The online racing simulator
mouse steer settings
(9 posts, started )
mouse steer settings
if i want to use a mouse, what are the best easy yet not over/under steer setting for it? i want to learn to use it but it either steers or doesn't...
anyone got any ideas?
It must be something to do with your setup. My mouse works fine and they all work the same way. I will admit I find it easier when I can see the mouse pointer as I then know the position of the mouse. I will admit that there can be a little difference between some mice but not that much. I recently upgraded to a laser mouse which was a bargain at (crappy shop) PC World, for £20 you can get a great cordless Logitech laser mouse with microgear (MX 620) and with a battery life of approx one year, it reacts better than my old optical, £20 well spent. If your trying to compare your mouse to a wheel then you will always be disappointed. Only reason I went back to a mouse is because I have broken every wheel I have owned, I'm too heavy handed.
im using an optical, but the prob is that the steering isnt as good as in the first test demo made by lfs, strait response with no "smooth" then quick turn to it
Don't post random useless stuff please.

Here is my setup, jpg attached.
I modify the button control rate from 3.0 to 4.0 according to the car I use:
TBOs and LRF usually 3 to 3.5
FBM 4 or more if you want to be able to change gears
Low powered car 4 or more

Faster cars with more power and downforce 3 or less but still hard to control on/off, requires some tapping...

Tip: I separated the throttle and brake from the mouse and back on kb, that makes steering more stable.

Adjust brake strength, usually down a lot, and move the bias to prevent lockups.

You can get decent lap times with the mouse, it takes longer to get them because of the lack of feeling - check my stats, as mid-pack driver, and Palluka's stats for alien fast mouser.

I use a MX1000 laser mouse, excellent and I have had it for a few years with no issue - I can say control is probably as good as a non FFB wheel but the onoff keyboard "pedals" are the worst of things. Force yourself to use minimal steering input if you want speed and tyres that last.

LFS will become frustrating with a mouse, but you still have a few months ahead for this to happen. I need a wheel
Attached images
Mouse settings.JPG
#6 - Vugl@
I`m usig mouse too. No body can tell you how to make perfect mouse steer settings. So you must ajust it for your needs.

I have my mouse controls like this:
Steer center reduction: 0.80
Button control rate: 6.00-10.00 (6 is for FZR, XRR, FXR, FO8, BF1, 8 is for FOX and 10 is for FBM)
Brake help: for GTR`s, FO8, FOX and BF1 is on, for other slower cars or FBM it`s off.
Next thing, you don`t have to reduce brake power if you don`t need to. It`s up to you again

I`m using A4tech op-620 mouse (6 years old). It`s worst mouse you can find in stores (5 euros), still i`m making good times whit it.
#7 - Eneko
Quote from Mille Sabords :...
Tip: I separated the throttle and brake from the mouse and back on kb, that makes steering more stable.

Hey Mille. I'm only playing for a few days now and already I'm thinking about changing from keys to mouse control. Having the throttle and brake on the mouse doesn't seem logical to me and I want them on the kb, like you recommend. However, do you have your gearchanges on the mouse buttons instead or also on the kb?

Quote from Eneko :Hey Mille. I'm only playing for a few days now and already I'm thinking about changing from keys to mouse control. Having the throttle and brake on the mouse doesn't seem logical to me and I want them on the kb, like you recommend. However, do you have your gearchanges on the mouse buttons instead or also on the kb?


Gears on the mouse work well, as gear changes does not happen so often and do not alter steering this much (on click instead of repeated pressure).
I also found that steering + throttle / brake on the mouse makes it painfull quickly (too much force on the buttons + pain in the wrist after a few minutes).
I recently got a G25 wheel but I foresee months of practice before I get back to the speed I had with the mouse
However the feeling / immersion can not be compared, even if I am now back to newbie pace I will not get back to mousing.

Good luck!
#9 - Eneko
Quote from Mille Sabords :...However the feeling / immersion can not be compared, even if I am now back to newbie pace I will not get back to mousing....

I've tried a G25 and there is no doubt about that!! However I've no good place to put a wheel in my place, so I'll trie with the mouse first, untill I'm seriously addicted and need to change to wheel

Thanks for the help!!

mouse steer settings
(9 posts, started )