If you are Latvian, you would speak Latvian, but you are Russian! Only cause you were born in Latvia doesn't make you Latvian, and you can't even speak it...
Oh shut the f**k up please. I've seen enough of anti Russian nazi policies in this country, to see more on this forum? If you're so smart and know who's who - then go answer this one - I was born in Tatarstan, I was moved to Latvia at the age of 2, I know Latvian, Russian, and English, but no Tatar. Which nationality am I?
By your logics:
Definetly not Latvian since I wasn't even born here
Definetly not Tatar since I don't speak Tatar
Voila : That must mean I'm Russian, you may now proceed to screaming "Russians go to siberia, we don't want you in this country"
First of all - sorry for moving to offtopic, but i need to say some things...
1. Andro gave answer to iMBiz that he definitely ISNT Latvian, because to the status when you can call as Latvian, can only be done when he gets latvian citizen passport and to get it he need to:
*Know latvian language (It looks that he dont know)
*Know latvian history, traditions and etc.
So he ISNT a latvian.
Is squidhead latvian? I dont know, ask himself.
2. How did you answered to him? He just said the fact that he isnt latvian and you are saying "Oh shut the f**k up please" to him...
Those words are giving you impression of standart disaffected russian, who always are being hurt affronted in our country and always all what he can say is to shut up...
He said something like : "Did someone squeaked? Shut up your mouth please " (My russian language skills isnt good, so that might not be correct translation, but the main meaning is said)
Again he gives impression of that character. Only swearing and nothing more about article.
Un beidziet dirst virsū Squidheadam tikai tādēļ, ka viņš netusē jūsu LFSCommjuņiķī. Tur tāpat ir krekeri kuriem mamma iedeva naudu uz S2, pat iekš demo ir simtiem labāko braucēju, nekā jūs.
Did you read what I said to Squidhead? I was arguing to him, because his reply to Andro message was like he had said something like "kill Russians, go back to Sibiria" , but Andro answer to iMBiz was fair and he only said, what he really is. He cant call himself as Latvian even he dont know Latvian language.
Mazo ruksi shadowwww , te runa iet par latviešiem un latviešu tautību nevis par tavām sazvērastības teorijām.
Un vispār tev nav labi te sēdēt ja pats apgādā vietējos draudziņus ar crack'iem
Te neviens nezin, ka esmu A99, un arī nezin, kas ir A99. Tapēc es varu šeit tusēt cik gribu, un labiem cilvēkiem no šī foruma es arī dodu dažus modus. Kaut vai to limuzīnu, viņu dabūja jau 2 cilvēki.
Ruksis ir kalvītis nevis es
Ok, aizmirsti, no rīta es ļoti bieži saku ko nevajag jo parasti neesmu kārtīgi izgulējies.