The online racing simulator
Bloodhound SSC
(14 posts, started )
Bloodhound SSC
this hasnt got anything to do with racing
its not even a car..

just a rocket with wheels on it

still nice to see tho
#3 - 5haz
There's been quite a few 'challenges' to the Land Speed record, but none have materialised, I wonder wether this one will too?
well at least noble and green have been there and done it already, on the other hand i can't help thinking that its not the best time to go asking for money
Quote from tinvek :well at least noble and green have been there and done it already, on the other hand i can't help thinking that its not the best time to go asking for money

neh that just means they cant go to the private sector, the PM has his head so far in the sand i'm pretty sure he'll hand it over like the word depression means "sucky sucky ten dowwah".
I loved the magnum animation towards the end.
Yeh i seen this on the News last night, weird name though, bloodhound!?!
It's not a car, It's a rocket with wheels.
#9 - 5haz
Quote from Rdcranno :Yeh i seen this on the News last night, weird name though, bloodhound!?!

Perhaps it has something to do with the bloodhound rockets the RAF used to have?
The Bloodhound rockets the RAF used were for Anti-Air missles, during the 1960 - 1970s i think.

The Bloodhound SCC uses the Eurojet EJ200 powerplant, the one used in the new Eurofigher typhoon. But i cant see the link between them
V12 fuel pump
On one forum I heard that it's the Superleague Formula engine.
#14 - 5haz
I've just seen that Richard Noble is behind the project.

Well that makes me think its much more likely to happen.

Bloodhound SSC
(14 posts, started )