LFS Swedish LAN+Karting Meet, november 2008
I'm sorry to bother you all with another *meet thread. But at least we've got the details down!

Brief info
Activities: LAN and karting
Where: Gothenburg, Sweden
When: November 7th-9th (week 45) 2008

For more information please visit this thread at liveforspeed.se
I wish I could come Mr Heidfeld but I can't - but have a great time without me and that's a BMW team order.
Aw, this was tempting..! A bit far to travel, though, just for a short event..

By the way your link seems to be broken.
#4 - need
Quote from Gnomie :Aw, this was tempting..! A bit far to travel, though, just for a short event..

By the way your link seems to be broken.

Hehe, I travelled from Sweden to UK for a 1-day event. Our event starts on friday and ends on sunday.

Thanks though, link fixed.
Probably too short notice and I likely won't have enough funds, but I'll look into it and see if it's at all feasable.
Not all that bad really, flights plus karting is almost exactly a ton, twenty quid to the airport and back, free accomodation and cheap drinks couresy of Mr Heidfield. Could be good...

And then with offers like:
Quote from felplacerad :Thomas: alright then, i'll start warming up the missus

How can I turn that down?
Aaah and don't forget the beautiful female specimens of Gothenburg...the trip is worth it just for that!
#9 - Fuse5
Quote from Paranoid Android :Aaah and don't forget the beautiful female specimens of Gothenburg...the trip is worth it just for that!

Although I experienced the same in Stockholm, it is very much true!
Aw damnit ... Gothemburg, I can't go down there IF I wont share a place in a car with someone who is going there ...
Quote from Tim_J_23 :Aw damnit ... Gothemburg, I can't go down there IF I wont share a place in a car with someone who is going there ...

Then I suggest giving the same information in the relevant thread over at the swedish forum. I don't know where you're at but we've got people driving quite far from the south AND north. It should be quite feasible to work something out.
I'm all booked now. Will I be the only one travelling from the UK?
Just to say I'm here and people are slowly turning up (8 people out of an expected 23). LAN gaming with drinking tonight, with (sober) outdoor karting in the dark tomorrow late afternoon, before a meal out together and then more drinks and LAN until Sunday morning.

Shame nobody else here had the balls to go; fel is doing a fine job as host.

Assuming people are interested, I'll post the odd update here to let you all know how it's going.
I'm amazed. Bob, you're everywhere

When I go to bed tonight, I'll check my closet for Bob Smith.
Quote from hrtburnout :I'm amazed. Bob, you're everywhere

When I go to bed tonight, I'll check my closet for Bob Smith.

Check your underwear draw first.
I'll be happy to get any audio, video or pics from any LFS meeting anywhere!
Quote from Bob Smith :

Shame nobody else here had the balls to go; fel is doing a fine job as host.

I was thinking of maybe drivin there... but there's sort of like a sea in my way
I would really love to go there and meet you guys but I'm sort of 400km away from Gothemburg and I have no car so ... fail on that
Quote from hrtburnout :When I go to bed tonight, I'll check my closet for Bob Smith.

I feel like saying; "I'm in your closet, stealing your stuff".

Or perhaps more fittingly; "I'm in your country, gatecrashing your LFS meets"

Quote from hyntty :I was thinking of maybe drivin there... but there's sort of like a sea in my way

And I didn't have the same issue?

Hint: Stick out arms and make whirring noises...

Quote from Tim_J_23 :I would really love to go there and meet you guys but I'm sort of 400km away from Gothemburg and I have no car so ... fail on that

All these trains in Gothenburg don't go anywhere then?
I'd rather not take my computer package with the G25 on a train xD
(felplacerad) DELETED by felplacerad
Well the first night of racing went well. Mostly light racing since the alcohol was flowing. UF1s at various tracks, a bit of XFG/XRG and a dabble with the LX6. Some good fun was had even if I don't understand what anyone is saying, laughter is fairly universal. We're having about an hours race or so now, before we head off to the karting track for 4pm.

Thomas took me to the circuit the day I arrived here and it has a lot of similarities to Karting North East. The weather was crappy yesterday put looks a bit better today; no rain but the track will be very damp no doubt. Should prove interesting.

Will make another post and let you know if Mr. Heidfield won or not.
have a great time Bob!
Update - the karting went very well, some very fast drivers and the odd slow one like me to bring up the rear. 3 sets of 8 laps each (20 of us in two groups of 10), before a final race of 14 laps. The track was very slippy, although thankfully the karts just understeered rather than spun. The almost complete absense of any lighting added another element to the racing, it's certainly more of a challenge to hit the apex when a) you can't see it and b) the kart only wants to go in a straight line. Good fun though, and there was some closing racing to be had.

Some good food has followed and everyone is really starting to get on and know one another. One of the guys even brought his English wife, which has made for some easier conversation for me.

For anyone looking for photos of the event so far, photos are slowly being added to the official thread over on the Swedish LFS forums: http://forum.liveforspeed.se/viewtopic.php?t=3252

Now I must continue drinking this 5.9% beer and fire LFS back up. I'll be flying back home in 18 hours so don't want to waste the opportunity to get whooped by some crazy drunken Swedes (and a Norweigan).
Quote from Bob Smith :Update - the karting went very well, some very fast drivers and the odd slow one like me to bring up the rear. 3 sets of 8 laps each (20 of us in two groups of 10), before a final race of 14 laps. The track was very slippy, although thankfully the karts just understeered rather than spun. The almost complete absense of any lighting added another element to the racing, it's certainly more of a challenge to hit the apex when a) you can't see it and b) the kart only wants to go in a straight line. Good fun though, and there was some closing racing to be had.

Some good food has followed and everyone is really starting to get on and know one another. One of the guys even brought his English wife, which has made for some easier conversation for me.

For anyone looking for photos of the event so far, photos are slowly being added to the official thread over on the Swedish LFS forums: http://forum.liveforspeed.se/viewtopic.php?t=3252

Now I must continue drinking this 5.9% beer and fire LFS back up. I'll be flying back home in 18 hours so don't want to waste the opportunity to get whooped by some crazy drunken Swedes (and a Norweigan).

You must really feel like the odd one out, but if you hear hva faen or va fan you know that there is some bullshit goin down!