It doesn't matter who you vote, since nobody can get anything done in the US without support from the major lobby groups like AIPAC, NRA etc - where the real political money is spent in the US. You may as well vote for Bob Barr, for all your vote counts as a US national.
As for voting Obama, I think if the world were voting anything in this internet poll it's voting for change in preference to no change.. which, incidentally is what you'll get both politically and financially from either the donkey or the elephant candidates.
The world doesn't really care about the candidates as either political figures or as personalities (an important factor in US politics), but when I talk to anyone about US politics - young, old, internet savvy or internet numpties, British or otherwise, they're all sick to the back teeth of the US shafting the rest of the world for its own lobby groups' political and financial gain. Give us a poll that intimates a choice of continuing in that fashion, or going for "change", I don't think it's a surprise to see votes hand-over-fist for change.