Quote from Gills4life : Weird since last year that was funny, now its sad (noone buys special and premium nowadays :P)
Quote from mcintyrej : Mythbusters break you out of jail with salsa! http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k132/ladyfox17/Achmed.jpg Keels them!!!
This lawnmower could not see the sniper and killed him! http://www.joe-ks.com/archives ... 05/JohnDeereLawnmover.jpg
Quote from Tim_J_23 :This lawnmower could not see the sniper and killed him! http://www.joe-ks.com/archives ... 05/JohnDeereLawnmover.jpg i will play with this...
Feed them some of this.. they will be gone in a few hours from all the preservatives and crap inside.