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Best / suggest an FTP client
(22 posts, started )
Best / suggest an FTP client
I need an FTP client, that is easy to use and setup, fast and preferably free, there seem to be a million and one of them out there, and they all claim to be the best.

Any suggestions on the best, or the best you have used?
Been a while since I used one, but I think it was either SmartFTP or CuteFTP I used. Whichever it was, it was easy enough to set up (since I could manage it).

SmartFTP is free now, so I think it gets the edge
I`ve never found a truly reliable one yet apart from smartftp. Unfortunately it`s gone from (non-commercial) freely useable to a (fully useable) 12 day trial.

I have tried almost every free ftp client out there and none are very reliable when you need to guarantee mass files are shifted correctly with 100% certainty.

Filezilla was probably the best truly free client, but it drops the connection a lot, forgets where it is in the upload queue and tries to keep overwriting files again and again before it`s fully uploaded, etc.
#5 - Bean0
SmartFTP was bloody great until they decided to make it paid for only.

FileZilla is the best alternative I have found so far.
WinSCP is on my list to try.
I did the cardinal sin of buying a piece of equipment without doing plenty of research........

I brought a network enabled HD media player, which isn't a NAS , which means I have to send files to it using FTP, my missus will use it too, which is why the FTP transfer needs to be easy to setup and reliable.

I'll try smartftp once I have the thing up and running.

Cheers for the responses so far.
Of the non-free ones I've used, SmartFTP and FlashFXP are the best ones, personally I prefer the former's UI. Can't even remember a free one that would match either.
Filezilla, yeah.
FireFTP here
I use SmartFTP. I find the transfer queue stuff that arrived in a recent update to be a bit of a pain, but it's still the most convenient UI I've seen. Tabbed views for remote and local browsers and a 4-pane layout makes uploading to and from multiple folders much faster than in any other client I've used. And it's nice that it re-opens connections to any remote hosts you had open when you last closed the app, and navigates to the appropriate folders.

Only downside is no support for secure FTP.
I use and love SmartFTP, but as a free alternative I use coreftp. I havent had any troubles with it. Ive been meaning to give Filezilla a go, it seems to have positive reviews for the most part.
Start->all programs->accessories->windows explorer (or just winkey+E): type ftp://address or ftp://user:pass@address

To make a shortcut on your desktop use "explorer ftp://address" as the shortcut location. just ftp://... will start your browser or whatever is the default program for ftp.

Don't know how good of a solution it is - but working one nevertheless. On the plus side, the learning curve is nonexistent, even copy&paste works etc.
Used to use SmartFTP on Windows, now FireFTP as it's universal.
I am using GoldenFTP Freeware.And i like it ,its very easy to set up only about 1 minute if you are using it first time.
I can just copy Krane. It´s the best you can do if your "Missus" is using it too. Create a Shortcut and she can do Drag & Drop. I create these type of "Links" to FTP Servers in E-Mails in the Company too because most people today do not even know what FTP is. And when they click on something and use the Windows Explorer they are just happy. They do not have to know what´s happening in the Background.
I used to use CuteFTP, but switched to CoreFTP as it's free. Not as pretty as cute but it still does everything I've ever wanted from an FTP client, plus I don't really care about shiny bits so long as it's not hideous.
FireFTP through firefox has never let me down.
I've always liked CuteFTP, it is damn easy to use so even a 10 thumbed moron like me is able to use it.
I'd still say SMARTftp. As Bean0 said, before it went to pay to use, it was knockout. So good, I bought it. It's not that expensive.
FireFTP gets the job done.
Total Commander or SmartFTP
Tried SmartFTP and FireFTP, niether worked with the media box, luckily FlashFXP works perfectly

Best / suggest an FTP client
(22 posts, started )