ok politics it is then.
America's foreign policy is as bad as Britains, but without it we'd all have been speaking Russian by 1950.
Given the choice of being the invader it is always better than being the invaded. I can understand how the countries we tred on feal, but hey ... I got a decent PC and lots of nice consumer goods so ... screw 'em, frankly.
As long as I keep my head in the clouds and refuse to believe that my country could possibly be guilty of excercising totallitarian authority with 7.62mm's of force then how could I possibly feel strongly enough to change anything?
The days of imperialism have passed, we're more educated now, if we where really causing harm abroad then surely somebody would have done something. We have safeguards against that type of thing because we are a moderate and free society.
This forum post is a reflection of the postee's opinion about Western national sentiments, and not actually an opinion in itself. It may require a level thought to understand that is beyond the people it is referencing, in which case, have a plate of national pride with a side order of patriotism.

America's foreign policy is as bad as Britains, but without it we'd all have been speaking Russian by 1950.
Given the choice of being the invader it is always better than being the invaded. I can understand how the countries we tred on feal, but hey ... I got a decent PC and lots of nice consumer goods so ... screw 'em, frankly.
As long as I keep my head in the clouds and refuse to believe that my country could possibly be guilty of excercising totallitarian authority with 7.62mm's of force then how could I possibly feel strongly enough to change anything?
The days of imperialism have passed, we're more educated now, if we where really causing harm abroad then surely somebody would have done something. We have safeguards against that type of thing because we are a moderate and free society.
This forum post is a reflection of the postee's opinion about Western national sentiments, and not actually an opinion in itself. It may require a level thought to understand that is beyond the people it is referencing, in which case, have a plate of national pride with a side order of patriotism.