The online racing simulator
Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak for the XRR as requested.

1024, 2048 and render attached.

Already uploaded to LFSWorld.

Attached images
Toyota Celica WRC replica, based on car in pic.

Remove 1024 from skin befor upload.

You can add your own number, but don't edit anything else.
Attached images
XRT_TCWRC 1024.jpg
Toyota WRC preview.jpg
Quote from LineR32 :Toyota Celica WRC replica, based on car in pic.

Remove 1024 from skin befor upload.

You can add your own number, but don't edit anything else.

Can you, please, make it for XRG?
Just rename the skin to XRG_TCWRC and change the name if you add your own number to it.
Quote from LineR32 :Just rename the skin to XRG_TCWRC and change the name if you add your own number to it.

Can you, please, upload it on LFSW? And plz tell with which name you uploaded. Thx!
I can't upload any more skins to LFSW.

Anyone else can plzz upload th4t?
Romanian police skin

Attached images
New Bitmap Image.JPG
Quote from Sk0rpi0n :Hello,pliz will some put this skin online.
Hire is skin to download.

Hire is to preview


Pliz will some put tish skin online??????????
Quote from beefyman666 :Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak for the XRR as requested.

1024, 2048 and render attached.

NOT uploaded to LFSWorld. Remove 1024 from filename before uploading.


thats awsonme! ill upload
This is my second skin. Hope you like it!!!
I will be greatful if some one uploads this skin on
Attached images
XRT skin by IceBerg.jpg
i upload (EDIT: NVM). poeple, does this guy have a crack beacuase the game dosnt look like x. and he want to use it online...
Thanks. How do you like it??? I have Z demo version and i made this pictures at my friend's house he has s2. And i use this skin on XRG. Could you upload that skin too. Just rename this one. Thanks!!!
Quote from IceBergSRB :Thanks. How do you like it??? I have Z demo version and i made this pictures at my friend's house he has s2. And i use this skin on XRG.

And back in the never ending circle, what's your friends account?
I don't know. His name is Aleksandar. He made those pictures for me.
Quote from IceBergSRB :I don't know. His name is Aleksandar. He made those pictures for me.

Please ask him next time you meat him IRL or on msn... I think you sadly are about to get flamed quick if you don't do it :/
What do you mean when you say flamed???
Accused of using a cracked version of LFS
At first there are no cracks for lfs. If you want one you have to pay and i would rather buy lfs and not a stupid crack. There are only keygens which doesn't mean anything because you cant play lfs online. And playing single player isn't mush fun so don't act like a child. So you can flame me as much as you want but the fact is that i play a demo version online. So chill out!!!
then can you give me xrg version and not xrt?
Tried copying of a toy car, after i got interesting on a car in the request forum "suzuki escudo". I believe its called the "Escudo Monster unlimited" or something daft like that.

heres the toy

Renders and skins:
Attached images
thats better than a toy
Quote from lil chris :Tried copying of a toy car, after i got interesting on a car in the request forum "suzuki escudo". I believe its called the "Escudo Monster unlimited" or something daft like that.

heres the toy

Renders and skins:

I get can't load skin when i try to use both of these (hi and lo)...

EDIT:File names were too long, renamed HIGH to HI and LOW to LO, solved the issue.

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )