The online racing simulator
Need help for a school project
(47 posts, started )
12 months for that though? I've been given 24 hours for a 5000 word essay. Is it just me or is school getting easier?
#27 - Jakg
I know i keep using these ePeen numbers, but this is 66% of an A for ONE of my AS subject and i'm doing 4...

Just be glad you don't get teachers emailing your hotmail account at 9 PM on a Sunday for work that's meant to be sent off to the exam board the next day which you only just found out was missing because they only just got around to marking the bloody thing.
Attached images
That's a lot of work for an A Level. My final year project report was close to 20,000 words, although was supposed to only be 10,000. Although unlike having to write a dissertation, where the document is your work, our project report was, as you could imagine, about the project we'd spent the past few months doing. So there's more work to it than would first appear. Hmm, I'm off on a tangent in the first paragraph. :|

More relevant to the OP would probably be the technical authoring module I did, where we had to write a 3000 word report on something (+15 minute presentation). Now admittedly we didn't have to critically analyse anything, so we could just collect a load of information and present it in our own manner, which makes things easier. I think the advice we were given stills stands though, and that is to pick something as specific as possible, so that you can focus on it, as when you really start to dig into it, you'll find tons of content. For example, I like cars, but didn't write about the development of cars, nor development of engines, but specifically The History and Development of the V8 engine (and as usual, I still bust the word count).

#29 - Migz
Dunno if this has been said, but pah. Xd for creation just make a music video with lfs YUMMY!!
k I'm bumping this because I need help.

So my subject is the ''cars of the future'' and the point of it is to understand the benefits of cars that dont pollute or almost to determine if life in my city would be better or worse with them.

I've talked about benefits for the environment/health, economy but I'm missing 1 thing but I don't know what else to talk about. Any help please?
safety, if they are affordable, the fuel they use...
Fuel they use goes in economy, if they are affordable goes in economy but safety maybe that could work.
Energy/Emissions over whole life of vehicle - drawing board to scrapyard and beyond.
Impact (environmental) of alternative forms of energy (usually huge, but glossed over)
Erm... I dunno!
Lol this is anoying. I already talked about the environment :P. Talked about health and the impact of global warming on the earth and how it may be the cause of many disasters and may create many more. Talked about the economy as in how the gas prices are rising and the more people buy fuel the more the price will go up because petrol is not infinit. The savings in long term, etc.
Use the Safety one then....
Yeah I started talking about the safety now. Thanks. Not sure if it'll get me the 1000 word I still need but at least a part of it heh.
By the sounds of it I would disagree with most of your project Good luck, I'm not the one to help you 1000 should be when you CAN'T think of stuff to write. Just imagine 40,000 word projects!
:P That's why I made sure I used known sources to get my information. That way they can't say that what I say is not true and that theres no proof :P. I'm pretty sure a lot of people would disagree with my project but my point is to prove the cars that use one of the technologies being developed to reduce emissions would be a better choice over normal combustion engins for my city.
And that is where I'd disagree with you (for the most part)
Lol. Obviously there will be those that are agaisnt it. Would be interusted in hearing the reasons though because that can help me contradict them :P.
you could write about how noobs affect lfs
Its due in 7 hours and I have 2800 words written I'm not changing the subject lol.
Quote from evilpimp :Lol. Obviously there will be those that are agaisnt it. Would be interusted in hearing the reasons though because that can help me contradict them :P.

Because the construction process uses far more energy that the final product saves within it's normal lifetime.
But the construction process surely doesn't pollute THAT much... Take Honda for an example who use facilities that use as little electricity as possible... I'm sure that the construction of an electrical vehical uses as much energy as one which uses a combustion engin...
According to the GREET model, the average conventional internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) is comprised of 61.7% steel, 11.1% iron, 6.9% aluminum, 1.9% copper/brass, 2.9% glass, and around 13.6% plastic/rubber.

By calculating the energy required to manufacture a specific mass of each material type, and then factoring the above percentages into the overall mass of a vehicle, we can get a reasonable estimate of the amount of energy that went into producing the vehicle.

Essentially the average car takes 69142 BTU/kg to build, an average hybrid takes 85209 BTU/kg. I've pulled these figures from here.

You might just get away with it in a Prius' lifetime, when you factor in fuel costs.
Quote from pb32000 :when you factor in fuel costs.

But not when you factor in the shipping costs of getting a foreign built car to your own shores. Merchant shipping uses a lot of energy. Remember that a large ship will burn many tonnes of fuel per hour. In the UK, buying a Land Rover, built locally with local suppliers, will give you many years "head start" in energy saving compared to a stupid Prius coming all the way from America or Japan.
But my project is mainly about Canada and we do have quite a bit of companies that build cars in Ontario.

I see were your going with this Strobe. Btw, a fully electric car, according to some sources, will cost you 1$ for a full ''tank''/battery and will get you around 60 kms. I'd have to review my project and bibliography for the correct stats but I think you'd save quite a bit like that. Enough to compensate for the extra energy used to build the car.

And like you say, you might get away with it in a Prius but if the technology keeps developping surely it will benefit. Just look at the rate at which computers evolved from a big box the size of my house with a 4'' screen to a little small laptop with a 15'' screen as light as paper practicly. The more is invested in development of a technology the more it will be efficiant (not sure about the spelling there :P.) I doupt building the car has THAT big of an impact on the environment or your wallet compared to the money or pollution you save with a hybrid or fully electric vehicle.

Need help for a school project
(47 posts, started )