i could give a try since weekend just started. but, i only have those pictures from the other game and those arent very high quality so i cant read all of the sponsors so i cant search for the logo. if you got any of those sponsorlogos please upload.
yeh im using them. but this skin is gonna be late for few days, picked up newst version of far cry yesterday so i did 9 hours in a row and still not bored so this will be same kind of day. but ill make it after few days
Hello, saw that nothing was happening or was moving slow so decised to have a hand at it! Seen I have been beaten to the mark by a nice skin by beefyman666 . Luckly I was working on a different variation though!
I believe its called the "Escudo Monster unlimited" or something daft like that, either way only had one photo of it from a toy car!