It seems that I discovered a LFS counting bug.
Yesterday LFSWorld shows me, that i should have driven:
2814 km in 153 laps with 533 l fuel burned and 6 finished races.
I known that i only raced FOX@KY2 the whole day, starting around 11am. i finished online racing around 11pm with 2 races at the end, before i only drove qualifying.
So i don't know how to get a distance of 2800km. 153 laps could be right, and 6<>2 finished races might be ok, but not 2800km in 153 laps in 12 hours with many breaks.
I think i had many aborted laps, which perhaps could have counted wrong, but no so many.
153laps * 5,1km(KY2) = 780km maybe 1000km NOT 2800km
Perhaps it only happens on KY2 or only in qualifying and or with aborted laps?
If needed, i could send my replays of the whole day.
To underline my notice, i logged my pst with php from lfsworld every day. The data shown on lfsworld matched with the counted diff in my db between the 2 dates.
PS: Or gave Scavier me a 2000km birthday present?
It seems that I discovered a LFS counting bug.
Yesterday LFSWorld shows me, that i should have driven:
2814 km in 153 laps with 533 l fuel burned and 6 finished races.
I known that i only raced FOX@KY2 the whole day, starting around 11am. i finished online racing around 11pm with 2 races at the end, before i only drove qualifying.
So i don't know how to get a distance of 2800km. 153 laps could be right, and 6<>2 finished races might be ok, but not 2800km in 153 laps in 12 hours with many breaks.
I think i had many aborted laps, which perhaps could have counted wrong, but no so many.
153laps * 5,1km(KY2) = 780km maybe 1000km NOT 2800km
Perhaps it only happens on KY2 or only in qualifying and or with aborted laps?
If needed, i could send my replays of the whole day.
To underline my notice, i logged my pst with php from lfsworld every day. The data shown on lfsworld matched with the counted diff in my db between the 2 dates.
id date racer distance fuel laps joined win second third races_finished qual pole drags dragwins modified
261948 2008-10-06 paXton 88048495 2700517 20617 1675 94 173 173 997 233 36 39 15 2008-10-06 23:54:06
265402 2008-10-07 paXton 90862729 2753836 20770 1678 94 173 173 1003 234 36 39 15 2008-10-07 23:54:09
265858 2008-10-08 paXton 90862729 2753836 20770 1678 94 173 173 1003 234 36 39 15 2008-10-08 03:04:04
PS: Or gave Scavier me a 2000km birthday present?