The online racing simulator
#1 - Crady
Request: Flag detection to send racers personal rcm or personal message

I am looking for an insim app which alows me to send a racer who has a blue or yellow flag a personal message via rcm_ply ...

Often racer turn off the falg notification or chat and do not recognice that they become lapped...

As far as I know this does not work with lapper atm...
Drive_LFSS project , is soon about to manage all Race flag depend on config.

At that point my biggest probleme is understand correctely the need of people! since personaly i don't need thoses , so i don't know exactely how to code what people need!

I have prepared my Graphic interface for it, here is how it look hope your need are cover with this.

just wanted to add , that Drive_LFSS use a differente system to communicate message to player.

My goal was to keep the Chat clean! chat is for chat that it, other goal was keep the Driver EYE allways clean , so i maked 2 Timed Button.

one is upper the default LFS Split Message and the other is just bellow.

AddMessageMiddle("Hey Dude you do a great race", 4500)
AddMessageMiddle("Great Split Mister X", 4500)
AddMessageTop("Thw world record for this track is nnnnn", 4500)

So you add as many message you wan, they all displayed into the entered order and stay displayed for the Time you asked for.

So become pretty easy to add a custom message under yellow flag or blue or what ever you wan! I use much that system, and has access from the Script file , so more easy for you to customize.

go try Server "Aleajecta Demo" you don't have to drive, but just connect and click on button, try !help and access command , join a race just to see Middle and Top Timed button into action!

To send to 1 specific driver or to all is not a problem, since all driver is a Object with Self Managed Button code.
#4 - Crady
Nice, but as I requested I only need a insim app that enables me to send an automatically personal rcm to racer having a blue flag. A cool value addon to this would be to be able sending private or public rcm to racers via klick with own or saved text...

I Do not want so many buttons etc. showing up to every racer because I do not know which addon they are using atm. Perhaps forcing them to see buttons your app creates could cause overlaying their own buttons they use with relax e.g. ...
This would be a pretty simple program to write. I will try to make you a small app later today, although I won't promise anything too grand.
#6 - Crady
Wow! Altough your promises are small I stay excited
OK - The program doesn't work exactly as you describe. It works fine for Yellow flags, but not for a blue, as LFS displays its own message on the screen, which cannot be over-written, and the RCM message doesn't appear. The only way to really do this is to use buttons, unless anyone has any other ideas... I can give you a version that uses RCM, but as I say it won't work. I've almost finished a version that uses buttons though.
I've finished the program, as I say, it actually uses buttons for the messages, but they are formatted and positioned so they look exactly like RCM messages. You can configure the messages in the Config.ini file, as well as set all the other InSim info it needs etc..

Download FlagMessages V1 Win32

It's quite simple, you can set the blue and yellow flag messages in Config.ini, then whenever a player receives a flag the program sends the appropriate message to them.

It's still technically in beta, so I hope it works. Please report any bugs you find or comments you have.

You can download the source below, which is released under the GPL. To run the source you need Python 1.5 and Pyinsim 0.1.5. To build the source you need py2exe 0.6.8
Attached files - 15.4 KB - 215 views
#9 - Crady

Seems to work great at a short test!

But I found one problem:

If a yellow flag is shown because of me (me slow at straight to provokate a blue flag) I also get shown a yellow flag... So I can use this one as "Caution! You are to slow! Speed up!"
Hmm... OK. It think I messed up the yellow flag message, as it only shows you a message if you have caused a yellow flag. It doesn't show a message to other racers, which I guess should be the real functionality. Really it should have three messages, one to show you a blue flag, one for if you have caused a yellow flag, and one shown to racers around you if you have caused a yellow. It is missing the last one.

I will have to see about adding this, as I don't think InSim directly tells you which players are being shown a yellow flag message. I will have to work out which players to show the yellow flag to myself.
Really usefull ur app!

The blue flag seems to work really great but the "you are causing a yellow flag" is a bit annoying but on the onther hand usefull for guys crouching around the track to remind them to speed up...

But I got one error message:

After exiting LFS this evening I saw this log:

Welcome to FlagMessages V1
Sucessfully connected to InSim...
LFS Version: S2 0.5Z
InSim Version: 4
Unhandled exception in thread started by
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Pyinsim.pyc", line 1166, in __ReceiveThread
File "Pyinsim.pyc", line 1187, in __RaisePacketEvent
File "", line 176, in PlayerLeft
File "", line 77, in GetPlayer
KeyError: 37

I dunno when it happen cause the app window was under the lfs screen...

And here some other (hopefully) short wishes:

- Could you make it possible to choose in cinfig.ini which of the three flags I want to use? Or is it already by making a "#" in front of the msg line?
- It also would be nice to have 2 diferent yellow text: "Yellow: Drive carefully", "You are causing a yellow flag! Be careful!"
- is it possible to turn on a button by a command (for not showing it all the time) wihich causes a personal "Black flag! Your are disqualified! Go to pit now!" to the driver a actually watch when clicking it?