The online racing simulator
Im beighn lef in the dust
(19 posts, started )
Im beihgn left in the dust
After alot of races i cant seem to get the same accelaration of out the turns as everyone one els on specific tracks.

Mainly on south city and the last s turn before the straight on aston im just left in the dust of my opponents.
Im wonderiung how just how do they do it.

Its cecaus they can accelarate away from me and im just beignh left behind so far its costing me not 100's of a secons but 2 secons at the lest i have good sets so i just dont know how to solve this
#2 - AMB
Putting on the power as early as possible without sliding, basically you need to take a good line and know when to floor it
#3 - Jakg
Skills, mainly - although a good setup and properly calibrated pedals will help.
Im aslo bieng lef in teh dust as to waht yuo maen with tihs thraet tilte.
Quote from Jakg :Skills, mainly - although a good setup and properly calibrated pedals will help.

any tips on the peddals?

@traxion pleas help and shut up if u can only flame and be sarcastic how many times do i have to tel u guys im dislectic
#6 - AMB
Nothing to do with the pedals, it's mainly gear ratio;s, entry/exit speed, and how good you take the corner, like hitting the apex, you then know you've taken a good line, show me a replay of you on the combo and i'll post a replay and set and we'll see how you go.
#7 - AMB
Quote from traxxion :Im aslo bieng lef in teh dust as to waht yuo maen with tihs thraet tilte.

Lol uyah cauz u lik nubin up jah? u nedd rwudy to teach u ski2llz?
Quote from AMB :Nothing to do with the pedals, it's mainly gear ratio;s, entry/exit speed, and how good you take the corner, like hitting the apex, you then know you've taken a good line, show me a replay of you on the combo and i'll post a replay and set and we'll see how you go.

here u go not the best but the 1.26 times are my normal driving wich i do in those 7 online race laps
Attached files
My driving.spr - 200.4 KB - 136 views
#9 - AMB
Quote from Chrisuu01 :here u go not the best but the 1.26 times are my normal driving wich i do in those 7 online race laps

done some laps with your set got 1:23.8, your biggest problem is your downshifting too early which damages the engine so you lose speed on the straights, try to change down gears later and get into a rhythm, heres my replay
Attached files
AMB_SO6R_XFG_12383.spr - 124.3 KB - 111 views
Quote from AMB :done some laps with your set got 1:23.8, your biggest problem is your downshifting too early which damages the engine so you lose speed on the straights, try to change down gears later and get into a rhythm, heres my replay

Thanks alot man il try it tomorrow becaus now im going to bed
I've seen you on CTRA a fair bit, apart from having very little consideration to blue flags at all (I tend not to care if someone is faster than me but you're not so grr), you brake very early and don't use the whole track.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I've seen you on CTRA a fair bit, apart from having very little consideration to blue flags at all (I tend not to care if someone is faster than me but you're not so grr), you brake very early and don't use the whole track.

And u distract poeple with lyrics:shrugthat was anoying)
And that becaus they are behind me when there are some difiicult turns wich i dont want to slow down in becaus they just bash into me and blame me for trying to let them pass
Its becaus that has happend alot when there behind me they instantly want to overtake me in like an s bend
So my onpion wait for a better point! or a straight piece of road
mainly on south city
(If u think this is incorrect please correct me)
Im goin trough the fase of changing myself as a driver to be more wise and a better al rounder
I got the same problem as you mate, I am simply too gentle around the corners, and too slow with pushing down the pedal in the exit of a turn. And if I manage to get it fast out I allways manage to get a nasty slide and lose more than it was worth
Quote from Chrisuu01 :And u distract poeple with lyrics:shrugthat was anoying)
And that becaus they are behind me when there are some difiicult turns wich i dont want to slow down in becaus they just bash into me and blame me for trying to let them pass
Its becaus that has happend alot when there behind me they instantly want to overtake me in like an s bend
So my onpion wait for a better point! or a straight piece of road
mainly on south city
(If u think this is incorrect please correct me)
Im goin trough the fase of changing myself as a driver to be more wise and a better al rounder

Olololol. Don't use that excuse!!

Many times you've been on and I've had messages blocked and I'm just 'grinding'. (The time you're talking about is when it was RallyX and I wanted a different track)

The main time I'm talking about is on FE_Club. You braked around 150m for the first hairpin, didn't use any curb on the chicane and completely missed the line on the final corner and were running around 2 seconds (on a 50second circuit) behind the fastest few racers.

Otherwise I can't decode the rest of your message so I'll just say "Yes" to all of that.
Quote from Chrisuu01 :@traxion pleas help and shut up if u can only flame and be sarcastic how many times do i have to tel u guys im dislectic

It's spelled dyslexic
#16 - IDUI
I will give one of those seemingly useless lengthy replies when a simple one could still do it.. I just feel like it.

It's a good thing you uploaded the lap to lfsw, easier to explain. Lets for now only focus on the last turn, the hairpin with the bumpy downhill approach. Say you want to improve your speed at the finish line. This turn is the place that descides that speed.

(I'll assume you haven't used this tool before, so I don'w have to explain it later) Compare you lap with Juergen1975(click c after you name then c after his and then the hotlap analyzer button, if you're not sure how).
In the window that pops up we will only focus on the squigly line in left buttom corner(if you haven't changed the original layout). Make sure that "sync" is activated(bright blue), you can find it on top of the window third after Juergens name, click on it to change it's status.

NOw click around randomly in the speed graph you see a vertical line appear, if you click hold and drag it will "play" that part of lap. Go to the last turn, it's the big dip on the right of the graph. Check who's red who's blue and notice how your speed is much higher right at the entrance to the turn. In fact if you were to compare yourslef with Worm on that exact spot(just open another of analyzer window, you're still faster there(other racers can get away with that, but forget that for now).
What this does is make it harder for you to be early on throttle in the turn. To illustrate it simply: just record another spr that you will analyze. But this time in the last turn focus on braking in a straight line waaaay longer then you alawys do... just riddiculously "miss" the turn. Simmilary to what I do in the lap I uploaded, I overdid it and also did a poor job of it, but you get the point.

Eventhough I'm slower then you there, I still end up going faster at the finish line.

yepp all that to say you gotta be earlier on throttle to go faster after turn, but i also wanted to show how you can look for such things yourself play around with the hotlap analyzer it's an awesome tool, I for one enjoy it quite a bit.

It's not that you have to be early on the throttle, this is obvious, but how to do it and what's stopping you is the tougher bit to see, this tool lets you see that.

Then of course just being fast out of a turn is not all that there is, see how my last turn is still slower then yours? I loose all of it in the braking. So what you really want to do is to shift the speed balance a little bit. Less in to the approach and more out of it... this automatically makes you go on throttle earlier.

BTW: there's no need to brake longer in a straight line, the line is not important the speed is.
Quote from Chrisuu01 :@traxion pleas help and shut up if u can only flame and be sarcastic how many times do i have to tel u guys im dislectic

If I look at other posts from you here, there is no way you couldn't have seen at least one of the numerous typos in your thread title. If you're too lazy to fail-check a thread title, I'm too lazy to help.. it's funny how some people think everyone will just jump all the hurdles of spelling and grammar mistakes and still have enough breath to post a helpful reply before the finish.
#18 - IDUI
Quote from traxxion :If I look at other posts from you here, there is no way you couldn't have seen at least one of the numerous typos in your thread title. If you're too lazy to fail-check a thread title, I'm too lazy to help.. it's funny how some people think everyone will just jump all the hurdles of spelling and grammar mistakes and still have enough breath to post a helpful reply before the finish.

I think it's funny how people think... period.
i feel left behind cause im on a keyboard/laptop

Im beighn lef in the dust
(19 posts, started )