Hi there !
I just have a quick question to you guys. I have some ideas about a league that I would find interesting to create and play in. However, for it to be able to work, it would require the use of an illegal mod (slicktyre.exe to be precise...).
I would like to know if this is possible without risking bans from here or the game system, as long as I keep the server private and find a way not to mess with the PB/WR system (basically, it would be a RallyX league with sprint cars). ? I ask this, because I saw some servers running with tweak and slicktyre and don't get into trouble.
Thank you for your answers
I just have a quick question to you guys. I have some ideas about a league that I would find interesting to create and play in. However, for it to be able to work, it would require the use of an illegal mod (slicktyre.exe to be precise...).
I would like to know if this is possible without risking bans from here or the game system, as long as I keep the server private and find a way not to mess with the PB/WR system (basically, it would be a RallyX league with sprint cars). ? I ask this, because I saw some servers running with tweak and slicktyre and don't get into trouble.
Thank you for your answers