The online racing simulator
Night or Rain?
(98 posts, started )

Poll : Which one first?

Wet weather driving.
Night time driving.
I prefer night time.
I prefer rain but I think night should be done first because we need functional lights, some other graphic effects and different physics before having rain. Night is a more simple step, so it should be done first.
I'd like rain but that means the Windscreen wipers would have to work, Meaning another button which I dont really care about, Drifting in the Rain would add a whole new Factor to LFS I reckon
#29 - pipa
Rain would be awesome. Changing weather would be a giant step forward.
I'd like to see wet weather first, as it essentially provides a whole new track. You'd have to adapt to different braking points, different lines, etc. Whereas night driving just favours those who've learned all the tracks off by heart. I would of course like to see night in the future some time too, though
I voted for night, but only because I think its a lot easier to programm/animate than really realistic rain weather
#32 - Jek
Both ..
Then I'd like to see snow :O (for rallycross)
#34 - Vain
Quote from ACCAkut :I voted for night, but only because I think its a lot easier to programm/animate than really realistic rain weather

Since we don't have a realtistic turbo model, a realistic tyre model, a realistic damage model or a realistic aerodynamics model either I guess Scawen could get away with a not-completely realistic implementation of rain.

Basically I'm saying that LFS is a game and no, it won't need 6 months of research to gather data on wet weather physics. I have at least 2 papers at home that have typical force-long./-lat. slipping curves for different types of tyres in them, and that is even before I start looking for papers on the topic in a library.

My personal impression is that a senseful implementation of wet weather physics would be about as much work as a proper damage model that includes external and internal parts. But since we're waiting for an update of the damage system since 2005 I guess a useful estimation for the release-date of wet weather physics would be 2011.

By the way, I find this a better display of wet weather physics, simply because it sticks with one car for the whole time.

BOTH ! ... i think you should add that option in your poll...
Night racing isn't just about darkness. Darkness is just the most visual aspect of it. Change of moisture levels and temperature drop will have an effect on the tires and the track surface which is already something that lfs doesn't do.

Rain on the other hand is something a lot harder, especially if done well. Puddles, water streams going over the track and different hardness levels of rain just to mention few of the very tricky aspects of it. Just to think about how many years it might take from eric to create some "wet" textures makes me cry. I don't see it beign worth the effort, at least if eric is involved any way. But that's just my personal opinion .

A simple step to begin with would be to have variable track temperatures within sensible limits so the track isn't the same every time. This is still something none of the other sims do and would greatly add a small weather element into racing and lfs. Naturally the tire heating issues need to be solved to take full adventage of it but still it's another quite small step to take with quite big realism/immersion adventages. Later on adding moisture levels and then fog and stuff like that, getting slowly towards the rain conditions would work much better. Even if the actual rain conditions are never seen.

In the end though, night racing is just a novelty and rain is just probably something 95% would not want to do after few laps. More important stuff is needed first and all that blablabla
Night racing first. Easier to do and more appealing to drive.
Wet weather .
But night is good too, so i prefer both two ideas .
night is easier to model, like sunset.
hehehe personaly i want the cars to be a little harder to controle during slide's then wet+ night
Anyone else get the hunch that it's possible that variable night/day conditions are potentially in the works? One item on Scawen's current to-do list- 'improved track shadow rendering', suggests teasingly that Scawen might be looking into more sophisticated real-time approaches to shadow rendering... moving sun, ie day/night. It's a long shot maybe, but not unthinkable, especially if you're prone to more utopic LFS imaginings!

If I had to choose, I'd pick night over rain. Rain in the sun would look pretty odd anyway.
It's lightyears from shadow gfx improvements to day/night transitions
Depends on what kind of improvements.
Rain all the way.

Night can be easily countered by just turning up monitor gamma (and don't say people wouldn't do it), then people would just go back to standard hotlapping.

A slippery track, on the other hand, would force people to drive completely differently.
I believe a fully working weather system is the key to implement good night racing... In the night, it's not just getting dark, temperature and humidity change as well, which if we're honest are the defining factors in running a race at night (apart from less concentration potential of the driver due to the late hour)...
I think night would be perfect for some bad ass Fern Bay Black GTR endurance race
I voted for Wet Weather but i think night will come first because it is easyer to simulate/animate where as if they add rain and wet weather they will have to make windshield wipers and then animate those and make it so it gets rid of the rain on the windshield when the wipers go over it.
rain would also drop some peoples fps.
While I get the point of this poll, I believe it's the wrong way of looking at it.
Night and rain need to be part of the same Dynamic weather package for it to be worthy of a sim.

I'm for either 24h weather with changing conditions or leave it as is.
Quote from chavm481 :rain would also drop some peoples fps.


I'd highly doubt that.

Night or Rain?
(98 posts, started )