need to know what to do in those situations. I am going to start ot build myself back up now thats why I am trying to find a good gym, I just took the hospitals advice as they said to rest and not injure yourself anymore as they said for the first couple of months the slightest bang to the head could put me back in hospital, I do laugh about my accident now, best way to overcome it in my opinion.

The amount of people who have said they would hit me with a weapon is unbelievable, my reply is always, you must be a fagit then, put the weapon down and fight me with those weapons that are given to us from birth, our arms/hands, elbows, knees, feet and legs. These people who use weapons must of once been on the recieving end of bullies to make them want to use weapons or they think their 'ard' as they say lol.

If I take up my claim the money will be used for my Education of going to Uni to become a programmer and get a car and then the rest will get put into a savings account most likely for if I have kids for them to have and some will be given to Cancer Research UK as my Nan got the all clear from throat cancer 4years ago after having all her throat rebuilt and now has a valve she has to use to be able to talk, so I will be donating to Cancer Research UK. I will not use the money just for me but for if have kids for them and it will be used for Charity. I am not a selfish person as some people think, I like to help people. People say I am a chav because someone was beating a person up on the street as he had learning difficulties and was slightly handicapped and I had to hit the bully several times for him to stop. I will help and I like to help. Every cyclist I see without a helmet on now I tell them to put one on and if they say why I tell them from my own experience and from pictures and they see why helmets are there. I wish someone told me about not wearing a helmet and pictures as a result when I was young as most kids think they make you look stupid, but I rather look stupid wearing a helmet then going through what I did.

I am over my accident now, I did get upset whilst in hospital because of worry about my injuries of whether I was going to die or not, but now I am just very lucky to be one of those who survived and I am now making the most of my life and it has made me more aware, when we are younger we think we are invinsable and untouchable but we are not and the accident helped me see that. I had people worry about me and I was also worrying about two people who was in the same ward as me, both got hit by a car and one was doing 60mph, speeding and only got a ban and community service which I think is stupid. These two are going to be disabled for the rest of their lives, one got told he wont speak or walk again but he has began learning how to speak and to walk and one who got hit a 60 is just starting to learn how to sit up for a while as he finds it difficult because of the pain. I feel lucky to be like them and I feel very sorry for them, before this happened to them they was just like us but in my eyes they are still like us, I hate people who says disabled people are different when they are not.

So as you can see I am not one of those who are selfish. I am just lucky that I have recovered and I am happy that I have and I am now starting to do sports again as I am a very active person and if I get my compensation it will be used to help others aswel.
People will most likely think I am sad now as I have expressed my feelings and others males thinks it's stupid to, but in my eyes it takes a real man to cry and express his feelings.
The money I will get dont matter how much it is, some of it will be going to Cancer Research UK.
Becky you say I shouldn't claim compensation but you have in the past as you got £3500 so you cant really say that. I will use mine sensibly though, some cant understand where I am coming from and some cant.
Quote from Becky Rose :Ah now this I can help you with, seeing as I am a developer. You don't need money - you need talent, and you can get that without a cash injection. I meen, Visual C++ is a free download. 3D engines are free (irrlicht, ogre). Phyics engines are free (ode). You can even get free 3d modellers these days (wings), you've already got a computer.

The tools are all there if you've the talent to make them into something that'll sell. All you need to do is work hard and apply yourself instead of throwing yourself off a roof looking for the next big payout.

I know programming is all about talent and experience, I just mean for paying Uni funds, even if I do get compensation I am still going to work, I am going to do chinese deliveries every night until I finish Uni and get a job and will still do chinese deliveries for a while whilst I get myself sorted out with work etc...

Quote :Parkour is free running before all the emo/skatter kids decided to tack it on as a cool new fad.

Could you tell me the difference between the two please?

Quote :BTW if you have suffered such bad injuries as stated, then maybe you should think twice about taking this up. The chances are that the body will never fully regain strength and a fall could land you in more trouble than before.

Good job that the Martial Arts I done taught you how to break fall and roll properly then

Quote :Free running is stupid, it is dangerous for you and dangerous for other people if you jump off something and land on someone you could kill them. Just do something normal and don't think you need to do something cool to impress people.

I wont do it to impress people, it is just something I am going to do to get myself more active and become fit again aswell as from going to the gym, I know it is dangerous but I am always up for a challenge, I also know my limits and I will start from the ground up, I wont go stupid like most of them do, probably the highest I will go is 6foot but mainly stay close to the ground, 6 foot isn't high at all either, when I did Motorcross I would of gone higher.
Quote :You could you defended yourself against the person with the knife, hit him hard enough and then run, my Dad has had a knife pulled out on him twice and hit knocked both of them out, just need to know what to do in those situations.

I've been in lots of confrontational situations, i've been shot at 3 times and i'm still standing. I've had lots of fights, and I think I mentioned here before that earlier this year I was confronted by 3 guys one of whome had a baton and I walked away from that (with the baton).

The problem is, sometimes you lose, and the time I got knifed I lost.

Quote :Becky you say I shouldn't claim compensation but you have in the past as you got £3500 so you cant really say that.

No I said suing the council for cycling into a lamp post is daft. I got compensation because the other party did it to me, it's not like a knifed myself now is it?

Like I said I didnt sue the council for there being no padding on the post I ran into, because, well, it was me who ran into the post...

In my case it frustratingly arrived the day before I lost my job and meant I had to live off it and I could not claim doll because the cut off is having £3k in the bank, and it was mostly gone by the time I found work again - the joys of Britains economy being on "an up turn" after a major recession was that it still hadnt turned very far back then, but ce la vie I guess.
Quote from sam93 :
So as you can see I am not one of those who are selfish.

You still don't need to claim the money in the first place I don't see how spending half of it on yourself isn't selfish.
Quote from Becky Rose :I've been in lots of confrontational situations, i've been shot at 3 times and i'm still standing. I've had lots of fights, and I think I mentioned here before that earlier this year I was confronted by 3 guys one of whome had a baton and I walked away from that (with the baton).

The problem is, sometimes you lose, and the time I got knifed I lost.

No I said suing the council for cycling into a lamp post is daft. I got compensation because the other party did it to me, it's not like a knifed myself now is it?

Like I said I didnt sue the council for there being no padding on the post I ran into, because, well, it was me who ran into the post...

In my case it frustratingly arrived the day before I lost my job and meant I had to live off it and I could not claim doll because the cut off is having £3k in the bank, and it was mostly gone by the time I found work again - the joys of Britains economy being on "an up turn" after a major recession was that it still hadnt turned very far back then, but ce la vie I guess.

Walked away with the baton, I have done the same with a pole, caught the pole with my hand use my other hand to put him in a arm lock to the pole off of him and he just gave me the look like ops, I have done that to the wrong person lol.

What I dont understand is the council most know that apart of that road wasn't right, they had a road sweeper down there that cleaned the road when the first company got hold of them and they also put another sharp deviation sign up on the direction I was coming down which they didn't before only had one for the other direction. I know I was also at blame but I believe the council also didn't maintain the road as well as they should of, how could I see if there was any rocks in the road when there was loads of leaves over the road. The bend though is a bit of a treaky one where I came off, it is the same as most bends nice and smooth, not sharp until you get half way round the bend and it just goes sharp quickly. The way the bend has been done is strange.

Anyway I think we should leave this now as it is going to get a bit boring tell each other our life stories, I think we should get back on topic.
#38 - CSU1
Ask someone "What's the difference between marmalade and jam"?

Reply "I can't marmalade my balls into your mothers mouth" !

Quote from ajp71 :You still don't need to claim the money in the first place I don't see how spending half of it on yourself isn't selfish.

I didn't say I am going to spend half of it, most of it would go to charity and if I have kids to them.
Why not just do the right thing and not take money from anyone and just take being alive as your compensation. Taking 80 grand from the council because you rode into a lamp post pretty much sums up why England is hated so much and people think we're all greedy.
Quote from mcintyrej :Why not just do the right thing and not take money from anyone and just take being alive as your compensation. Taking 80 grand from the council because you rode into a lamp post pretty much sums up why England is hated so much and people think we're all greedy.

Actually I rather think England is hated so much because they invaded everywhere and imposed Imperial rule, but we're now WAYYYY off topic
Quote from sam93 :I didn't say I am going to spend half of it, most of it would go to charity and if I have kids to them.

Your still being selfish and giving the money for your gain. Just leave it and lighten the load on those who can't pay their bills as it is and stop wasting council money having to do unnecessary road maintenance to ensure they can't get sued by a 12 year old because it is technically illegal.
Quote from ajp71 :Your still being selfish and giving the money for your gain. Just leave it and lighten the load on those who can't pay their bills as it is and stop wasting council money having to do unnecessary road maintenance to ensure they can't get sued by a 12 year old because it is technically illegal.

Where did you get 12 from? I am 15, 16 in a couple of months, I was 14 at the time, can we let it drop now and get back on topic?
I think it's safe to say this thread just isn't going to get back on topic. Considering it was you who brought up your accident in this thread (you could have ignored Tristan's signpost remark, most people here would not get the relevance), and then can't seem to let the matter drop. Bringing up that 'your Dad can get out of knife fights' is possibly about the least mature thing you could bring up when talking to Becky about her unfortunate experience.

As some of the more on topic replies have alluded, it would be much more sensible to start off slow given you previous injuries and see waht your body will let you do. Free running should be about the activity furthest from you mind atm.

ajp71 - as much as I share some of your sentiments (I too much disapprove of people sueing others due to physical injury unless there is a seriously genuine need for it, like somebody else intentionally causing damage, such as in Becky's case), there is no need for that comment in your signature. Please remove it.
This thread is closed

Free Running
(44 posts, closed, started )