Hello racers,
Well after todays formula 1 race i was thinking about the pitstop strategy, ive heard Alonso about it, and it started me thinking about it with LFS.
Im a race driver racing in league's like the Masters of Endurance, the 16h lfs race etc...
Im still am not satisfied about the race/fuel/strategy used in LFS, i mean the standard procedure is fuel the car to 100% and drive untill your tyres are worn out, the fuel never does, this is with endurance racing, IMO for the race cars in LFS the maximum amount of fuel that you can carry is way too high. OR is it, what about the tyres???
Its boring so to say, everyone is doing the same strategy because its the fastest way in endurance racing.
For instance in Formula 1 they almost got a good balance in doing a single stop with slower pace, or doing 2 stops. ATM 2 stops is still the fastest, today weve seen piquet doing a single stop if im correct and see were he ended up 4th place... So both tactics are usable in F1.
In lfs this isnt possible, 2 stops is always slower. So everyone fills up the car and goes... These simular strategy's give a boring race for drivers and a predictable finish.
I think that there alot of people that will agree with this, its simular for short en endurance racing.
This problem can be caused due to 2 reasons, grip of the tyres or a too high fuel load.
Thinking it over, i personally think its a combination of both.
Starting out with the tyres, ppl in endurance racing never use the hardest compound because thats way too slow, ppl mostly use the middle for the race and the soft for the qualify. The difference in grip between the qualify tyres and the middle type or R2's is way too close. Also the qualify tyres heat up too much so they never can be used for a 2 stop strategy, because with the GTR cars there gone in 2 or 3 laps sometimes even after 1 lap.
Im driving alot of GTR cars so look @ this from the GTR cars viewpoint.
I think that we have too much tyre types in LFS (R1-R4) IMO we should have a qualifying tyre, a soft and a hard tyre.
I think we should loose the hardest tyre in LFS R4 this tyre is never used, because its giving not enough grip and with a big fuel load its even slower.
IMO the R2 tyre is not usable for racing, which is a bit strange, in formula 1 there used, ok they dont last as long but ppl tend to use them alot with a 2 stop strategy. In lfs the tyres heat up in a good way but after a lap or 2 the surface temperature is so high that it becomes useless. You could say that this R2 tyre is sort of the qualifying tyre.
The R3 tyre is mostly used, they last for about a hour, and your still have a good fast pace, also since you cant use R2 tyres for the race, this is basically the only choice for racing.
The R4 tyre has even less grip and as far as i can see its NEVER been used in LFS. The grip level is way too less the tyres dont heat up properly etc etc etc...
What needs tobe done am i thinking, to start with, i think the balance of grip and heat in the tyres is wrong.
IMO the problem with this in LFS is that the main difference in these tyres, is the heating up process and what happens after heating up.
Like i said before we should have a qualifying tyre that lasts about 5 laps, a R2 (soft) tyre that lasts for around 45min, and a R3 (hard) for 45 and above. What you see with lfs is that the tyres main problem is the heating up process, if im correct the tyres are the same for all the cars (R1 - R4), R1 is not availeble for GTR, and R4 not for the standard cars.
Imo this isnt right, if you use R2 tyres in the GTR cars there surface temperature is way too high after a lap, the grip level is ok, but since the tyres heat up too fast they loose grip. IMO this isnt realistic OK they will heat up and can get overheated in real life but not after 2 laps. So thats not good.
Ok you can say lets call R2 the quali tyre, thats ok then, i think if the devellopers change the heating up process a bit so these tyres stay alive for 3 or 4 laps this tyre is OK.
Whats comes next?, the R3 tyre, this tyre lasts too long, heating up is ok, after 8 laps you mostly get problems with overheating, grip level is ok through a stint, if the devellopers decrease the time this tyre last so it lasts about 45 min should be spot on.
This way the R4 tyre can be used for the long stints doing 1 stop a hour or more, and finally making use of the high fuel load. But since the R3 tyre lasts too long in combination with a 90% fuel load or even more its the clearest choice. So you could say that the maximum fuel load is ok in LFS, but that the R3 tyre lasts too long, and the R4 tyres grip level is a bit too low.
My conclusion about this long story is this: Decrease the R3 tyres last time. Increase the R4 tyres grip level, wear should be ok for 1 hour and 15min, i never tested it so i dont know for sure.
This way you get a more interesting view of the race, more strategy's are possible, ok this needs balancing alot, but i think this is worth todo. It will make races way more interesting, more position changes, more pitstops, more fun for the drivers and teams, and it needs way more thinking about the strategy. But it needs alot of balancing to get to such a level...
Also i think the heating up process is wrong on the tyres, hard tyres heat up in a simular way as soft tyres but the maximum temparture is less offcourse. In LFS its different, the harder the tyre the more laps it takes to heat up. IMO it should be like this:
Soft tyre or R3 should heat up in a lap, it does it too fast and overheats too quick, the harder R4 should heat up in 1 to 2 laps, and doesnt overheat.
So it doesnt matter the will overheat with the surface temperature. IMO this is wrong again in LFS, the time between the normal temperature and the overheated temperature is too short. In real life a qualifying tyre lasts around 3 or 4 laps, then it looses grip or overheats. The soft and hard race tyres never really overheat, or maybe if they really are worn, unless you have a bad setup balance or damage. In LFS the R2 and R3 always overheat, even with high tyre pressures. So imo this should be changed in a way that would be more realistic. R3 and R4 should heat up more quickly, but shouldnt OVERheat fast... In lfs this balance is wrong and should be changed.
R2 overheating in 3 or 4 laps, R3 should do this around 10 to 12 laps and R4 shouldnt overheat unless they are worn out...
If this would be changed, i think we get more realisitc races, more chances todo different strategy's, and basically remove the boring 1 hour stint races...
I think it would be a big improvement if you could choose from 2 strategy's that could work, the way it is now, you only got one choice.
Right, i would like to say sorry for the long story, im from The Netherlands, my English isnt better then this, ive done my best to keep it short
I hope the racers understand my point of view about this, im not a tyre engineer, but this is what i think about it comparing it to F1 etc... Thanks for reading and lets discuss this.
Well after todays formula 1 race i was thinking about the pitstop strategy, ive heard Alonso about it, and it started me thinking about it with LFS.
Im a race driver racing in league's like the Masters of Endurance, the 16h lfs race etc...
Im still am not satisfied about the race/fuel/strategy used in LFS, i mean the standard procedure is fuel the car to 100% and drive untill your tyres are worn out, the fuel never does, this is with endurance racing, IMO for the race cars in LFS the maximum amount of fuel that you can carry is way too high. OR is it, what about the tyres???
Its boring so to say, everyone is doing the same strategy because its the fastest way in endurance racing.
For instance in Formula 1 they almost got a good balance in doing a single stop with slower pace, or doing 2 stops. ATM 2 stops is still the fastest, today weve seen piquet doing a single stop if im correct and see were he ended up 4th place... So both tactics are usable in F1.
In lfs this isnt possible, 2 stops is always slower. So everyone fills up the car and goes... These simular strategy's give a boring race for drivers and a predictable finish.
I think that there alot of people that will agree with this, its simular for short en endurance racing.
This problem can be caused due to 2 reasons, grip of the tyres or a too high fuel load.
Thinking it over, i personally think its a combination of both.
Starting out with the tyres, ppl in endurance racing never use the hardest compound because thats way too slow, ppl mostly use the middle for the race and the soft for the qualify. The difference in grip between the qualify tyres and the middle type or R2's is way too close. Also the qualify tyres heat up too much so they never can be used for a 2 stop strategy, because with the GTR cars there gone in 2 or 3 laps sometimes even after 1 lap.
Im driving alot of GTR cars so look @ this from the GTR cars viewpoint.
I think that we have too much tyre types in LFS (R1-R4) IMO we should have a qualifying tyre, a soft and a hard tyre.
I think we should loose the hardest tyre in LFS R4 this tyre is never used, because its giving not enough grip and with a big fuel load its even slower.
IMO the R2 tyre is not usable for racing, which is a bit strange, in formula 1 there used, ok they dont last as long but ppl tend to use them alot with a 2 stop strategy. In lfs the tyres heat up in a good way but after a lap or 2 the surface temperature is so high that it becomes useless. You could say that this R2 tyre is sort of the qualifying tyre.
The R3 tyre is mostly used, they last for about a hour, and your still have a good fast pace, also since you cant use R2 tyres for the race, this is basically the only choice for racing.
The R4 tyre has even less grip and as far as i can see its NEVER been used in LFS. The grip level is way too less the tyres dont heat up properly etc etc etc...
What needs tobe done am i thinking, to start with, i think the balance of grip and heat in the tyres is wrong.
IMO the problem with this in LFS is that the main difference in these tyres, is the heating up process and what happens after heating up.
Like i said before we should have a qualifying tyre that lasts about 5 laps, a R2 (soft) tyre that lasts for around 45min, and a R3 (hard) for 45 and above. What you see with lfs is that the tyres main problem is the heating up process, if im correct the tyres are the same for all the cars (R1 - R4), R1 is not availeble for GTR, and R4 not for the standard cars.
Imo this isnt right, if you use R2 tyres in the GTR cars there surface temperature is way too high after a lap, the grip level is ok, but since the tyres heat up too fast they loose grip. IMO this isnt realistic OK they will heat up and can get overheated in real life but not after 2 laps. So thats not good.
Ok you can say lets call R2 the quali tyre, thats ok then, i think if the devellopers change the heating up process a bit so these tyres stay alive for 3 or 4 laps this tyre is OK.
Whats comes next?, the R3 tyre, this tyre lasts too long, heating up is ok, after 8 laps you mostly get problems with overheating, grip level is ok through a stint, if the devellopers decrease the time this tyre last so it lasts about 45 min should be spot on.
This way the R4 tyre can be used for the long stints doing 1 stop a hour or more, and finally making use of the high fuel load. But since the R3 tyre lasts too long in combination with a 90% fuel load or even more its the clearest choice. So you could say that the maximum fuel load is ok in LFS, but that the R3 tyre lasts too long, and the R4 tyres grip level is a bit too low.
My conclusion about this long story is this: Decrease the R3 tyres last time. Increase the R4 tyres grip level, wear should be ok for 1 hour and 15min, i never tested it so i dont know for sure.
This way you get a more interesting view of the race, more strategy's are possible, ok this needs balancing alot, but i think this is worth todo. It will make races way more interesting, more position changes, more pitstops, more fun for the drivers and teams, and it needs way more thinking about the strategy. But it needs alot of balancing to get to such a level...
Also i think the heating up process is wrong on the tyres, hard tyres heat up in a simular way as soft tyres but the maximum temparture is less offcourse. In LFS its different, the harder the tyre the more laps it takes to heat up. IMO it should be like this:
Soft tyre or R3 should heat up in a lap, it does it too fast and overheats too quick, the harder R4 should heat up in 1 to 2 laps, and doesnt overheat.
So it doesnt matter the will overheat with the surface temperature. IMO this is wrong again in LFS, the time between the normal temperature and the overheated temperature is too short. In real life a qualifying tyre lasts around 3 or 4 laps, then it looses grip or overheats. The soft and hard race tyres never really overheat, or maybe if they really are worn, unless you have a bad setup balance or damage. In LFS the R2 and R3 always overheat, even with high tyre pressures. So imo this should be changed in a way that would be more realistic. R3 and R4 should heat up more quickly, but shouldnt OVERheat fast... In lfs this balance is wrong and should be changed.
R2 overheating in 3 or 4 laps, R3 should do this around 10 to 12 laps and R4 shouldnt overheat unless they are worn out...
If this would be changed, i think we get more realisitc races, more chances todo different strategy's, and basically remove the boring 1 hour stint races...
I think it would be a big improvement if you could choose from 2 strategy's that could work, the way it is now, you only got one choice.
Right, i would like to say sorry for the long story, im from The Netherlands, my English isnt better then this, ive done my best to keep it short

I hope the racers understand my point of view about this, im not a tyre engineer, but this is what i think about it comparing it to F1 etc... Thanks for reading and lets discuss this.