Weeeeeeeee, improved tyre physics. Assuming April 30th delivery, I have 27 days of life left. Better make use of it.
Quote from Bob Smith :Assuming April 30th delivery, I have 27 days of life left. Better make use of it.

What makes u say that?
I'd have liked more of an idea when we're gonna get this update... tomorrow, next week, next month, 6 months...
I just hate not knowing.
#53 - Tick
The patch news is great! Thanks Vic and the Guys!

The SMS feature is a total waste of time guys. Im not paying for that!

Just my 2 cents.

The news is... news, there is no mention of a patch, nor an april release date.
you have to pay? I'm not using them
Quote from mkinnov8 :The news is... news, there is no mention of a patch, nor an april release date.

Quote from nikimere :What makes u say that?
I'd have liked more of an idea when we're gonna get this update... tomorrow, next week, next month, 6 months...
I just hate not knowing.

for one it sounds a lot like those updates are currently getting the finishing touches and are almost ready for realease

and vykos post suggests that this isnt the surprise vicotr was talking about in that interview so we should have at least another progess report comming up this month

my guess is that the devs have something up their sleeves to counter the nk release
#58 - MR_B
I look forward to this new feature business. I'm happy to see LFS is under a mini re-vamp......(No connection to neck biting sucka's)

.....I'll shut up
Quote from Tick :The patch news is great! Thanks Vic and the Guys!

The SMS feature is a total waste of time guys. Im not paying for that....

Same here.
Nice news about the patch but the sms thing is not my business.
But i think there are lots who like these kind of features
Thanks for the report Victor - i'm really looking forward to drive with the new tyre physics. Maybe i have the chance to drive a WR for some hours on any not so much used track config

i'm panicing for our unknown feature
Great news Victor - good to know that Eric has been busy too, and Scawen is doing the things (and more) he promised. In fact April is going to be one of the best computing months in a LONG time - should I go to bed, or stay up and wriggle a bit in excitement?
new tyre and aero, woohoo
Quote from tristancliffe :should I go to bed, or stay up and wriggle a bit in excitement?

Perhaps just hibernate yourself till 10th april.
So if the suprise is not a new track config what would it be? I'm still hoping for better cockpits... better sounding sounds is a bit too unrealistic hope.

This is getting exciting...
Quote from deggis :This is getting exciting...

this isn't. the patch is.
#68 - mr_x
sounding good... cant wait.. i hope the collision physics on the autox barriers are fixed!

hmmm sure we will find out soon... im not as sad as you lot... i actually sleep at night and see what appears in the morning, its a better way to go
#69 - MR_B
Ok guys I wouldn't get too excited if I were you. Be modest and be pleased about the aerodynamics and tyre fixes hmm??
After all the waiting and impatience most of us have, I think the excitement is more a form of relief and joy that such a patch is even coming out I feel the same way too, as I think LFS (and the people that play it online ) will be back in full force once we get our fixes.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#71 - ekze
Cheers vicc! Really nice progress report!
But just one improvement suggestion: are you planning to add cyrillic letters support to this SMS feature?
Quote from KiDCoDEa :this isn't. the patch is.

No, the patch is interesting. Waiting is exciting.

Been watching this forum, and website, just waiting for some news... WOOO

I, for one, hope that the low speed phycis are fixed. Bit its not that important.
SMS in a simulator.... hehehe.. it's a new thing, I must agree.

But I'd prefer a better set of sounds

Anyway, tks for the progress report, it's a collyrium for my eyes
Great news!
Bring it on!!!