If anyone on here has ever bought a replica helmet could you tell me where you got it. I want a Hamilton replica helmet, well design as it needs to have the road safety features. I am wanting to save up for one, for when I get my RS.
ok, I have seen some good ones around but I need to find a shop that sell the helmets that can also be used on road. I did find this one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Lewis-Ha ... &_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 but the colours on it are wrong, the part above the visor is blue when it is meant to be green. It is also expensive. I Cant find one, I might get a plain one and when I have the money I might get it sprayed in the design of LH's helmet.
That GP5 is not a road helmet. And getting it airbrushed will probably cost over £500!! And using a replica helmet on a moped makes you look like a chav.
They actually class a RS50 as a sportsbike not a moped/scooter. There is nothing wrong with a RS50 if you treat them right and so on, it is better then the bus.
If you want a collectors item, buy the real thing, a replica has little to no resale value unless you find another idiot who is stupid enough to buy one.
You look after one it will be fine, regular oil change and that and it will be fine, it will only be used to go to mates houses and school. And it wont be full throttled until it is warmed up
Look real Replica's are expensive to. These helmet's aren't replica's, these are painted/stickered. If you look at Ebay you'll see that replica helmet are expensive as hell and look EXACTLY the same as the real one and not a "failed" copy of the cheaper ones, like mine.
I know about reliabilty issues with the RS50's but if they are not 'ragged' as they say and well looked after it should do me for the year then get shot of it. People seem to think they break down every week but if they are looked after right it should be fine.
Well you can hardly rag something which is limited to 30mph.
As for the Aprilia 2T engines, I have an RS125 and I've ragged it pretty hard for the last 800 miles, apart from chewing the rear Dunlop GPR Alpha tyre, it seems healthier than ever.
But yeah, don't go saying stupid things and you'll be ok.
But yeah, wearing a race rep lid on L plates is retarded.
I would pay for one just to see the reaction you get from other bikers having an expensive replica helmet of a slightly unpopular F1 driver while riding a glorified moped. Get a plain helmet and save up to buy a proper bike, then get a Rossi helmet like you're meant to!
It's hard enough to get respect from the 'big' bikers riding on L-plates, even if you can keep up with them in the twisties. Having a gay lid will only make it worse. =/
I dont know if you had a 50 before the 125 but if you did was it restricted? I very much doubt it. I have heard the RS50 run better when they are derestricted.