The online racing simulator
NASSA is 75
(7 posts, started )
NASSA is 75
Every Wednesday for the last 75 weeks NASSA has been providing fun for all LFS drivers, we've made alot of friends and I'm happy to say we still have 94% of them.

We are going to celebrate our 75th B'Day with a special Default Set GTi race @ BL1R (75 laps)

I've asked nicley of Bob Smith to do the default set for this race, and all drivers will have to use that set, those already invited get to invite one guest......all I can say if you want in, contact that NASSA member.


Feel free to e-mail me @
[email protected]
for more info.

Take care
scared? (AtomAnt) DELETED by AtomAnt
94% eh?

Still working on a fixed setup for the race, looking at the WR sets for some inspiration, I want the set to be nice to drive but needs to be quick too, else people will moan (even if the playing field is level).

How soon do you want it ready AA, since people are going to want to get familiar with it?
yo bob... ill test the set if u like. U know i like a nice stable quick set and as u know all of the sets you sent me over the years ive found a little too loose coz of ur tendency to let the back end slide a bit....

Hi Bob, Just do your best lad...the idea here is that everyone is on a level playing field. Anytime it's ready, just post it here and people will find it.

I Know this was a lot to ask, but hey, it's meant to be a fun race....if people are gonna cheat by redoing the set, they will only be cheating themselves in this race.

Thanks again Mr. Smith
OK, here you go.

Tested this last night, it's stable (I find), easy to drive, very nice on tyres and it'll do 35s even with me behind the wheel.
Attached files
XF GTI_BL1R NASSA.set - 132 B - 163 views
Quote from Bob Smith :OK, here you go.

Tested this last night, it's stable (I find), easy to drive, very nice on tyres and it'll do 35s even with me behind the wheel.

Thanks Bob, and to all who intend to race remember not to tinker with this set, just drive it and do your best.

Have Fun
Thanks Bob!

Hmm, maybe in the future they could make the option of lockable setups?

NASSA is 75
(7 posts, started )