The online racing simulator
MP Replay : Out of stash space
(28 posts, started )
MP Replay : Out of stash space
Are you going on servers that are a long way from Australia (Like CTRA for example ) That may be your problem.

Also porn in the background doesn't help.
I've been getting that for a while now in servers that have A LOT of people. So usually endurance races. When theres like 30 people in the server I often get that error and then lose connection. Happened to me in my only IGTC race about 3 times...
Quote from evilpimp :I've been getting that for a while now in servers that have A LOT of people. So usually endurance races. When theres like 30 people in the server I often get that error and then lose connection. Happened to me in my only IGTC race about 3 times...

Yeap we both have the same problem :S
Do you use windows Vista?
On 1 of my computers yeah, on the other I have XP but I still have the problem on there too. If I remember correctly, there was a post or thread about this that I found when I got the problem and IIRC the devs said it was a connection problem. :S

Not 100% sure though.
i have the same problem. usually happens when ctra is fairly full. :S
Quote from arrowkart4 :i have the same problem. usually happens when ctra is fairly full. :S

I got arrowkart4 to test this using network debug. He has the same problem

Quote :first entering the server the lag is fine but gets worse and worse from [.03]- [.2] with shift + f8 network debug open
The lag will keep increasing until i get this error message

Evilpimp can you please try test this using shift+f8
Well here. I attached a replay of me going into a CTRA Race 1 server until I lost connection to the server.
Attached files
FE2_race_7L_0R_0F.mpr - 270.7 KB - 465 views
Ive been told it could be something wrong with my ram or harddrive.
I done ram memory and hardrive tests no errors there.

Maybe it try a test without replay being recorded..
Read the explanation posted above (I mean the link). It has nothing to do with your hardware. Basically it occures when a player lags for a long time and MPR saving routine has to wait for his position update for too long.

Scawen explained quite clearly that it is just one of more rare lag issues.

Reading through this thread more carefully I realized what exactly might be wrong. Reffering to Scawen's explanation MPR saving routine starts saving pospackets (=using stash space) whenever a player begins to lag. These packets are deleted when LFS recieves proper data from the lagging player. As Arrow said the longer he plays the worse the lag is, so the stash is probably filling up faster than recovering. At some point the stash buffer overflows and you get that "MP Replay: Out of stash space" error.
BUMP! (Instead of new thread...I'll get flamed either way )

I got this message, and the subsequent disconnect just now. I was racing in a quite packed CTRA, and having a great battle against a teammate. Chatting on MSN after, I'm told I wasn't lagging at all . There's a chance that my connection suddenly went funny, but it had been fine all evening.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is this: In the thread MadCatX gave a link to, SamH talks about 2 people disconnecting at the same time. If I wasn't lagging, there's a good chance I was the second player to disconnect, and possibly through no fault of my own, if you know what I'm getting at...(that a lagging player loses connection, and takes another non-lagger with him.) If that's right, then this should probably be looked at.

Having said all that, I'm angry about missing out on a nice points haul, which is probably affecting my judgement...I wasn't lagging, I WASN'T!
So how I solve this?
Okay used the search thing, came upon this and no one answers... Ill wait

in your mpr folder, you have all of your replays, you have to delete those, but when i did that it still says it occasionally
dont see anything wrong with what i said
Quote from logitekg25 :dont see anything wrong with what i said

Well you said "wrong" to something that wasn't wrong :rolleyes:
Existing MPRs don't have anything to do with the MPR stash, the MPR stash is a buffer in memory and its only (indirect) interaction with the file system is when writing to the temporary file, it doesn't touch existing files.

If deleting files helped in your case, it was because the disk was fragmented and as a result, too slow to write MPR stash contents to the temp file.
I have been getting this same message, and quite often now. I don't have the foggiest idea on how to solve this, I think I will end up trying to reinstall the game.
I got this before as well. Last time, i got fed up with it and tried setting it to Manually save replays instead of autosave (which i had). Havent got the msg since.
Just got this. Maybe I'll disable replay autosave BUT when I lose connection from the server I'm not able to save the replay anymore, and sometimes is useful in disputes against stupid jerks and wreckers.

So... please fix this
If you lost connection to serv search for your replay it should be saved temporary rename it cuz once you close the game its gone.
is there a way to solve this ? the MP Replay: out of stash space problem?
I didnt have this like 2 months ago, and could race perfectly
#24 - ennD
PLZ some one help me!
I hawe error >>> MP Replay, out of stash space, this mesig I hawe only at server. How can i fix it?
#25 - ennD
Wen I hawe, connection died,show"MP Replay : Out of stash space" other racers show >> A.Jonaitis: CP Late

MP Replay : Out of stash space
(28 posts, started )