The online racing simulator
Haven't put much time into practicing yet. The mid-section of the track is killer this way around. So many blind turns.

Might start working on a set tonight.
Yeah, i've done some round there, and at race pace, you have no chance of hitting WR's, its just too tough on the tyres over a long distance (that first shicane is a nightmare :@ glad i'm not racing)
Also, sorry to double post (yes i know about edit, but they rarely get noticed :P )

I am interested in doing some commentary when i'm not racing, and i was wondering if there was anyway i could get involved in it? I know you already have 2 great commentators, but i was just wondering, because it sounds like good fun
I suppose... I doubt anyone would resist.

So I don't know if u know, but it's done with vent simply, for info (I'm actually online now)
Setup requirements:

1 - Enough downforce for the fast corners. Specifically to allow to be flat in the sweep that connects the back straights and the majority of the high speed sweeps after hairpins. Any lifting here will lose time and sliding compound tyre overheating issues in race.

2 - High and soft enough not to accumulate too much damage in the corkscrew. Having to repair susp in race will negate any time gained from a fast setup.

3 - Tyre pressures are critical here, more so than many other circuits as corners are very high or very low speed. Low will be better for hairpins, high will be better for fast corners, straight line speed and keeping tyre temps under control. Finding the balance is key for race pace.

Driving style requirements:

This is one of the most demanding tracks in the BF1. Put a wheel wrong in the fast corners and your race is over. More so than a street circuit where little clouts of the barrier can be got away with. But to be quick you have to be massively commited on the right line. The slow corners require restraint. Even if it means braking a tad early. Its very easy to ruin the tyres on exits also if too little TC is used. Very little time is gained attacking the hairpins, over a stint youll lose lots of time.

Get to the finish without incident and a podium awaits you!

See you on track
Whatever i said about Commentary can be put on hold until next season (i might get last 2 races in, but probably not) because it was based on me getting a new computer microphone which i saw in a catalogue for £30+VAT+P&P. I look on the website, its £119.99+VAT+P&P

-_- Stupid people
Well, I wasn't able to do much practicing this week. Was gonna practice tomorrow for qual and friday for race. I was gonna do an open mic with my band yesterday but we couldn't get there till after signup closed so we're gonna try and find another one tonight, which means I can't practice. So I have to practice for both on friday.

I'll make sure I'm able to drive safely. I have no illusions of getting a podium here.
Quote from tenmantaylor :Setup requirements:

1 - Enough downforce for the fast corners. Specifically to allow to be flat in the sweep that connects the back straights and the majority of the high speed sweeps after hairpins. Any lifting here will lose time and sliding compound tyre overheating issues in race.

2 - High and soft enough not to accumulate too much damage in the corkscrew. Having to repair susp in race will negate any time gained from a fast setup.

3 - Tyre pressures are critical here, more so than many other circuits as corners are very high or very low speed. Low will be better for hairpins, high will be better for fast corners, straight line speed and keeping tyre temps under control. Finding the balance is key for race pace.

Driving style requirements:

This is one of the most demanding tracks in the BF1. Put a wheel wrong in the fast corners and your race is over. More so than a street circuit where little clouts of the barrier can be got away with. But to be quick you have to be massively commited on the right line. The slow corners require restraint. Even if it means braking a tad early. Its very easy to ruin the tyres on exits also if too little TC is used. Very little time is gained attacking the hairpins, over a stint youll lose lots of time.

Get to the finish without incident and a podium awaits you!

See you on track

I don't agree with number 2.

I ran shorter springs than I would normally here during the OWRL round this season. The rationale behind this is that the car runs lower to the ground and instead of the spring running out of compression the chassis instead will hit the ground and absorb the energy. This gives an easier ride to the suspension.

Using this theory I ran 59 laps with no repairs. This only works here as riding kerbs at Fern Bay for example is a different type of stress on the car.

Also, there are three hairpins and they, along with the other slow turn are the only places that time can be made. You spend more time in slow turns than fast ones and in flat out fast turns there is no possiblility to gain time. Tune the turn-in with coast diff, roll bars and dampers. Tune the exit with TC, preload, power diff and right foot.
It's alright for people who know how to make a setup! I'm completely stumped, and that "Advanced Setup Guide" is a load of shiz lol, need something in plain english to learn from then I can go from there
experimentation is the best teacher
Im gonna have too skip this one, sorry guys.
Unfortunately Roby, as woozy says, you have to experiment.

Maybe start with a setup you know you like from another track and start from there by resetting the easy things like gears and downforce.

After that you have to know what difference the settings are likely to make from what you are feeling on the track. If you are losing grip in slower corners soften dampers and springs. If the car is loose in faster corners increase downforce. If car is oversteery on power on exit lower the power diff and preload settings. If the car is understeering on entry and your off the throttle lower the engine braking setting or the coast diff setting etc

You have to practice consistantly to understand the changes the settings make but once you do it becomes obvious what to change to find time or make the tyres last longer.

Quote from Storm_Cloud :I don't agree with number 2.

I ran shorter springs than I would normally here during the OWRL round this season. The rationale behind this is that the car runs lower to the ground and instead of the spring running out of compression the chassis instead will hit the ground and absorb the energy. This gives an easier ride to the suspension.

Using this theory I ran 59 laps with no repairs. This only works here as riding kerbs at Fern Bay for example is a different type of stress on the car.

Also, there are three hairpins and they, along with the other slow turn are the only places that time can be made. You spend more time in slow turns than fast ones and in flat out fast turns there is no possiblility to gain time. Tune the turn-in with coast diff, roll bars and dampers. Tune the exit with TC, preload, power diff and right foot.

Interesting approach on the bottoming out. Might be a good way around having a high slower setup but I wouldnt want to have a moment in the corkscrew the car on the deck on a full tank

Your right about more time spent in hairpins but what I was trying to say was attacking them often loses alot of time. Especially the third and last ones where, in race trim lap after lap, braking a tad early and ensuring a tight fast exit will be much quicker over a stint and save the tyres alot.

Just my two penneth
Quote from tenmantaylor :Unfortunately Roby, as woozy says, you have to experiment.

Maybe start with a setup you know you like from another track and start from there by resetting the easy things like gears and downforce.

After that you have to know what difference the settings are likely to make from what you are feeling on the track. If you are losing grip in slower corners soften dampers and springs. If the car is loose in faster corners increase downforce. If car is oversteery on power on exit lower the power diff and preload settings. If the car is understeering on entry and your off the throttle lower the engine braking setting or the coast diff setting etc

You have to practice consistantly to understand the changes the settings make but once you do it becomes obvious what to change to find time or make the tyres last longer.

Interesting approach on the bottoming out. Might be a good way around having a high slower setup but I wouldnt want to have a moment in the corkscrew the car on the deck on a full tank

Your right about more time spent in hairpins but what I was trying to say was attacking them often loses alot of time. Especially the third and last ones where, in race trim lap after lap, braking a tad early and ensuring a tight fast exit will be much quicker over a stint and save the tyres alot.

Just my two penneth

Tried doing all that for every race i've done and I just end up ruining sets as Boris can agree Ahh well......Just ruined an AS7 one this morning

I actually give up on this track, it's sh*t! You get to every corner in fear of hitting the kerb.......making the back step out, it's ridiculous
Quote from robybobey :Tried doing all that for every race i've done and I just end up ruining sets as Boris can agree Ahh well......Just ruined an AS7 one this morning

I actually give up on this track, it's sh*t! You get to every corner in fear of hitting the kerb.......making the back step out, it's ridiculous

Its actually my favourite track in LFS, wish I could race it.
Where can i find the remaining race venues and dates after As North this wknd? Is there a calender anywhere? cant see it in the stickies.
Quote from SilverArrows77 :I stay very much off the kerbs on this track, only very few i use much of ( most is on the last righthander before the turn onto the long starights)- can hold a line through most of it without having to step onto them and unsettle car

At the last right out the fast complex I find its essential to apex the kerb with both right wheels to be quick. Its an odd corner where you have to enter it quick and keep the throttle on about 25-50% all the way through to keep the downforce up. I find a big lift and staying on track means understeering up onto the exit kerb 8/10 times and the other 2/10 the grass and a potential spin.
Lol this isn't going to be good, got this race saturday afternoon then taking part in the 16 hour race. I'm going to be dead on sunday XD
Yar! It be a messy race aproaching!
Quote from robybobey :Lol this isn't going to be good, got this race saturday afternoon then taking part in the 16 hour race. I'm going to be dead on sunday XD

Eh? this tomorrow, 16h next saturday.... And the 16h quali on this weekend is on for 32 hours IIRC
Yeah that's what i meant lol :P
I'll be attending. Sorry for late confirmation.
What server are we racing on tomorrow? does deko just send out info before the race?
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EDIT: Timecode... Owned