In the end I had to decide on a theme myself, because I didn't get a reply from anybody. So in the end, I decided on this, which was suggested by someone:
This weeks theme is... "LFS Landscapes"
This week, the aim is to create an 'LFS Landscape'. Edit you picture for example, with night, rain or fog effects, maybe a sunset, or simply make it look stunning. You can use any track, and why not pop some cars on there to help set the scene.

Cars: All Cars (the picture must have cars in it!)
Track: All Tracks
As usual, a preview pic of no bigger than 400px on one edge, a link to the high res version and please write 'Final Entry' if it is so. Once you have posted your final entry, any edited posts will be removed from the competition.
All entrants to post between Tuesday 14th October and 23:59 GMT on Friday 17th October.
No renders or old images to be used. Use only your own work.
Thanks and good luck to all.
Note: If you enter, you must be prepared to provide a theme on Monday if you win, because I cannot keep starting the competition late and having to quickly invent a theme.