You have any random general facts you want to share? About anything, doesn't matter.
Here's a few to get started.
Here's a few to get started.
- 32% of Russian woman have never had an orgasm
- Your chance of dying in a plane crash is nearly the same as your chance of dying after a meteoroid crashes into the Earth (at 1 to 20,000).
- A man in Florida sued a strip club after he suffered wiplash injuries when a woman's 60" bust was thrust into his face.
- Only 1 in 6 internet pages are not a porn page.
- It is impossible to flush a table tennis ball down a toilet.
- Over 100,000,000 acts of sex occur each day.
- The referee at a 2002 World Cup Finals match had some toilets named after him in Italy after they didn't like his decisions in the match
- My mum's car: 40 miles per gallon. Average Supercar: 15ish miles per gallon. F1 car: 4 miles per gallon. QE2: 6 inches per gallon