It's coming!! LFSW Updates!
(116 posts, started )
hehe, my phone does work even without the new feature, frankmd. Wink
Yes, but now it's cheaper, and I think it's also faster? At least when I tried it out yesterday with Rob from the UK, it was quite fast.
Much like broadband, I don't even have a mobile phone Shrug . No reason for one. Phone wouldn't pick up a signal in the building at work, and it would be a little foolish for my wife to call me when I'm not at work. She could just yell down the basement step while I'm racing.
Quote from Scawen :You can think of scenarios where it can be useful...

Let's say you don't want to sit next to your computer the whole time, and instead you want to watch TV (for example). Then one of your friends can go online and you could receive the alert that he's on a host. Or he (or any LFS user) could SMS you from in-game, without you having to give anyone your number.

The other thing I like is just SENDING an SMS. It's so easy to just type in a message instead of using that number pad on the phone. And it's cheap for international messages - on my phone they are 20p. From LFSW they are only 12p.

Would it be anyhow possible to get an SMS when new patches are released? I guess many people would like this and it was already suggested by someone on other thread.
Quote from Hyperactive :Would it be anyhow possible to get an SMS when new patches are released? I guess many people would like this and it was already suggested by someone on other thread.

I wouldn't think that would be fessible, unless you were going to pay for that message.
There are thousands of licenced LFS'ers, and the devs would still have to pay some sort of fee per text message, most SMS service providers charge between 3c and 8c per message. So even if it's only 3c per message multiply that by 10k and you have a nice bill Tilt
Quote from Hyperactive :Would it be anyhow possible to get an SMS when new patches are released? I guess many people would like this and it was already suggested by someone on other thread.

Balls to that, I want Scawen to phone me personally just as he is about to upload it, I'd pay for that service Big grin

Quote from nikimere :I wouldn't think that would be fessible, unless you were going to pay for that message.
There are thousands of licenced LFS'ers, and the devs would still have to pay some sort of fee per text message, most SMS service providers charge between 3c and 8c per message. So even if it's only 3c per message multiply that by 10k and you have a nice bill Tilt

Everyone has got 2 messages for free. I can't think of any other use for my own 2 SMSs except this. And I bet they have done some calculations on how much it will cost to give those 2 SMSs for free, dontcha think? Smile
Thanks for example sc, you are right, but i can also think of scenarios for using a vibrator during a funeral, for example.
my comment wasnt really, omg this is totally useless (maybe i should have written better), its more omg this will rarely rarely be used by anyone. just my opinion and yes i can understand the cool g33k factor attached to it, but nothing customized rss wouldnt add aswell while actually being useful for a greater number of people.
Am i being too argumentative? Smile
A customizable RSS feed would be excellent Thumbs up
Quote from (SaM) :LFS Credit, ha! That reminds me of;

Insert Coin to start race.

Goodbye pennies!

yeah and every time you make a pitstop...
Insert Coin to continue... [0-9]
Quote from axus :The high-nose sets won't work anymore - that was part of the reason for needing the patch so bad. The other feature could be chassis flex or extra grip on the racing line, both of which are core physics... apart from that I don't see any other physics improvements needed... maybe asymetric suspension settings...

Well they will still work, but will be far less effective and have some negitive effects. Running with a nose high set will still mean less downforce but the amount of lifting force counteracting the downforce of the undertray will be correctly caculated and applied, resulting in a smaller advantage, which will also have the disadvantage of reducing grip.
I see the possible use for this SMS system for League Administrators and Server Admins etc, but even then, without good customization facilities.. But I can see the use for the organister-group of people, even so, 12p a message may not be considered to be a lot for some people, if thats per message and there are 20 people in a League, thats £2.40 per message sent. Which could also be per-session, depending upon use...

Is there a character limit to these text messages?

For people joing online, to alert friends etc, I cant see this being used that much, its more of a novelty feature, and personally, I dont see what value other than that it adds to Live For Speed - Online Racing Simulator.

[NOTE] The above is just my opinion, which is there to be commented upon.
Quote from Gimpster :Well they will still work, but will be far less effective and have some negitive effects. Running with a nose high set will still mean less downforce but the amount of lifting force counteracting the downforce of the undertray will be correctly caculated and applied, resulting in a smaller advantage, which will also have the disadvantage of reducing grip.

With any luck it should cause the front wheels to lift up beyond a certain speed, and if you don't start braking, the lift force will go exponential (the nose lifting creates more lift at the front, and so on), and the car should back flip like the Mercedes at Le Mans '99 (I was there Big grin).

Oh how fun that would be to watch, with 20 back flipping FO8s at the oval. I so wan't to be online the first race people try out their old high nose sets. Big grin
lol Bob..... yeah that would make a great replay Big grin lets hope that is the case and that it has been correctly simulated.. maybb u can use what Bob suggested as a way to test.... if only the fo8 was editable with the tweak

A nice feature would be that people who translate LFS receive a message to the phone when new words are able to be translated. What do you think, Victor?
Quote from KiDCoDEa :... but nothing customized rss wouldnt add aswell while actually being useful for a greater number of people.
Am i being too argumentative? Smile

It's true that rss would be nice, and I have also been talking a bit with vic about that (rss feed, dynamic bookmarks, seo, problem of not finding anything LFS-related, lfs-wiki not being accessible enough, etc.), but it's also NOT mainstream yet.
Most people use internet explorer and have no clue what the internet really is Wink
Even the best website structure is not enough, people are just too stupid or too lazy to find those websites. I dont wanna know how many demo racers have never visited ANY of the LFS websites out there.

But this is a general problem of the whole society - people are watching instead of seeing. People dont READ what they have to read. And specially, people think they know better than others, even though they have absolutely NO CLUE Smile
"pääätch pääätch.." :pillepall Big grin

Some people think the devs owe them making a new patch, just because they have sent them some money, but they dont realize that they are damn lucky people because they can even play LFS.
You gave them money for playing the game, you are playing it. Why do you even want more? I dont get it really...

What we REALLY need is some sort of online system with mods from the comminity, so the devs dont have to do any work there except keeping it running, which is baisically like the forum, but it is sorted in a way that it makes sense. You will have many categories for "problems", like hardware, wheel, etc, and users can post problems, and all the solutions will be stored in any parent category, in which it will fit. For example, info about Force Feedback problems can be found in the wheels thread, but also in the LFS menu thread, for the case that the settings are wrong.

And to get all the people there, there must be a link in LFS in font size 72 or something :P
Blimey, who wizzed in your cornflakes this morning....

The type of person you are describing is luckly in the minority in the LFS community.

Also, its not always the case that "people are too stupid or lazy to find things out", but many people just don't have the time to invest in finding out these things, and if it can be made simple and easy, why not?.

As for the devs oweing us a patch, well, they do, in basic terms the current version is not what was promised when people brought S2, so they havent delivered what we payed for....yet.

Don't get me wrong, I feel I have had WAY more than £24 worth of entertainment out of LFS, and if they stopped developing today heck yeah, it would be a shame.

We are lucky that we have LFS, but you must not forget WE pay for it, its not free, its not produced purely for the love of it, it is a business

I agree with some of orion's comments but mainly... Well Said danowat, 100% Agree there!Thumbs up
Quote from danowat :in basic terms the current version is not what was promised when people brought S2, so they havent delivered what we payed for....yet.

Show me something that was "promised", which isnt there :P

You payed for S2 and they delivered S2, where's the problem?
"It is an aplha" - yes, but you can drive all the cars and tracks that were planned for S2, and you dont buy a game, you buy a license to drive those cars on exactly those tracks Smile

-> The devs dont owe you anything Smile

Btw, nobody did anything with my cornflakes (which I dont eat anyway Big grin ), it's just annoying that so many people dont even know what they bought, and that they are all the time moaning about their favourite game... Shrug

Additionally, LFS IS "produced purely for the love of it", but you cant live without money, so they cant give it away for free.
Why do people think that saying things that arent overly, gussingly thankfull is moaning?, surely people can express an opinion, be it right or wrong in your eyes, but its just that, and opinion.

I am not moaning, I think as is S2 is a great sim, but it clearly isnt what the devs intented to be S2 otherwise it would have the "alpha" moniker, people brought S2 FULL not alpha, not beta, not anything else, S2.

Regardless of how much "love" (LFS S2 - now with 100% more love) its still a business.

Well I didnt say you are moaning :P
You just seemed to shelter people who tend to know better than the devs.

Patience makes life a lot easier Smile
Sure does Smile.

I am not sheltering anyone, its just that some people get a bum rap on this forum for not "following the crowd", and it grinds my gears sometimes.

People are allowed to have an opinion, be it the right one or the wrong one, as long as they dont express it in an "out of order" manner.

Quote from ORION :
[...]Most people use internet explorer and have no clue what the internet really is Wink
Even the best website structure is not enough, people are just too stupid or too lazy to find those websites.[...]

Sorry Orion, but I find the above comment a tad offensive, and not a little arrogant. You shouldn't take a shotgun approach like that just because you disagree with a couple of people.

My guess for the surprise is a "Reverse-Button" and/or a slider for the replays! Thumbs up

That would just be great! Oh my god I'm getting horny thinking of it! Big grin
Imagine, what will happen, when they really make this possible.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken

It's coming!! LFSW Updates!
(116 posts, started )