Racing Trucks in LFS
(91 posts, started )
lfs is a racing sim, not a race car sim. then why is there a uf1? why not a simple blocky kamaze?
Quote from petercollins :Stupid idea, what's next - lawnmowers?

Who the f**k watches truck racing? Nobody.

Let's get our devlopers fixed on some worthwhile physic recreations, not these Codemaster gimmicks.

U another on of those who is so closed minded, don't be so boring, get some life in you, or would you like a game that has one car, one track, one throttle position e.t.c

Braking by the bridge on blackwood, ha ha ha, that is classic, I can just imagine that, but I think driving them would be a blast, all that torque and power, it would make for some awsome power slides
Quote from petercollins :Stupid idea, what's next - lawnmowers?

Who the f**k watches truck racing? Nobody.

Let's get our devlopers fixed on some worthwhile physic recreations, not these Codemaster gimmicks.

Dude ... who pissed in your rice crispies?
#54 - Byku
Agree, trucks, muscle cars, dragsters, nascar cars, motorbikes... LFS has great and very flexible physics and we should use it. Btw. Driving a perfect car would be boring ;p, driving a truck on the other hand .
Oh yeah, it would be like tring to race battleships, ha ha, well mabe not quite that hecktik but u catch my drift

[quote] Dude ... who pissed in your rice crispies? [quote]

ha ha ha, some people just need to enjoy life more
Quote from Byku :Agree, trucks, muscle cars, dragsters, nascar cars, motorbikes... LFS has great and very flexible physics and we should use it.

This * 10000

You only have to look at that youtube vid where someone has tweaked the XFG model to make it into a bus to see how flexible the physics engine is. It'd be a crime to not use it to simulate as many types of racing as possible.
Quote from M3THANOL :glad 2 see that I am not the only one who thinks it might work, and ja a road going version and a race version would be gr8. Mabe the truck could be something along the lines of a Peter Built, those trucks are the top performers as far as i know( the one with the nice boxy nose)

American Truck Racing is crap compared to Aussie racing and Euro Racing. VOLVO WHITE AND MAN AND DAF AND SCANIA FOR THE WIN!
#59 - JJ72
what...truck racing is cool, if not it won't be a FIA sactioned event till now.
Quote from JJ72 :what...truck racing is cool, if not it won't be a FIA sactioned event till now.

It is... FIA European Truck Racing Championship or something similar.
I would quite like to see one of those old school peterbilt type racing trucks, the ones with the boxy bonnets
30 trucks at SO Classic
To you guys over where you live having semi racing might be cool and all but to me having that is just stupid and boring and I would never race them.. The only trucks I would ever race would be the Nascar Craftsman Series type trucks that you can acctually steer and has speed. I know semi's would be a more challenging truck to drive but they dont seem interesting to me.
Quote from scoobyrbac :To you guys over where you live having semi racing might be cool and all but to me having that is just stupid and boring and I would never race them.. The only trucks I would ever race would be the Nascar Craftsman Series type trucks that you can acctually steer and has speed. I know semi's would be a more challenging truck to drive but they dont seem interesting to me.
They are alot better than you think, you know, considering your American(or Canadian) and have no knoledge on REAL truck racing. Do not go by Toca Race Driver as to what truck racing REALLY is.

Hillclimbing race trucks
i live in a state dedicated to nascar trucks and i think these semi ones are much better!
Just watched that hillclimb video, FLIP I didnt realisem how potent these trucks are, they are faster than I thought
Cool idea, i would be integrate it.
i want kamaze
I'm in!
+1 000 000
But on corners they will not be better than uf1 approx: 0.9>1G , and then accelerating like hell untill top speed of uf1 approx: 160km/h
And still very fun to drive..

I tried it on rFactor, and MBTR, and i must say, that ill see their tires endured, bent, twisted, and streched on lfs much likely than scirrocco's ones
kamaze and euro truck series ftw!!!
-1 I would rather see new track's brought into the game, We already have the scirocco on the way
the scirocco isnt a truck...

Racing Trucks in LFS
(91 posts, started )