The online racing simulator
Inevitable picture thread
(2665 posts, closed, started )
lol kazama we visit same page
Yeah..... I'm aware of the incredible wrongness and debated about posting it at all...

It is very funny though if you switch off that part of your brain.
Quote from rediske :It's actually asking for 16ExaByte

edit: that would be about 32 Million x 500GB harddrives (unformatted capacity)

PetaBytes. not Exa. Peta.
16777216 GB
16777 TB
16 PB

(you even posted a link to wikipedia)

rude cloud
What's that supposed to be?

All I can think of is a Penis but that's not very realistic looking. Other than that is it middle finger?
Quote from S14 DRIFT :What's that supposed to be?

All I can think of is a Penis but that's not very realistic looking. Other than that is it middle finger?

Of course it isn't realistic it's a bloody cloud!

I lol'd
That's my favourite XKCD strip
Quote from Senninha25 :I didn't get it.

Basically a lot of insecure little twats go around posting spam comments like "YOU F*CKING SUCK MORON" and "i wil kik ur ass man ur mom died of cancer".
Don't see the comedy value but 'wierd' nonetheless.
One guy is about to get his head cut off and one guy is about to get his leg cut off.
Okay, take two

lol @ the top one
This thread is closed

Inevitable picture thread
(2665 posts, closed, started )