First I'll tell the truth, then I'll make up something funny, or maybe dig up a funny memory of something I've done.
I'm a KB user, so usually I wipe my fingers on my pants or something, warm or not, they get a little moist, although I'm not a sweater, this may be common. I take a good look at my tire temps and wear, and clutch temp, while considering what lap I'm on, and figuring out when to push the car, when not to. I'll also have a look at my CPU/GPU temps sometimes, I often run other programs in the background, and some of my OC's are ridiculous so I gotta keep an eye on there. In the pits if I know I have major damage, and need all tires and fuel etc etc, I'll tab out and check any msg's from Aim, or have a look at whatever other program I have running(Decoding, defragging, whatever) It's also a good time to adjust the volume, I never use headphones with LFS, don't really like headphones period, makes music seem dull, unreal, doesn't hit me the way it should. Often I'll light up a smoke(I'm quiting tho, and seriously, it's terrible and expensive, but I rarely light up in the house, and only in the PC room, well ventilated with two dual window fans that run on high, always, only when I'm in the room of course.
Something funny... One time I did attempt to change my sons diaper during a pit stop, needless to say I wound up a lap down, but I think he comes first lol.
I can't think of anything else funny in this particular context, but I do have a funny tale to tell... And I'm very curious, if I'm the only LFS racer to have gotten road head, in the game!..real life plenty have, but in LFS, now, there's a challenge, try to keep pace in a race in that situation

True story, heh... seriously I just hit Shift+P after not even a lap, it's just not possible to focus and race.