Multiplayer Won't Work
(14 posts, started )
Multiplayer Won't Work
Umm.... I cant get multiplayer on my game and every time I try it says theres an error report and then the program closes....
Does anyone know how I could fix this
check deb.log in the lfs folder?
#3 - filur
First tip, when you get an error printed out to you it often actually means something, more valuable information then "i got an error" is often present.

This only happens when you attempt to connect, you can play singleplayer just fine?
Have you been able to connect at some point?
What happens if you try starting a new online game, "Start new game"?
Quote from filur :

This only happens when you attempt to connect, you can play singleplayer just fine?
Have you been able to connect at some point?
What happens if you try starting a new online game, "Start new game"?

Yep every thing u said is what happens and when i try to start a new game i can rac euntil somebody joins then an error occurs.. and i've never connected before
Can anybody help me
#6 - SamH
I think we need more info to get any further.

Is it when you're joining someone else's server, or starting your own? Or is it both?
What is the content of the deb.log file in your LFS folder? (open with Notepad)

The more info you can give us, the better our chances of figuring out the problem
Ok...i cant get on when im trying to jion a server, I can create my own race but whenever somebody joins it closes again

Ill check up on the deb.log thing
LFS : 0.5Q
timer resolution 1 ms
read config
get command line
preinit d3d
number of adapters : 1
adapter 0 - valid modes : 34
load bans
load font
max texture size 2048
can do shadows
can use 2x tex
can do multi tex
can use dynamic tex
can't use compressed tex
create english file
kb : Latin 1
human system
init sound
init controllers
default light map
load objects
start intro
end of initialisation
data\veh\XR GT TURBO.veh
data\veh\RB4 GT.veh
data\veh\RB4 GT.veh
data\veh\FXO GTR.veh
data\veh\FXO GTR.veh
data\veh\FXO TURBO.veh
data\veh\FXO TURBO.veh
data\veh\XR GT TURBO.veh
umm tell me if its bad to put that up there...and can anyone try to identify a problem
using lfstweak are you?
I used it a couple of times when i had the demo version but not any u have a knowledge of what the problem could be
Really not much info to work with.

Any problems with other networked games, internet, downloads or any other form of networking?
Any background software such as firewall or antivirus running, if so, what software, and what happens if you momentarily turn it off (and try connecting) ?
Any chance of switching PC's or trying a different network card?
Try removing your LFs directory and redownloading / installing. I think you are getting crc errors when handshaking with other players because of patches & tweaks you've had running.
It didnt work even before I had the tweaks so ill bet its some type of virus program or maybe ill uninstall the n reinstall or something

Multiplayer Won't Work
(14 posts, started )