The online racing simulator
#1 - soucy
Request: External program for race informations

First of all i've searched the forum but havn't found any addon in this way. So if there is already such an addon i'm sorry for opening a new thread.

If there isn't such an addon yet maybe anyone is able to do an external program which shows certain race informations like positions, gaps, lap, pits etc.

I thought such a tool would be nice to put on a second monitor while driving in a race. Updated each lap or maybe each time passing a split. Or maybe it's possible to do it live?

I've done a little paint work what i think the program should be able to display. Such a table like an Forumla 1 Data Screen would be awesome for a second monitor beside racing

Would be great if someone is able to realize such an addon.

Best regards,
Attached images
#3 - Crady
No, this one only shows information about your own car like speed, rpm, gear etc...

The interesting infos like Gap, Splits, standings etc. are not supported in LFS yet or are not integrated...
i love the idea , if you take time to make a new ticket as a suggestion here:

Explain your idea, and sky is the limit

I will surely add those feature very soon if you add your ticket! since i have almost nothing to do until 0.4 , so this can be great optimization for 0.3.

You can maybe first try one of the Aleajecta server, to take a look at the already done: Scoring Result system, Ranking system, PB/Split/WR Gap.

drive_lfss as a build in GUI system, so adding more GUI/Button interface is a question of minute into MySQL , only thing i have to do for your idea is some arithmetic operation .
I think you can forget about the creation of a new ticket, since i got another idea that i think covert your entire idea + some RockAndRoll.

here is the new ticket for my idea + our idea

Brute RockAndRoll
#6 - soucy
Honestly i thought about a tool which you have to start outside lfs. Like "LFSRelax".

I havn't looked exactly at your project description but it seems to be a server plugin such as LFSLapper? If not i'm sorry

Quote from Crady :The interesting infos like Gap, Splits, standings etc. are not supported in LFS yet or are not integrated...

But LFSRelax can show the Gap/Times from the driver before and behind. So there must be a way at least to calculate each gaps if they are not provided directly by lfs.
i do not know LFSRelax , I know a very little about lapper so i can't tell you!

My first inspiration was CTRA server , when i found that was not available to public i started Drive_LFSS project.

For the moment i will say only my idea are added to the project, since there is no one until now that was interested into the project! this is slowly changing, so in the futur it should have other people idea too.

The style of the core is not like other style i saw in most project i looked at here, this is more oriented object then procedural/event on each incoming packet, it maybe more job to start the project, but when project become big and idea flow , become more easy to add more idea!

As example, your first idea , needed about 30 minute of my time to complete and Test it , my idea + yours take little more time! will say about 2 hours.

P.S. more i read your idea, more i think you already have this inside Drive_LFSS , there so many way of showing timing and diff calculation , hard to tell wich one is!

intp the user !config system , at the moment you have thoses option

WR / SPLIT/ PB / MAX SPEED / DRIFTSTYLE / ACCELERATION fron NNN to NNN , this is the current config option. PB/SPLIT and WR is the display of diff on each from your PB and the WR and it display WR and PB when entering, WR is not optional! since i wanted to gave advert to thoses driver! they deserve it!

!rank , gave you a lot of information on player, BEST/AVERAGE/Stability/WIN

you have a search option, so you can compare who you wan, with car/track you wan.

Rank Best if 5000 == WR Time
Average is compared to ALL time ALL Driver has done on ALL server, this is about 3.2 million of races or laps, i don't remember.
Stability is compared to our driving style, best and average , this can tell if a driver got a lucky Best as example, or if this is dangerous driver to drive with.
All thoses rank as a BAD lap filter, mean i will bypass a bad lap , a bad lap is detectec from some condition that i won't tell

and the Win Rank, this is secret formula made from ELO system , it score a Driver from a winning race and do many many check to know how this races should be evaluated for the specific driver, depend on other driver and the race pace, ho! and this slove probleme if driver do same race , but not with same car! it don't matter scoring will be good.

the Rank system as a virtual limit of about 20000 , mean if a driver goes higher then this, as it possible he is a GOD ... ho yeah! the maximun i saw was 18743.

The ranking system i've made solve the probleme: if your new you have low score! this is not a time based scoring system, but a actual skill rank system!

i add soon a independent SCORING system, not a ranking system, that will be working only for special races EVENT, like original Formula ONE racing calandar. Will be time based, i mean like 1 race by month , this will be config discrection! but this is not for repeating races that system we already have.

I talk too much?