I skipped this so if it has already been covered, my bad.
If you want to save money, but windscreen wiper fluid. You can get big ass bottles of the stuff for pennies and it is better than some of the shit places sell for 10 times as much for a fraction of the quantity.
Yeh i finally got it stable at 3.4, needed some more volts at the North bridge
just tweaking it stable for 3.6 im just mucking around with this until i get my e8500, and if the temps exceed 75C i have automatic system cut-off, so to be honest i dont think much can go wrong.
Yeh, but im not gonna kill it. Its on 60 C max at 3.7Ghz.
for an E8400, it's not much, only £100.
I get about that much from auntie's etc. in cash for birthdays and stuff. It's just a reward for living 1 more year.
I was told that the CPU won't last very long on high voltages. My 2180 is stable at 1,35V at 2680MHz, which is enough. I tried to go higher today, but it took me 30 minutes to figure out how to get the damn thing to boot again.
Edit: I've had a job at a supermarket, a few months ago. I earned €3,75/hour there, as a 17-year old. One hundred pounds equals €128,88. That's just over 35 hours of work, for something you'd call 'not much, only 100 pounds' :faint:
It's volts that kill CPUs, not heat. Modern CPUs will shut down long before heat does them any damage, and decent cooling will keep them well below that level. As long as you're not putting more than the max recommended voltage through them you'll be fine.
Well Harjun, at the end of the day since you have no idea of "money" and "earning", good luck with the overclocking. Just £100, shows how in touch with the real world you are.
Seriously I hope you do well and get it running stable at a high speed.
Just don't cry when it melts all over your motherboard. And then don't weep when your parents refuse to fund your habbit.
ohkay...apart from the fact im only putting 1.55V through it which is intels max recommendation.
By the time is breaks (2 or so years) i'll be looking around for an up-to-date computer anyway.
Either you're making it up, or you really shouldn't be doing this. Can't wait to see what happens when you turn 18 and Daddy won't bail you out anymore
I worked for an entire summer (quite literally. 40 hours a week, 5 days a week proper farm labour) to be able to get this PC. My parents don't buy me things like that. I'll have to spring for car insurance come December (about twice the cost of the PC actually :schwitz. Your mentality is screwed. "By the time it breaks, I'll want a new one" is no way to look at a piece of machinery. I'm hoping to squeeze 5 years minimum out of this PC (epic uni LAN battles ), I will not be "overclocking it t'il it breaks"
And I will put money on the fact that if you keep cocking about with those kinds of frequencies, it will be lucky to see a year
Why do you keep coming back if all you get is abuse? I'm sure your much happier on the computer forums talking about computers rather than coming onto a game forum and talking about nothing but computers.
I stopped overclocking things a long time ago when I realised there was no point pushing hardware. My E2140 is up from 1.6 to 2.8 and its been running at 2.8 for over a year now with no problems. I don't see any point in trying to push it to its limits though. I though the main reason you overclock is to get a good speed increase over your standard CPU speed - which I have substantially. Not pushing stuff to the limit to calculate pi in less time than average Joe.
Do you realise how hot silicon can get before you start to have problems?
Once again people spouting out shit they hear online as if they know it all.
e: I'm kinda sick of people giving this guy crap because his parents (or whoever it be) can afford to buy him things. If you don't like it stop damn well whining about it. It's his choice of what he decides to do, either offer help or be quiet.
S14 Drift you very rarely have anything useful to offer, how ironic it is that £100 in the real world as you like to call it doesn't get you very far. But obviously you'd know that because you're 'so in touch'. I don't think you'd take that tone if your parents offered you a similar situation. Jealousy makes people say lots of things.
Additionally if anyone thinks 50 or 75 degrees is too hot for a CPU you're very likely wrong. Try reading up on it, Crashgate obviously has, and thus has useful advice to offer.
One of my machines is idling at 62 degrees right now. What's going to happen, is it going to melt into a horrible mess of silicon? No, it's going to carry on running like that as it has been for the past couple of years. And when it reaches 85 under load what is going to happen? Again, the same thing that has happened the past few years to it, and hundreds of thousands of other machines like it out there - it's going to be fine.
Thank you.
and seriosly though, if you guys think £100 is a lot of money for something which is going to last a year or so, you are wrong. I can be getting around 40 pence a day and earn more than £100 for as long as the cpu will last.
Different CPUs are rated for different temperatures. My laptop's T5250 is good 'til 100C, but the E2180 has gone pop at 72.3C, according to Intel. 75 degrees (over a period of time, yes. A few seconds won't kill it) will destroy it, or at very least, seriously impair it's lifespan. Your machine may well be fine at 85 (my laptop idles at around 40-50, and under heavy load goes up to 80 too), but that doesn't mean everyone else's will. That's my point on the CPU.
It's not jealousy that makes anyone complain about this guys streams of money. I couldn't care less if he gets £100,000 a year from his parents. I know I'd hate to be a spoiled brat with that kind of money. What I do care about though, is when he flaunts it on the forum. There is a term for people like that, but I fear it may be classed as "personal attack", and I like this forum in general...It's rather like pulling up outside the social welfare office in a Lambo and setting 50's on fire in front of the queue.
And there ain't much point giving help, as seen here before (twice now, isn't it?) he doesn't seem to heed advice much
...you should have just stopped at thank you, pb32000 made the point much better.
£100 is a fair amount of money no matter how long whatever it is you buy is supposed to last. I have £57 in my bank and wish I had £100 to splash out on a new monitor or something.
I'm not having a go at you, I agree with pb3200, it's just going to take a while for you to shake off your reputation so just bare that in mind when you post certain things.
Oh? What's that? As someone who has had to work for everything from the age of 13, it's kind of annoying to see some big headed 'young person', talking the talk, walking the walk, living on donated money. He has the money. Does he have the skills? Far from it.
Well, working 41 hours a week + unpaid voluntary overtime for £2.73 an hour does often put you in touch with the real world.
No, I wouldn't take it at all. I'm jelous? I'm very very happy with my PC thankyou, which I also bought with money that I earned from a previous full time job.
Not in a thread created by my best freind every Harjun. Bother to check some of my other posts (amogst many of the off topic and spam like posts, and any without Lerts being involved,) I can be and often am helpful and contributive, especially in hardware and technical problems.
Sorry I'm too busy with life to sit on my backside all day reading page after page of techno bable. I build my own PC from scratch, the first one I didn't install the CPU cooler correctly, it went to 88 degrees, and was broken. Maybe that was a one off? Irrespective, it broke. Thankfully since it was kinda shit, I was able to find a replacement CPU for a small cost.
I highly doubt that's your CPU, I've never heard of one idle that high.
That's more likely your graphics card unless you either have a super overclocked CPU or a knacked/shit cooler.
So just because it runs means its ok? Ah that's what I've been missing out on all these years.