(107 posts, started )
#51 - th84
Ive had my share of run in's with the anti-american lfs'ers assiciation (AALA) also, just ignore them, find a more friendly server, and move on!! Lfs is to much fun to allow one or two people to ruin it for ya!! race on!!
#52 - Smax
I too harbour plenty of stereotypes some positive some negative, but in the context of this forum/community, I'll keep 'em to myself unless I'm given reason to wave them about.

The only reason I ever look to see which flag is under a poster's name is to see whether or not English is likely to be their first language so that I can think about how to phrase my reply to them.

This is usually an understanding, helpful and even friendly place to be... sure there's going to be exceptions, there always is, but let's focus on the posistive and that way ensure we keep this community as it is.
I do hate americans specially th84 (sucker) . Now seriously i have nothing against US cientizens, but i do have agains a few politicions. Since this thread is about U.S and some and its actions along the world, and as we know some americans cant understand why people hate them(not the words i would pick, but couldnt write it better), for those who doesnt understand the reason why, and for those who havent watched it yet, i would like to recommend 2 documentarys

1- Bowling For Columbine
2- Fahrenheit 9/11

If you have watched those two, well dunno what elso i could recoment to try to make you understand.

Just to make it clear, as i know my inglish is not as good it used to be, (if it ever was ) it wasnt intended to anyone
#54 - SamH
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Can't everyone just get along?

OMFG!! hehehe!!
Quote from Becky Rose :You can beat on this Damon fan all you like

Awww bless!
Quote from MARSH2a :I for one am pleased to be a part of such a global community that for the most part seems to get along just fine.


The American people really don't stand a chance because they're extraordinarily detached (read: media-protected) from international opinion of them. That's probably why theblackrabbi was so upset... the news came as a shock. It shouldn't have happened though.. shame on whoever the attackers were. They have no right to pollute our sporting Xanadu that way!

LFS is a sport. Never mix politics and sport.

If Americans wanna know what the rest of the world thinks of them, they should dig and find out elsewhere on the Internet. I wouldn't personally recommend it, because they won't be able to change anything and it'll just depress them.
#55 - th84
To be fair to those bush supporters(are there any??) those 2 documentary's were made by Michael Moore, one of the biggest anti-bush Americans you will ever see!! So it doesnt really give a un-biased look at it! They were made to make G.W. look bad, not that he needs any help with that!!!

/me votes to impeach bush press 1 (1/120,092,124)

I for one do understand alot of the people opinions of americans, but i still dont think its fair!! And it dont depress me either, there is nothing i can do or say to change the opionions of people, all i can do is be myself and let the chips fall where they may!
Actually 9/11 is direct to bush, the columbine is direct to the us and weapons, but it metions about how the U.S gave money to the own people(gentalmens such as Osama Bin Landen, Hussein, and others more.) who ended up using it against the U.S.
Quote from _rod_ :I do hate americans specially th84 (sucker) . Now seriously i have nothing against US cientizens, but i do have agains a few politicions. Since this thread is about U.S and some and its actions along the world, and as we know some americans cant understand why people hate them(not the words i would pick, but couldnt write it better), for those who doesnt understand the reason why, and for those who havent watched it yet, i would like to recommend 2 documentarys

1- Bowling For Columbine
2- Fahrenheit 9/11

If you have watched those two, well dunno what elso i could recoment to try to make you understand.

Just to make it clear, as i know my inglish is not as good it used to be, (if it ever was ) it wasnt intended to anyone

Michael Moore, despite being right about a lot of things I'm sure, is not neccessarily the honest journalist striving to right every wrong in America in the face of a massive corrupt government working purely to stop him that he would like us all to think he is.

Watch those films and enjoy them, but do not take what is shown and said as the gospel truth, and watch them as sceptically as you would any other news broadcast or politican's press briefing.
#58 - SamH
Quote from th84 :To be fair to those bush supporters(are there any??) those 2 documentary's were made by Michael Moore, one of the biggest anti-bush Americans you will ever see!! So it doesnt really give a un-biased look at it! They were made to make G.W. look bad, not that he needs any help with that!!!

/me votes to impeach bush press 1 (1/120,092,124)

I think you just leap-frogged the point. Nobody was pointing you to a way to see what anti-Bush people think of Bush. Watch those documentaries to gain an insight into what the WORLD thinks of Bush, and sadly by default, what they think generally of Americans.

Whether you agree with Moore or not, his films are pretty representative of a perspective that seems generally accepted as a global view of Americans. The first thing you have to do is drop the "well that's just one very biased view.." stance, because it's a pretty well THE WORLD view, biased or not.

If it's wrong, it's over to you to explain how. Think of it as a fabulous, ambassadorial opportunity if you will. But once we enter that phase of the discussion, we should really move over to the Off Topic section of the forum. It's a huge nut to crack.

PS: I have an American ex-wife and 2 American kids. I'm no stranger to this process.
#59 - Smax
Quote from Vykos69 :What? Who's Damon Hill anyway?

The Stig.
#61 - SamH
Quote from sinbad :Michael Moore, despite being right about a lot of things I'm sure, is not neccessarily the honest journalist striving to right every wrong in America in the face of a massive corrupt government working purely to stop him that he would like us all to think he is.

I've little doubt that the NRA would like to see him dead.
[EDIT:] ..and is also probably one of the best-equipped groups in the world for the task, too.
Quote from sinbad :Watch those films and enjoy them, but do not take what is shown and said as the gospel truth, and watch them as sceptically as you would any other news broadcast or politican's press briefing.

You can and should say that about anything.
Quote from SamH :OMFG!! hehehe!!


UH... Sorry EH?

... Since I'm here, I really doubt that the worldview in general is synonymous with that of Micheal Moore... Perhaps in terms of general sentiment or satire, but not all the way there.
#63 - th84
Its not a stance, its my opinion(is there a diffrence?). I agree with Michael Moore and others like him, but not everyone does. I never commented on what the world feels about us, there is no point in that! I can only hope that people dont use things such as that to decide their feelings about the american people!! We are not all oil hungry war hogs! As i said above(which was left out) i wont try to change the feelings of those who dis-like us, all i can do is live my life and support my family the best i can!

Quote :Whether you agree with Moore or not, his films are pretty representative of a perspective that seems generally accepted as a global view of Americans. The first thing you have to do is drop the "well that's just one very biased view.." stance, because it's a pretty well THE WORLD view, biased or not

im not sure if thats correct or not, i am a american living in america, so i cant really comment on peoples feelings other than what i see on the news and what ive read on forums such as this! and tbh, alot of the stuff i read i agree with, but theres not a whole lot i can do about it.
#64 - SamH
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :... Since I'm here, I really doubt that the worldview in general is synonymous with that of Micheal Moore... Perhaps in terms of general sentiment or satire, but not all the way there.

Nahh that's really what I meant. I don't think everyone assumed Moore's perspective at all.. but in general sentiment, I think it's a good place to start if you're an American wanting to figure out what "everyones' issue is" with Americans. There's lots of good conversation-starters in Moore's documentaries.
I'm not so happy with America right now! Course I couldn't run it, but I know we are doing something(s) wrong. For instance someone said we should just stop being world police and worry about our own, and I'd be just fine with that. Erm, I do have dual citizenship with Australia, and I do plan on going to college there, I'm just to worried about the future of the US and pissing off countries making nuclear bombs. I've been to Australia quite a few times to see the relatives, and I'm set on living there. The US is just to cocky, and stereo typed too often.
hey Rabbi, I was gonna respond to this earlier, but I didn't know exactly what to say in the post. Now I do

What you you shoulda said to them, right before they banned you was:
I can't help it if y'all are a bunch a greasy little foriegn kids! Geesh! Get a green card.
LOL I bet that woulda set them off >

I dunno why anyone, no matter what their Nationality or politics are would make
such a big deal out of it - especialy on a LFS server. We're a pretty "worldly" bunch at that. plus aren't we all just the low man on one really big totem pole anyways?

Personally, I'm a right wing anarchist, but I'm all too aware that if a system like that was to be implemented, it would fall flat on its face. It looks good on paper though .... Hey wait a minute so does Communism, Democratic Socialism and free market capitalism.....hmmmm maybe we need go back with tribal warchiefs and witch doctors - things were sooo much simpler then.
(theblackrabbi) DELETED by theblackrabbi
#67 - th84
Quote from Infiniti : For instance someone said we should just stop being world police and worry about our own, and I'd be just fine with that.

Me too!! I think thats our biggest problem, we (as in American leaders) stick our nose's too many places where they dont belong!
Quote from SamH :Nahh that's really what I meant. I don't think everyone assumed Moore's perspective at all.. but in general sentiment, I think it's a good place to start if you're an American wanting to figure out what "everyones' issue is" with Americans. There's lots of good conversation-starters in Moore's documentaries.

Moore's stuff is the worst kind of one-sided, opinionated, grandstanding with extremely limited grasp on reality that can't be rebutted because it is in the form of a movie. It is a good place to start if you want the longest possible trip to the truth. "Documentaries" is the wrong word to use for his work. One man's vengeful opinion is not a documentary.

America is it's own worst enemy for sure. America's politics are arguable. But that is the beauty of it and other free countries. Do you think a regime run by Nazi's or Saddam would allow any arguing in the first place? Don't think so. But there is another type of total control regime out there. It is the benign "we will take care of you because you are unable to take care of yourself" regime. This government thinks that you are not smart enough to take care of yourself so the government will wheedle its way into everything you do to the point of even telling you how to think. This is similar to communism. It is designed to help the little guy, but in the end, all it does is control the little guy.

Say what you want, but please, do real research first and don't base it off of Moore's diatribe. And don't generalize to an entire population. The US has all types. I have friends that hale from all points on the globe and I am extremely grateful for that.

And for Rabbi, don't let a couple of punks influence your fun. Ignore them, go to a different server and don't project their stupidity on other people. They are responsible for their actions as you are responsible for yours.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#69 - th84
lmao!! i can always count on kev!! a**hole!!
Quote from Funnybear :Let's have a group hug

Good idea , let´s have an international group hug
And forget about whales , bombs , swiss knives , michael moore , bush , fuel
Just a quick one, when i said the documentary that Moore made, it was only meant to be a sort of, how can i saw this...To open the people that thought that america was saving the other countries, i NEVER meant it as Moore is the truth. I only mentioned his works because i thought it would be the easiest one that a american could find, and sort of a open mind.

Now lets all of us into a big hug
Quote from _rod_ :Just a quick one, when i said the documentary that Moore made, it was only meant to be a sort of, how can i saw this...To open the people that thought that america was saving the other countries, i NEVER meant it as Moore is the truth. I only mentioned his works because i thought it would be the easiest one that a american could find, and sort of a open mind.

Now lets all of us into a big hug

LOL Sure Michael Moore is openminded - as long as it fits into his field of view
And if it don't, he'll either make it so or call it evil.

That is a big problem happening in America, Hollywood is trying to politicize itself and celebrities are trying to sway public opinion on issues that they themselves are actually totally clueless about... It'd be nice if they went back to making decent movies again wouldn't it? I mean who REALLY wants to see Brokeback Mountain or History of a Geisha? And these bozos want me to support the causes and candidates THEY endorse?

But I think this topic has gone waay waay past the scope of LFS

Hmmm... maybe we should all try and get along together and go after them
MRT users... yeah MRT users! They're just not fit to play LFS.
Every 'demoracy' needs a Michael Moore. We have one. His name is Mark Thomas. Been a bit quiet of late, but's he's working on new ways to severly embarris the government. And boy does he have teh amterial.

You see, thats the thing about the Michael Moores of the world. Governments just can't help but give them all the ammunition they require, those 'documentories' pretty much write themselves. Michael Moore and Mark Thomas et al are very brave men. They fly in the face of the establishment and long may they continue. I am for one a fan of Michael Moore. I'm a fan of his work, his bravery, his erudite wit and his comprehensive unashameded slagging of George 'W' Bush. (Gosh, that super computer that moniters all communication everywhere up on Goon Hilly down must be having a field day with us. Nobody mention assasination. (Shit. I just did) Or Ji Had. (Shit, did it again.) Oil and the Bin Laden Family (God damn) or Pretsils (Awww, I'm going straight to Quantanimo for that one!)) I'm not a huge fan of the man himself, he's big, where's a baseball cap and he's American, but hell I'll let him off just this once. He mat rattle a few cages but hey, guess what, thats the plan! Would the world at large now about the nine minute stare or the Bin Laden flight or the Haliburton bid to control the entire Middle East or the ammended PATRIOT act. Do any of you yanks actually know what is contained in the Patriot Act? Would any of the points that Moore raises have been seen at all? Would Fox show anything bad about Bush and his Cronies? Or should that be the Cronies and their Bush?

Not to say we've got it perfect. Far from it. Our very own lovely British government has been extremely busy in stripping our civil liberties from us. I.D. Cards, Law reforms, Stop and Search tactics, Imprisonment without trial, New Police powers and them wretched Mp's and Bloomin Gorden 'wannabe' Brown are busy passing an ammendment to get their Pension raised whilst symultaniously slashing the entire countries. They must have really chuckled over their Gin and Tonics about that one. The're escuse is that it brings the pension payments in line with industry. Well News for you boyo's, Government is a vocation. It's a job you do becasue you care about your fellow man and your country. It's the definition of a job that you do for teh love not the money. But it's not anymore. It's big Business.

So roll up roll up. Come spend your millions at the game show Government. And you never know, you might just win yourself a peerage . . . .

For god sake, someone shut me up. I'm ranting.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Na, he is actually working on new stuff. His been doing a few standups around the country to get his act together. I think Ch4 don't cover him like they used to so he's having to go independant on go on tour.
Quote from Funnybear :Every 'demoracy' needs a Michael Moore. We have one. His name is Mark Thomas. Been a bit quiet of late, but's he's working on new ways to severly embarris the government. And boy does he have teh amterial.

You see, thats the thing about the Michael Moores of the world. Governments just can't help but give them all the ammunition they require, those 'documentories' pretty much write themselves. Michael Moore and Mark Thomas et al are very brave men. They fly in the face of the establishment and long may they continue. I am for one a fan of Michael Moore. I'm a fan of his work, his bravery, his erudite wit and his comprehensive unashameded slagging of George 'W' Bush. (Gosh, that super computer that moniters all communication everywhere up on Goon Hilly down must be having a field day with us. Nobody mention assasination. (Shit. I just did) Or Ji Had. (Shit, did it again.) Oil and the Bin Laden Family (God damn) or Pretsils (Awww, I'm going straight to Quantanimo for that one!)) I'm not a huge fan of the man himself, he's big, where's a baseball cap and he's American, but hell I'll let him off just this once. He mat rattle a few cages but hey, guess what, thats the plan! Would the world at large now about the nine minute stare or the Bin Laden flight or the Haliburton bid to control the entire Middle East or the ammended PATRIOT act. Do any of you yanks actually know what is contained in the Patriot Act? Would any of the points that Moore raises have been seen at all? Would Fox show anything bad about Bush and his Cronies? Or should that be the Cronies and their Bush?

Not to say we've got it perfect. Far from it. Our very own lovely British government has been extremely busy in stripping our civil liberties from us. I.D. Cards, Law reforms, Stop and Search tactics, Imprisonment without trial, New Police powers and them wretched Mp's and Bloomin Gorden 'wannabe' Brown are busy passing an ammendment to get their Pension raised whilst symultaniously slashing the entire countries. They must have really chuckled over their Gin and Tonics about that one. The're escuse is that it brings the pension payments in line with industry. Well News for you boyo's, Government is a vocation. It's a job you do becasue you care about your fellow man and your country. It's the definition of a job that you do for teh love not the money. But it's not anymore. It's big Business.

So roll up roll up. Come spend your millions at the game show Government. And you never know, you might just win yourself a peerage . . . .

For god sake, someone shut me up. I'm ranting.

funny how people here just take all the crap the government is giving out... if only people were to realise that they in masses have the real power.. but i guess these days if people say why dont you protest against the government people will just shrug their shoulders and say ahh whats the point..... if thats the kind of attitude everyone has except the very few who can actually be bothered to make somekind of a stand and protest.... I always think that people can change what the governments are doing, no matter what country... people just have to abandon their stupid ways of thinking and actually get of their arse and make a stand otherwise this will keep on going and getting worse. I mean the protest against the war in Iraq was big over 2million people was it? but if you consider the population of Britain 60 million it was a joke! but how many people you ask if they were against the war they will say yes but i bet many stayed at home and didnt join the mass protest........ i mean if you want a example of a protest look back at the Ukraine orange revolution so called.... in the freezing temperatures of Ukraine during snow, night, rain, frost, and all sort of weather people stood there and made a stand and in the end people power won.. the sheer determination of people there was just amazing. Id like to see a Brit stand in the freezing cold outside of anything up to -14C and make a stand... they wouldnt last (sorry for the generalization) this is the reason governments here can do what they want. France was another example last week although that turned a bit nasty thx to the few who just couldnt help themselves to make trouble.

If and when people realise that they have the power and make their feelings known things might begin to change as then leaders would need to take notice but untill then nothing will change.......

btw like the way u spelled "Pretsils" funnybear its Pretzels

edit* bring on the Revolution......!!!!!!!!


(107 posts, started )