The online racing simulator

6 was also an idea from me and i think this could really be one new possibilaty.
but i really liked to see 3 and 4
Does anyone know a preview date for S3? But S2 is good enough to be played for the next months and longer...
Cheers for the update.
I like the sound of the new update, but I don't really give my phone number to anything unless it's important so it won't apply to me but it's a good idea.
Congrats for the idea victor.
Which update do you mean? Did I missed something ??
Quote from Hyperactive :Could a track without chicane be possible in LFS?:

Heresy! Burn the witch!
Quote :Which update do you mean? Did I missed something ??

Only the 1st post of the thread
Yeah well they've all been going on about new Aston tracks (nice idea too) and forgot about the topic at hand
Quote from Hyperactive :Could a track without chicane be possible in LFS?:

OOOh that would nice track! I'd love that, and dont mind that witch talk, if you dont float you dont have to worry about it
Quote from Victor :You can now send text messages to other LFS racers, from LFS world or from inside LFS!

What are the commands for sending from inside LFS ?
Quote from Hyperactive :Could a track without chicane be possible in LFS?

-> Oval

I'm running a server atm where I have replaced the chicanes with a tight left-right corner complex
nice idea. I'd come but I have a disconnection problem with multiplayer racing.
Quote from Frags :What are the commands for sending from inside LFS ?

yeah i gotta find a place where people in general can find that information hmm..

for now it's added to the keys list :

sending sms's from inside LFS works with 2 steps:

1) initiate the sms : /w msg frags [OR] /w sms frags

LFS will then report if you can send an sms to Frags. If you can, you have 2 minutes time to execute the next command :

2) /w txt here you write the short message

When submitting that line, the sms will be sent. The sms will, next to your message, contain the host you are on, so you could sms someone the text 'join me!' and the recipient will see "LFS - frags @ thehostname : join me!"
If I do what is descibed above, I get a LFSW - unknown command error when doing /w txt [Some text]
sry - try again
I'm sorry dear LFS developer. I love this simulator an I follow you from 2002 year, but now I have to write you down some consideration:

It's long time there are no patches and no improvement. I know it's born a baby (end that change the life) but I think was better to spend the few time to develop and delivery the complete S2 and S3 version before to spend your precious time for something that was not related to the real simulation. You'll have a lot of time after the final version is out to implement other payable features. I know this is business, but your first goal is to develop the final simulation

So I will wait the patches and the final version (paying what you want) before I use these unnecessary features.

Everithing IMHO, of course
Quote from mpracer :I'm sorry dear LFS developer. I love this simulator an I follow you from 2002 year, but now I have to write you down some consideration:

It's long time there are no patches and no improvement. I know it's born a baby (end that change the life) but I think was better to spend the few time to develop and delivery the complete S2 and S3 version before to spend your precious time for something that was not related to the real simulation. You'll have a lot of time after the final version is out to implement other payable features. I know this is business, but your first goal is to develop the final simulation

So I will wait the patches and the final version (paying what you want) before I use these unnecessary features.

Everithing IMHO, of course

I dont think developing this in any way influenced the development of LFS itself, since there are 2 people working on those 2 things. Victor is normally not coding LFS itself, he's doing LFSWorld etc.

EDIT: SMS seems to work now from inside LFS.
I dremt up some configs too... but unlike most of the ones above, I considered which bits of finished or almost finished track are not being used by any configs currently. I also attached a blank aston map and a map with the unused track.

Aston Club 2 (I call it club 2 because I believe it will be great in what are my favourite cars - LX6, FZ5 and RAC).
Attached images
seems to me you are both right.
but in the end, its how it looks to the end user that matters.
therefore i find mpracer feedback expectable.
Since Victor is the dev doing the web and sound, I don't think it has any effect on the release of S2 final. Actually I don't that Scawen or Eric has much to do with these features...

Everithing IMHO, of course
Those red areas are all used except the silly bit in the 2nd sector.
Grrrr you stole my post
Please don't call the police.
Oh, my bad - national and club... well the actual corners as I have used them are unused.