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ive been to the one in chelmsford. probably going again this wednesday. tuesday you can look round the cars and wednesday is auction day. (and it wasnt a madza 3, was the proper 323 ) not sure what transport to chelmsford would be like for you. its good just to go n see though. think the auction starts at 11
(Wenom) DELETED by Wenom : -
I drove happily 4 years with this car until I sold it last week. I loved and hated this car at the same time, horrible looks but it never broke down on me and it was my first one.

Renault 19

It's not my car on the photo, mine was purple with a little spoiler on the back.
Quote from Wenom :BMW E46 316i 2001, not a rocket but I like it! :eclipseeh

looks good for a Beemer. I like it!
Quote from Dajmin :I'm not in Scotland these days
My problem would be getting to the auction (and back if I bought something) in the first place. I don't imagine there's many in the city, and getting to places outside by public transport is a nightmare (hence this weekend's nightmare). And I don't like the new Mazda 3's that much, but if there was a 6 on offer I'd take that

Anyway, enough of this off-topic rambling. I have no cars to show yet

so your planning on getting a Mazda? if your aren't, what kind of a car do you plan on buying? If it is actually possible, get yourself a Jeep! They have FOUR wheel drive (which means you can switch from two to four high, or four low), they aren't easy to roll, great for snow, and you can go(what we americans call it) mudding! Mudding is just playing around in mud with your SUV (make sure two people are along with SUVs); you can also go rock climbing! Make sure you have enough clearence though; plus Jeeps are one of the top SUV's for this stuff. They are also good for gas mileage (or kiloeage?). You can get lift kits, bull bars, lights, snorkels, and other stuff. like this pic right here ... __Wrangler_Customized.jpg . or here ... -issue/finesse/header.jpg . A jeep will be my first car. Oh Yeah! dont get the wranglers. their expensive! if you want something cheap, get the Cherokee
Yes, because a Jeep is just perfect if you want a small cheap hatchback....
Quote from Jakg :Yes, because a Jeep is just perfect if you want a small cheap hatchback....

Because it does only 5km per liter, and a 1997 Wrangler would cost about 3000 pounds or $5500 in the UK.

I suppose GrIp DrIvEr will buy his car on finance though
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :so your planning on getting a Mazda? if your aren't, what kind of a car do you plan on buying? If it is actually possible, get yourself a Jeep! They have FOUR wheel drive (which means you can switch from two to four high, or four low), they aren't easy to roll, great for snow, and you can go(what we americans call it) mudding! Mudding is just playing around in mud with your SUV (make sure two people are along with SUVs); you can also go rock climbing! Make sure you have enough clearence though; plus Jeeps are one of the top SUV's for this stuff. They are also good for gas mileage (or kiloeage?). You can get lift kits, bull bars, lights, snorkels, and other stuff. like this pic right here ... __Wrangler_Customized.jpg . or here ... -issue/finesse/header.jpg . A jeep will be my first car. Oh Yeah! dont get the wranglers. their expensive! if you want something cheap, get the Cherokee

SUV and proper off-roader are two completely different things.
Real off-roader is great for driving, well off-road. On woods etc.
But a horrible daily-drive. On good nice road those cars are horrible.

A SUV then is a horrible car on everywhere. Very pointless, ugly, drives bad etc. SUV's are something that either soccer moms (stock wheels) or hip hoppers (22" bling bling gay wheels) drive.
yes it was a lie :P

i just like those cars

i do have a 2003 ford fiesta
Quote from scottmackie :i own a

2004 VW Passat 4.0 W8


2008 vauxhall astra SRI XP 1.9 cdti 150

both very fast

As a student? Pics or it's a lie!
o_O That passat must either be your parent's car or it's a 1.6 with a W8 badge and wheels. Especially in Essex (wai ai man :P) the insurance must cost a fcuking fortune!
what do you mean, whats wrong with essex!

and i pay about 800 a year
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Essex (wai ai man :P)

That's Newcastle, you dick.

I have a mate from Essex, nothing wrong with it...except the stereotype that is

Also, pics or it didn't happen.

28, living in Essex, 800 a year to insure a 4.0 W8 - I'm doubtful, but you could be telling the truth.
Quote from The General Lee :That's Newcastle, you dick.

I have a mate from Essex, nothing wrong with it...except the stereotype that is

Also, pics or it didn't happen.

28, living in Essex, 800 a year to insure a 4.0 W8 - I'm doubtful, but you could be telling the truth.

well it costs my mum over £300 to insure a 1.6 vectra, and thats with 25 years no claims and being 50! so £800 would be quite a push me thinks. But just about possible with a few "favours"
Jesus! That's mad. Say what you like about living in the country, but the insurance prices have to be worth it! Added bonus, we get to sleep with our sisters and cousins too!

Got a little update on my car, but I will show you tomorrow, or maybe today using pictures.

A little clue, its not actually something I would do, if I had the choice!
Quote from The General Lee :Say what you like about living in the country..... we get to sleep with our sisters and cousins too!

I thought that was the Cornish lol.
Devon...Cornwall, we're all the same

If your within a mile of a cow, you obviously interbreed.
Hey, I grew up in Scotland. We're never more than a couple of hundred yards from a cow
And hey, if sleeping with their relatives means they keep making that kind of clotted cream (and fudge), I say let them go at it! Mmmm, clotted cream FTW.

And no I wouldn't touch a Jeep as a runaround because of the fuel consumption and the fact I live in London and drive on A-roads and motorways. Why the hell would I need an off-roader? And don't even get me started on the pointlessness of the SUV and how they've bastardised modern car design. Low profile tyres for off-road driving? Whatever.

I also notice that we have no pics of the cars despite it being mid-morning now. It's light enough for them now, and I suspect he'd have used one of them this morning...
He used the Passat and run out of fuel. Stranded in Essex, being given the come on by a blonde in fish net stockings and stilettos.
Quote from The General Lee :Devon...Cornwall, we're all the same

If your within a mile of a cow, you obviously interbreed.

No, just the Cornish, their slogan is, incest is best. Us from Devon aint inbred.
Quote from The General Lee :He used the Passat and run out of fuel. Stranded in Essex, being given the come on by a blonde in fish net stockings and stilettos.

he wouldnt have ran out, it would have all been syphoned off before he started his jurney!

And i like the country, i hate cities n seaside, and im stuck in both
as for the update on your car.........converted to front wheel drive?
Quote from robt :as for the update on your car.........converted to front wheel drive?

Pah! No!

I've collected them today, should be on tomorrow. I'll take pictures when I get home...

I might as well tell you, I got stopped Tuesday night for my number plates The nice copper didn't fine me, but told me to change them and he took my address and said he will drive past to make sure I've changed them. Better than a £30 fine, even if they don't look as good as my German ones
ahhhh, forgot about the illegal plates! least you didnt get the fine!
Quote from Jakg :Yes, because a Jeep is just perfect if you want a small cheap hatchback....

there not hatchbacks
My point exactly.
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